Safety instructions
Ensure that the patient is not touched during defibril-
lation. Do not touch any metal objects or devices in
contact with the patient during defibrillation. Do not
perform defibrillation in very damp or wet environ-
ments. If this instruction is not followed, the patient,
the user or bystanders may sustain life-threatening in-
In order to stop the defibrillation current taking unde-
sired paths, avoid contact between parts of the pa-
tient's body (e. g. bare skin on the head and limbs)
and conductive liquids (e. g. gel, blood or physiologi-
cal saline) or metal parts (e. g. bed frame or stretcher).
If this instruction is not followed, the patient, the user
or bystanders may sustain life-threatening injuries.
It is essential that you also observe your applicable na-
tional regulations relating to the use of defibrillators.
Place the defibrillation electrodes exclusively on the
bare chest of the patient as illustrated on the elec-
trodes. Other positions for the electrodes may lead to
ECG data being misinterpreted and defibrillation be-
ing unsuccessful.
In order to prevent misinterpretation of the ECG due
to movement artefacts, lie the patient still during
rhythm analysis (red display field illuminated) and do
not touch him. Do not perform any resuscitation mea-
sures on the patient during this period and do not
transport him.
If possible on patients with implanted pacemakers, do
not attach the defibrillation electrodes directly over
the location of the pacemaker.
Pulses from implanted pacemakers may affect or im-
pede correct detection of arrhythmias. As a result, not
all shockable rhythms may be detected and under cer-
tain circumstances, the device may not recommend
administering a shock.