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P L S 1 0 X - 3 1 7


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Resumen de contenidos para SICK PLS 10X-317

  • Página 1 P L S P r o x i m i t y L a s e r S c a n n e r P L S 1 0 X - 3 1 7...
  • Página 2 Inhalt/Contents Seite: 3–30 Side: 31–58 Páginas: 59–86 Pages: 87–116 Sivut: 117–144 Page: 145–172 : 173–200 Pagina: 201–228 Side: 229–256 Pagina: 257–284 Páginas: 285–312 Sidan: 313–340 Appendix Page: 341–345 DIN E N I SO 9001 Reg. No . 1 9 4 6 2 - 2...
  • Página 3: Tabla De Contenido

    10. Technische Daten PLS 10X-317 ...........20 11. Anhang: Legende zu den Abbildungen .........28 11.1 Remissionsgrade von Objekten ........28 11.2 Maßbilder...............28 11.3 Steckerbelegung ............28 8 009 810/OA87/13-09-04 Operating Instruction • PLS © SICK AG • Industrial Safety Systems • Germany • All rights reserved...
  • Página 4: Allgemeines

    PLS 10X-317 (Bestell-Nr. 1 022 253) Dieses Gerät ist zertifiziert zur Verwendung als Personenschutzein- richtung und erfüllt bei bestimmungsgemäßem Einsatz die einschlä- gigen Vorschriften. 8 009 810/OA87/13-09-04 Operating Instruction • PLS © SICK AG • Industrial Safety Systems • Germany • All rights reserved...
  • Página 5: Systembeschreibung

    Gefahrenbereichen) als auch in mobilen Applikationen (Auf- fahrschutz an Fahrzeugen) eingesetzt werden. Die Schutzfelddimensionierung muss nach den Vorgaben der Tech- nischen Beschreibung PLS erfolgen. 8 009 810/OA87/13-09-04 Operating Instruction • PLS © SICK AG • Industrial Safety Systems • Germany • All rights reserved...
  • Página 6: Sicherheitsvorschriften Und -Hinweise

    Der Arbeitnehmer ist durch Sachkundige einzuweisen. 5. Dieser Broschüre ist als Anlage eine Checkliste zur Überprüfung durch den Hersteller und Ausrüster beigefügt. 8 009 810/OA87/13-09-04 Operating Instruction • PLS © SICK AG • Industrial Safety Systems • Germany • All rights reserved...
  • Página 7: Montage

    Die Kommunikationsleitung zum PLS wird mit einer abgeschirmten Datenleitung hergestellt (siehe Kapitel Zubehör in der Technischen Beschreibung). Bitte beachten Sie die Hinweise auf der folgenden Seite! 8 009 810/OA87/13-09-04 Operating Instruction • PLS © SICK AG • Industrial Safety Systems • Germany • All rights reserved...
  • Página 8 Nur wenn beide Anschlussgehäuse mit Dichtungen auf die beschrie- bene Art eingesetzt und befestigt werden, entspricht das Gehäuse der Schutzart IP 65. 8 009 810/OA87/13-09-04 Operating Instruction • PLS © SICK AG • Industrial Safety Systems • Germany • All rights reserved...
  • Página 9: Hinweis Für Die Inbetriebnahme

    Das Gerät ist mit einer Grundkonfiguration programmiert. Änderun- gen an Überwachungsbereichen sowie der Parametrierung dürfen nur von autorisierten Personen (Sachkundigen) durchgeführt wer- den. 8 009 810/OA87/13-09-04 Operating Instruction • PLS © SICK AG • Industrial Safety Systems • Germany • All rights reserved...
  • Página 10: Prüfungen

    Die Prüfung vor der Erstinbetriebnahme dient dazu, die in den Nationalen/Internationalen Vorschriften insbesondere der Ma- schinen- oder Arbeitsmittelbenutzerrichtlinie geforderten Sicher- heitsanforderungen zu bestätigen (EG-Konformitätserklärung). 8 009 810/OA87/13-09-04 Operating Instruction • PLS © SICK AG • Industrial Safety Systems • Germany • All rights reserved...
  • Página 11 Gehäuse, Frontscheibe, Anschlusskabel usw. Sie prüfen Ihr PLS-System, indem Sie anhand der in Kapitel 6.2 abgedruckten Checkliste vorgehen. 8 009 810/OA87/13-09-04 Operating Instruction • PLS © SICK AG • Industrial Safety Systems • Germany • All rights reserved...
  • Página 12 Sollte sich hierbei eine Abweichung ergeben, so ist die Maschine/Anlage/das Fahrzeug sofort stillzusetzen und durch einen Sachkundigen zu überprüfen. 8 009 810/OA87/13-09-04 Operating Instruction • PLS © SICK AG • Industrial Safety Systems • Germany • All rights reserved...
  • Página 13: Checkliste

