Instalação da unidade
INSTALLATION MANUAL---Installation of the Indoor unit
INSTALLATION MANUAL---Installation of the Indoor unit
Instalação da unidade interna (cont.)
Refrigerant piping connection
Refrigerant piping connection
Tubulações do fluido refrigerante
The piping can be run in the 3 directions indicated by
INSTALLATION MANUAL---Installation of the Indoor unit
numbers in the picture . When the piping is run in
O sentido da tubulação pode ser feita nas 3 direções indicadas
The piping can be run in the 3 directions indicated by
direction 1or3, cut a notch along the groove on the side
na figura ao lado. Se as conexões forem feitas em uma das
numbers in the picture . When the piping is run in
of the indoor unit with a cutter.
laterais, destaque o alívio existente para passagem da tubulação.
Refrigerant piping connection
direction 1or3, cut a notch along the groove on the side
Run the piping in the direction of the wall hole and bind
of the indoor unit with a cutter.
Direcione as tubulações até a passagem na parede e envolva-
the copper pipes , the drain pipe and the power cables
The piping can be run in the 3 directions indicated by
Run the piping in the direction of the wall hole and bind
together with the tape with the drain pipe at the bottom,
as juntamente com os cabos de interconexão e a mangueira de
numbers in the picture . When the piping is run in
the copper pipes , the drain pipe and the power cables
so that water can flow freely.
drenagem. A mangueira de drenagem deve estar localizada na
direction 1or3, cut a notch along the groove on the side
together with the tape with the drain pipe at the bottom,
parte inferior para facilitar o escoamento da água.
Do not remove the cap from the pipe until connecting
of the indoor unit with a cutter.
so that water can flow freely.
it, to avoid dampness or dirt from entering.
Não remova as tampas das extremidades das tubulações até
Run the piping in the direction of the wall hole and bind
If the pipe is bent or pulled too often , it will become
que estejam conectadas, para evitar a entrada de umidade e
Do not remove the cap from the pipe until connecting
the copper pipes , the drain pipe and the power cables
stiff . Do not bend the pipe more than three times at
it, to avoid dampness or dirt from entering.
together with the tape with the drain pipe at the bottom,
one point.
Para estender as tubulações, desenrole-as, conforme
If the pipe is bent or pulled too often , it will become
so that water can flow freely.
When extending the rolled pipe, straighten the pipe by
mostrado na figura ao lado.
stiff . Do not bend the pipe more than three times at
unwinding it gently as shown in the picture.
Do not remove the cap from the pipe until connecting
one point.
it, to avoid dampness or dirt from entering.
When extending the rolled pipe, straighten the pipe by
If the pipe is bent or pulled too often , it will become
unwinding it gently as shown in the picture.
stiff . Do not bend the pipe more than three times at
Connections to the indoor unit
one point.
When extending the rolled pipe, straighten the pipe by
1. Remove the indoor unit pipe cap (check that there is
unwinding it gently as shown in the picture.
Conexão da tubulação a unidade interna
Connections to the indoor unit
no debris inside).
Remova as tampas das extremidades. Verifique se estão
2. Insert the fare nut and create a flange at the extreme
livres de sujeira e rebarbas.
end of the connection pipe.
1. Remove the indoor unit pipe cap (check that there is
3. Tighten the connections by using two wrenches
Insira a porca curta no tubo de cobre e faça o flangeamento
no debris inside).
Connections to the indoor unit
working in opposite directions
na extremidade.
2. Insert the fare nut and create a flange at the extreme
Ajuste as conexões usando duas chaves, girando-as em
end of the connection pipe.
direções opostas.
1. Remove the indoor unit pipe cap (check that there is
Indoor unit condensed water drainage
3. Tighten the connections by using two wrenches
no debris inside).
working in opposite directions
The indoor unit condensed water drainage is fundamen-
2. Insert the fare nut and create a flange at the extreme
tal for the success of the installation.
end of the connection pipe.
3. Tighten the connections by using two wrenches
Indoor unit condensed water drainage
1. Place the drain hose below the piping, taking care not
working in opposite directions
to create siphons.
2. The drain hose must slant downwards to aid drainage.
The indoor unit condensed water drainage is fundamen-
Dreno de água condensada da unidade interna
3. Do not bend the drain hose or leave it protruding or
tal for the success of the installation.
Indoor unit condensed water drainage
A instalação correta da drenagem de condensado é um ponto
twisted and do not put the end of it in water . If an
fundamental na instalação do equipamento.
1. Place the drain hose below the piping, taking care not
extension is connected to the drain hose , ensure that
it is lagged when it passes into the indoor unit.
to create siphons.
The indoor unit condensed water drainage is fundamen-
Coloque a mangueira de drenagem na parte inferior do
4. If the piping is installed to the right, the pipes, power
2. The drain hose must slant downwards to aid drainage.
tal for the success of the installation.
conjunto de interconexão, tomando cuidado para não
cable and drain hose must be lagged and secured onto
3. Do not bend the drain hose or leave it protruding or
formar sifões.
the rear of the unit with a pipe connection.
1. Place the drain hose below the piping, taking care not
twisted and do not put the end of it in water . If an
1) Insert the pipe connection into the relative slot.
A mangueira de drenagem deve manter ao longo de
to create siphons.
extension is connected to the drain hose , ensure that
2) Press to join the pipe connection to the base.
sua extensão no sentido descendente para facilitar o
2. The drain hose must slant downwards to aid drainage.
it is lagged when it passes into the indoor unit.
escoamento de água.
3. Do not bend the drain hose or leave it protruding or
4. If the piping is installed to the right, the pipes, power
twisted and do not put the end of it in water . If an
cable and drain hose must be lagged and secured onto
Não dobre a ponta da mangueira de drenagem nem a
extension is connected to the drain hose , ensure that
the rear of the unit with a pipe connection.
coloque abaixo do nível da água.
it is lagged when it passes into the indoor unit.
1) Insert the pipe connection into the relative slot.
Se a saída das tubulações for feita pela direita do
4. If the piping is installed to the right, the pipes, power
2) Press to join the pipe connection to the base.
equipamento, estas devem ser presas na parte de trás do
cable and drain hose must be lagged and secured onto
the rear of the unit with a pipe connection.
1) Insert the pipe connection into the relative slot.
Insira a conexão da mangueira no furo de passagem da
2) Press to join the pipe connection to the base.
Pressione para unir a conexão de dreno a mangueira de
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810678LO_MANU_TRANE_INV_rev_01.indd 18
Curve os tubos até a saída
Shape the connection pipe
Shape the connection pipe
Extending the rolled pipe
Shape the connection pipe
Como desenrolar os tubos
Extending the rolled pipe
Extending the rolled pipe
torque wrench
torque wrench
torque wrench
05/02/2021 15:27:09
05/02/2021 15:27:09