
Enlaces rápidos

Instruction manual
Notice d'instructions
2-wire, 4 mA ... 20 mA HART, switch output (PFS)
II 1/3G Ex ic [ia] IIC T6-T1 Ga/Gc
Ex ic [ia] IIC T6-T1 Ga/Gc
DE – Sicherheitshinweise für elektrische Betriebsmittel für
explosionsgefährdete Bereiche, siehe Seite 5
EN – Safety instructions for electrical apparatus for explosion-
hazardous areas, see page 11
FR – Conseils de sécurité pour matériels électriques destinés aux
zones explosibles, regardez à la page 17



Tabla de contenido

Resumen de contenidos para Pepperl+Fuchs Pulscon LTC51

  • Página 1 Betriebsanleitung Instruction manual Notice d'instructions Pulscon LTC51 2-wire, 4 mA ... 20 mA HART, switch output (PFS) ATEX: II 1/3G Ex ic [ia] IIC T6-T1 Ga/Gc IECEx: Ex ic [ia] IIC T6-T1 Ga/Gc SI01127O-C DE – Sicherheitshinweise für elektrische Betriebsmittel für explosionsgefährdete Bereiche, siehe Seite 5 EN –...
  • Página 2 Pokud nemáte možnost přečíst si tento návod, můžete si u nás objednat návod přeložený do svého jazyka. Ražotājs Pepperl+Fuchs ar šo atbils bas apliecinājumu un CE zīmola lietojumu aps prina, ka produkts izgatavots sakaņā ar atbilstošajām Prohlášení o shodě s ES Eiropas vadlīnijām.
  • Página 3 Pulscon LTC51 SI01127O-C EU-Konformitätserklärung/EU-Declaration of conformity/ Déclaration UE de conformité...
  • Página 4 Pulscon LTC51 SI01127O-C...
  • Página 5: Tabla De Contenido

    Pulscon LTC51 SI01127O-C Pulscon LTC51 2-wire, 4 mA ... 20 mA HART, switch output (PFS) Table of Contents Associated documentation............
  • Página 6: Associated Documentation

    Pulscon LTC51 SI01127O-C Associated This document is an integral part of the following Operating Instructions: documentation BA01001O The Operating Instructions pertaining to the device apply. Supplementary Explosion-protection manual documentation Manufacturer's EU-Declaration of conformity certificates see page 3 EC type-examination certificate...
  • Página 7: Safety Instructions: General

    • Modifications to the device can affect the explosion protection and must be carried out by staff authorized to perform such work by Pepperl+Fuchs. • When replacing the probe electronics or opening the connection between the remote cable and the probe, a jumper plug must be used or a short-circuit must be established between the probe contact and the potential equalization conductor to avoid electrostatically charging the probe.
  • Página 8: Safety Instructions: Installation

    Pulscon LTC51 SI01127O-C Safety instructions: Installation – Figure 1 Zone 2 Tank; Zone 0, Zone 2 Electronic insert Certified associated apparatus Potential equalization line Potential equalization • After aligning (rotating) the housing, retighten the fixing screw (see Operating Instructions). • When mounting the device: –...
  • Página 9: Safety Instructions: Zone

    Pulscon LTC51 SI01127O-C Safety instructions: • In the event of potentially explosive vapor/air mixtures, only operate the device under Zone 0 atmospheric conditions. – Temperature: -20 °C ... +60 °C – Pressure: 80 kPa ... 110 kPa (0,8 bar ... 1,1 bar) –...
  • Página 10 Pulscon LTC51 SI01127O-C...
  • Página 11 Pulscon LTC51 SI01127O-C Temperaturtabellen/Temperature tables/ Tableaux des températures Inhaltsverzeichnis/Table of Contents/Sommaire Allgemeine Hinweise/General notes/Généralités ........
  • Página 12: Allgemeine Hinweise/General Notes/Généralités

    Pulscon LTC51 SI01127O-C Allgemeine Hinweise Wenn nicht anders angegeben, beziehen sich die Positionen immer auf die Grundspezifikation. Hinweis! Zulässigen Temperaturbereich an der Sonde beachten. Auswahltabelle Zulassung Gehäuse ATEX II 1/3G Ex ic [ia] IIC T6-T1 Ga/Gc GT20 Zweikammer, Alu beschichtet...
  • Página 13: Diagramm/Diagram/Diagramme

    Pulscon LTC51 SI01127O-C Diagramm/Diagram/ Beispieldiagramme zu den Temperaturtabellen/Example diagrames to the temperature tables/ Diagramme Diagrammes d'exemple aux tableaux des températures Abbbildung/Figure/Figure 1 Version 1 Version 2 Umgebungstemperatur/Ambient temperature/Température ambiante Prozesstemperatur/Process temperature/Température de process...
  • Página 14: Sonden-Design: Kompakt/Probe Design: Compact/Construction De Sonde : Compacte

    Pulscon LTC51 SI01127O-C Sonden-Design: kompakt/Probe design: compact/Construction de sonde : compacte Ex ic Sonde und Elektronikgehäuse/Probe and electronics housing/Sonde et boîtier de l'électronique : Zone 2 LTC51 Elektrischer Ausgang/Electrical output/Sortie électrique = ID (TRC [02]) Gehäuse/Housing/Boîtier = A2 Elektrischer Temperaturklasse/...
  • Página 15: Sonde/Probe/Sonde : Zone 0

    Pulscon LTC51 SI01127O-C Ex ic Sonde/Probe/Sonde : Zone 0 Elektronikgehäuse/Electronics housing/Boîtier de l'électronique : Zone 2 LTC51 Elektrischer Ausgang/Electrical output/Sortie électrique = ID (TRC [02]) Gehäuse/Housing/Boîtier = A2, A3 Elektrischer Temperaturklasse/ Ausgang/ Temperature class/ Electrical output/ Classe de Sortie électrique température...
  • Página 16 Pulscon LTC51 SI01127O-C...
  • Página 17 Pulscon LTC51 SI01127O-C...
  • Página 18 Pulscon LTC51 SI01127O-C...
  • Página 19 With regard to the supply of products, the current issue of the following document is applicable: The General Terms of Delivery for Products and Services of the Electrical Industry, published by the Central Association of the "Elektrotechnik und Elektroindustrie (ZVEI) e.V." including the supplementary clause: "Erweiterter Eigentumsvorbehalt".
  • Página 20 PROTECTING YOUR PROCESS Worldwide Headquarters Pepperl+Fuchs GmbH 71239683 68307 Mannheim · Germany Tel. +49 621 776-0 SI01127O-C/98/A3/01.13 E-mail: FM7.2 For the Pepperl+Fuchs representative closest to you check DOCT-3761 272452 Subject to modifications 04/2015 Copyright Pepperl+Fuchs • Printed in Germany...

Tabla de contenido