    Nein ❏ kategorie? 4. Ist der Zugang/Zugriff zum Gefahrenbereich/zur Gefahrenstelle nur durch das Schutzfeld der BWS möglich? Ja ❏ Nein ❏ 8 009 810/OA87/13-09-04 Operating Instruction • PLS © SICK AG • Industrial Safety Systems • Germany • All rights reserved...
  • Página 14 Justage gegen Verschieben gesichert? Ja ❏ Nein ❏ 10. Sind die erforderlichen Schutzmaßnahmen gegen elektrischen Schlag wirksam (Schutzklasse)? Ja ❏ Nein ❏ 8 009 810/OA87/13-09-04 Operating Instruction • PLS © SICK AG • Industrial Safety Systems • Germany • All rights reserved...
  • Página 15 18. Ist das Hinweisschild zur täglichen Prüfung für den Bediener gut sichtbar angebracht? Ja ❏ Nein ❏ Diese Checkliste ersetzt nicht die erstmalige Inbetriebnahme sowie regelmäßige Prüfung durch einen Sachkundigen. 8 009 810/OA87/13-09-04 Operating Instruction • PLS © SICK AG • Industrial Safety Systems • Germany • All rights reserved...
  • Página 16: Diagnose

    Für autorisiertes Personal steht mit Hilfe der mitgelieferten Benutzer- software ein ausführliches Diagnosesystem zur Verfügung (siehe Kapitel Benutzersoftware in der Technischen Beschreibung PLS). 8 009 810/OA87/13-09-04 Operating Instruction • PLS © SICK AG • Industrial Safety Systems • Germany • All rights reserved...
  • Página 17: Wartung

    Überprüfen Sie regelmäßig die ordnungsgemäße Funktion des Ge- rätes durch Eingreifen in das Schutzfeld entlang der Schutz- feldgrenzen in Übereinstimmung mit den applikationsspezifischen Vorschriften. 8 009 810/OA87/13-09-04 Operating Instruction • PLS © SICK AG • Industrial Safety Systems • Germany • All rights reserved...
  • Página 18: Service

    Sie finden eine Auflistung des erhältlichen Zubehörs in der Techni- schen Beschreibung zum PLS. Auch die erhältlichen Ersatzteile sind dort aufgeführt. 8 009 810/OA87/13-09-04 Operating Instruction • PLS © SICK AG • Industrial Safety Systems • Germany • All rights reserved...
  • Página 19: Konformitätserklärung

    9. Konformitätserklärung PLS 10X-317 8 009 810/OA87/13-09-04 Operating Instruction • PLS © SICK AG • Industrial Safety Systems • Germany • All rights reserved...
  • Página 20: Technische Daten Pls 10X-317

    über Mehrfachauswertung) zweifach 2 x 40 ms sechzehnfach 16 x 40 ms Einschaltzeiten Bei Spannung Ein Leistungsaufnahme (Ohne Last) 17 W 8 009 810/OA87/13-09-04 Operating Instruction • PLS © SICK AG • Industrial Safety Systems • Germany • All rights reserved...
  • Página 21 Mehrfachauswertung Deaktivierung nach WF-Eingriff (2-fach Auswertung) 127 ms Aktivierung bei Warnfeld (WF) frei 40 ms Kurzschlussfest Schaltfolge 3 Hz Lastinduktivität 8 009 810/OA87/13-09-04 Operating Instruction • PLS © SICK AG • Industrial Safety Systems • Germany • All rights reserved...
  • Página 22 Im Fehlerfall: Leckstrom 2,1 mA Fehlerfall: Unterbrechung der GND- Leitung. Das nachgeschaltete Steuer- element muss diesen Zustand als LOW erkennen. 8 009 810/OA87/13-09-04 Operating Instruction • PLS © SICK AG • Industrial Safety Systems • Germany • All rights reserved...
  • Página 23 Testpulsbreite 55 µs bzw. 460 µs Testpulshäufigkeit wechselweise alle 40 ms OSSD 1 und OSSD 2 Testpulsbreite 55 µs Testpulshäufigkeit 8 009 810/OA87/13-09-04 Operating Instruction • PLS © SICK AG • Industrial Safety Systems • Germany • All rights reserved...
  • Página 24 Die EG Baumusterprüfung erfolgte gemäß BiA-Prüfempfehlungen, die in wesentlichen Teilen dem aktuellen Normentwurf zu Normentwurf zu IEC 61496-3:1999 entsprechen Typ 3 Typ 3 Typ 3 8 009 810/OA87/13-09-04 Operating Instruction • PLS © SICK AG • Industrial Safety Systems • Germany • All rights reserved...
  • Página 25 Bei der Ver- wendung einer RS 422-Verbindung sollte der Schirm nur einseitig ange- schlossen werden. Der Schirm sollte rechnerseitig aufgelegt werden. 8 009 810/OA87/13-09-04 Operating Instruction • PLS © SICK AG • Industrial Safety Systems • Germany • All rights reserved...
  • Página 26 DIN 40040, Tabelle 10, Kennbuchstabe E (mäßig trocken) Sender Infrarot-Laserdiode Wellenlänge 885 nm 905 nm 935 nm Empfänger Öffnungswinkel ± 0,5° ± 1° 8 009 810/OA87/13-09-04 Operating Instruction • PLS © SICK AG • Industrial Safety Systems • Germany • All rights reserved...
  • Página 27 Abmessungen (B x H x T) 155 mm x 185 mm x 156 mm Farbe Frontteil gelb RAL 1021 Rückteil schwarz RAL 9005 8 009 810/OA87/13-09-04 Operating Instruction • PLS © SICK AG • Industrial Safety Systems • Germany • All rights reserved...
  • Página 28: Anhang: Legende Zu Den Abbildungen

