Amplification, full volume
(1 kHz, 60 dB SPL input
BE9122 Headphones
BE9124 In-ear phones
BE9125 Stetoclip
Amplification, full volume
(60 dB SPL input signal,
BE9122 Headphones
BE9124 In-ear phones
BE9125 Stetoclip
Volume control:
Tone control:
On/Off button:
Microphone and T position:
Combined sound sources:
Balance control
Setting for max. volume:
Bass Reduction setting:
Dynamic compressor:
Dynamic noise reduction:
Feedback handling:
Digital signal processing:
Additional information:
42.5 dB
55.0 dB
58.2 dB
46.5 dB
51.5 dB
52.0 dB
9 increments of 5 dB
+/- 10 dB in 9 increments, cut-off frequency 1.6 kHz
Clear, countersunk pushbutton
Separate pushbuttons
For mixing external sound and sound
from the internal microphone
0-20 dB programmable reduction in increments
of 5 dB
0-21 dB programmable reduction in increments
of 3 dB
Lowering of frequencies under 400 Hz by 10 dB
10 channels
Dynamic amplification 0-35 dB
Compression 3:1
Expansion 1:1.5
Attack time 20 ms <3kHz, 25 ms ≥3kHz
Recovery time 110 ms <3kHz, 200 ms ≥3kHz
10 channel adaptive noise reduction
Adaptive feedback reduction
22,050 kHz sampling frequency
16-bit resolution in stereo
Stereo/Mono setting
Resetting to the factory setting
Casing designed to reduce contact noise