ESD connection
An ESD connection is available for components at risk from electrostatic discharge. With this de-
sign, all electrically-conducting components are connected to the grounding connection on the
back panel of the test fixture. The replacement kit's probe plate unit is earthed using a spring-load-
ed discharge probe in the test fixture's base system. Earthing in the replacement kit's pressure
frame unit uses a grounding cable installed in the base system that must be connected to the pres-
sure frame plate.
Grounding cable from base system to pressure frame unit
Removing the drive lock
To open the test fixture, the drive lock must first be removed.
Initial contacting
Before using the replacement kit for the first time, we recommend inspecting the position of the
test probes and retention clamps on the electronic assembly. Here, it is particularly important to
maintain an adequate distance between the retention clamps and the components on the circuit
Removing the drive system's knurled-head screws
INGUN: Subject to technical changes without notice. E&OE.