    Alle Maße sind in mm dargestellt. Sensorhalteschrauben 11.3 Steckerbelegung Abbildung 4: Steckerbelegung Pinbelegung des Versorgungssteckers Alle Maße sind in mm dargestellt. 8 009 810/OA87/13-09-04 Operating Instruction • PLS © SICK AG • Industrial Safety Systems • Germany • All rights reserved...
  • Página 29 Schirm (verdrillt) Stiftleiste Brücke 7-8 zum Umschalten RS 232/RS 422 Legende zu den Adern: grün gelb blau Schirm 8 009 810/OA87/13-09-04 Operating Instruction • PLS © SICK AG • Industrial Safety Systems • Germany • All rights reserved...
  • Página 30 8 009 810/OA87/13-09-04 Operating Instruction • PLS © SICK AG • Industrial Safety Systems • Germany • All rights reserved...
  • Página 31 11. Bilag: Forklaring til illustrationerne ........56 11.1 Objekters remissionsgrader ......... 56 11.2 Målskitser ..............56 11.3 Stikfordeling ..............57 8 009 810/OA87/13-09-04 Operating Instruction • PLS © SICK AG • Industrial Safety Systems • Germany • All rights reserved...
  • Página 32: Generelt

    PLS 10X - 317 (best.-nr. 1 022 253) Sikkerhedsscanneren er godkendt som sikkerhedsudstyr til personsikring og opfylder ved korrekt brug de relevante standarder og anvisninger. 8 009 810/OA87/13-09-04 Operating Instruction • PLS © SICK AG • Industrial Safety Systems • Germany • All rights reserved...
  • Página 33: Systembeskrivelse

    (påk- ørselsbeskyttelse på køretøjer). Beskyttelsesfeltets dimensionering skal foretages i overens- stemmelse med angivelserne i den tekniske beskrivelse til PLS. 8 009 810/OA87/13-09-04 Operating Instruction • PLS © SICK AG • Industrial Safety Systems • Germany • All rights reserved...
  • Página 34: Sikkerhedsforskrifter Og -Henvisninger

    Arbejdstageren skal instrueres af fagkyndige. 5. Til denne brochure er der i bilaget vedlagt en checkliste som kontrol for producenten og leverandøren. 8 009 810/OA87/13-09-04 Operating Instruction • PLS © SICK AG • Industrial Safety Systems • Germany • All rights reserved...
  • Página 35: Montering

    Kommunikationsledningen til PLS oprettes med en afskærmet dataledning (se kapitlet Tilbehør i den tekniske beskrivelse). Bemærk henvisningerne på næste side! 8 009 810/OA87/13-09-04 Operating Instruction • PLS © SICK AG • Industrial Safety Systems • Germany • All rights reserved...
  • Página 36 Først derefter skal De sikre tilslutningshuset med unbrakoskruerne på siden. Kun hvis begge tilslutningshuse er indsat med pakninger på den beskrevne måde, opfylder huset kapslingsklasse IP 65. 8 009 810/OA87/13-09-04 Operating Instruction • PLS © SICK AG • Industrial Safety Systems • Germany • All rights reserved...
  • Página 37: Henvisninger Vedrørende Idrifttagningen

    Apparatet er programmeret med en grundkonfiguration. Ændringer i overvågningsområder samt af parametreringen må kun gennemføres af autoriserede personer (fagkyndige). 8 009 810/OA87/13-09-04 Operating Instruction • PLS © SICK AG • Industrial Safety Systems • Germany • All rights reserved...
  • Página 38: Kontroller

