Effects of ageing, Bumps and protrusions, Bee stings (insect bites), Chronic pain (like
migraine), Constipation, Colds, Wrinkles and lines, Heel spur Foot treatment, Bronchitis,
Circulation problems, Lipoma (benign), Lymphostasis, Menstrual problems, Keloid scars,
Sinus problems & sinusitis, Edema (post operative), Cellulite, Vegetative inbalance, Gene-
ralized tendomyopathy
Further therapeutic uses and more information about possible forms of treat-
ment along with their effects are to be found in our selected range of publica-
tions (see page 24) as well as on our homepage www.novafon.de where reports
by doctors and therapists pertaining to the use of the NOVAFON® instrument
are readily available.
6. Examples of Use
Headaches can have many different reasons. The
root cause of persisting headaches should be dia-
gnosed by a physician. Often it is a case of tension
Figure 1
in the muscles of back of the neck leading to a
lack of blood circulating to the head thus trigge-
ring headache. In such cases apply the NOVAFON®
instrument several times a day for a maximum of 5
minutesas shown in Figure 1.
Arthrosis of the hip
Include in the treatment all muscles surrounding
the hip joint, that is, those belonging to the thigh,
buttocks and the base of the spine as depicted in
Figure 2. As the unaffected side often compensates
for the weight of the infected joint, it may well be
overburdened. It therefore makes sense to treat the
Figure 2
healthy side too.
Tenosynovitis (Inflammation of the tendons)
Tendons sheathes consist of fibrous tissue
in which the tendons glide back and forth.
In the case of inflammation, treat the entire
Figure 3
forearm from the wrist up to the elbow in a
circular motion, and thisat best mornings and evenings (Fig. 3)