    Kontrollen inden første idrifttagning tjener til at bekræfte de sikkerhedskrav, som kræves ifølge de nationale/internationale forskrifter, især i direktivet vedrørende maskiner eller brugen af arbejdsmidler (EF-overensstemmelsesattest). 8 009 810/OA87/13-09-04 Operating Instruction • PLS © SICK AG • Industrial Safety Systems • Germany • All rights reserved...
  • Página 39 De kontrollerer Deres PLS-system ved at gå frem efter den checkliste, som findes i kapitel 6.2. 8 009 810/OA87/13-09-04 Operating Instruction • PLS © SICK AG • Industrial Safety Systems • Germany • All rights reserved...
  • Página 40 PLS og vist på køretøjets henvisningsskilt eller i konfigurations- protokollen. Hvis der herved skulle blive fastslået en afvigelse, skal maskinen/anlægget omgående standses og kontrolleres af en fagkyndig. 8 009 810/OA87/13-09-04 Operating Instruction • PLS © SICK AG • Industrial Safety Systems • Germany • All rights reserved...
  • Página 41: Checkliste

    (mekanisk beskyttelse mod ophold bagved), og som overvåger det, og er disse sikret mod at blive fjernet? 8 009 810/OA87/13-09-04 Operating Instruction • PLS © SICK AG • Industrial Safety Systems • Germany • All rights reserved...
  • Página 42 13. Er beskyttelsesfunktionen i overensstemmelse med kontrolhenvisningerne i denne dokumentation kontrolleret? 8 009 810/OA87/13-09-04 Operating Instruction • PLS © SICK AG • Industrial Safety Systems • Germany • All rights reserved...
  • Página 43 18. Er henvisningsskiltet vedrørende den daglige kontrol anbragt let synligt for operatøren? Denne checkliste erstatter ikke kontrollen ved første idrifttagning og en sagkyndigs regelmæssige kontrol. 8 009 810/OA87/13-09-04 Operating Instruction • PLS © SICK AG • Industrial Safety Systems • Germany • All rights reserved...
  • Página 44: Diagnose

    Ved en tilsvarende indstilling af autoriserede personer ved hjælp af brugersoftwaren viser PLS både en let tilsmudsning af frontruden over tilsmudsningsadvarslen (ved fuld funktion af apparatet) og en 8 009 810/OA87/13-09-04 Operating Instruction • PLS © SICK AG • Industrial Safety Systems • Germany • All rights reserved...
  • Página 45 Kontroller regelmæssigt, at apparatet fungerer korrekt, ved at gribe ind i beskyttelsesfeltet langs med beskyttelsesfeltets grænser i overensstemmelse med de applikationsspecifikke forskrifter. 8 009 810/OA87/13-09-04 Operating Instruction • PLS © SICK AG • Industrial Safety Systems • Germany • All rights reserved...
  • Página 46: Service

    De finder en opstilling over det tilbehør, som kan leveres, i den tekniske beskrivelse til PLS. Der finder De også de reservedele, som kan leveres. 8 009 810/OA87/13-09-04 Operating Instruction • PLS © SICK AG • Industrial Safety Systems • Germany • All rights reserved...
  • Página 47: Overensstemmelseserklæring

    9. Overensstemmelseserklæring PLS 10X-317 8 009 810/OA87/13-09-04 Operating Instruction • PLS © SICK AG • Industrial Safety Systems • Germany • All rights reserved...
  • Página 48: Tekniske Data Pls 10X-317

    2 x 40 ms seksten-dobbelt 16 x 40 ms Indkoblingstider Ved spænding tændt 6 sek. Effektforbrug (ubelastet) 17 W 8 009 810/OA87/13-09-04 Operating Instruction • PLS © SICK AG • Industrial Safety Systems • Germany • All rights reserved...
  • Página 49 Aktivering ved advarselsfelt (AF) frit 40 ms Kortslutningssikker Koblingsfølge 3 Hz Lastinduktivitet Sikkerhedsudgange (OSSD) – dynamisk (HIGH-aktiv) Koblingsspænding HIGH aktiv (Ueff) - 2,5 V 8 009 810/OA87/13-09-04 Operating Instruction • PLS © SICK AG • Industrial Safety Systems • Germany • All rights reserved...
  • Página 50 LOW. ren lastkapacitet 100 nF Koblingsfølge 3 Hz ren lastinduktivitet Ved lavere koblingsfølge er den max. tilladte lastinduktivitet større. 8 009 810/OA87/13-09-04 Operating Instruction • PLS © SICK AG • Industrial Safety Systems • Germany • All rights reserved...
  • Página 51 OSSD 1 og OSSD 2 55 Rs Testimpulsbredde Testimpulshyppighed 3 sek. Ledningsspecifikation Ledningslændge 30 m Ledningstværsnit 0,5 mm tilladt ledningsmodstand 2,5 ohm 8 009 810/OA87/13-09-04 Operating Instruction • PLS © SICK AG • Industrial Safety Systems • Germany • All rights reserved...
  • Página 52 Advarselsfelt Rækkevidde (radius) 50 m Remission ved 15 m og 80 mm objektdiameter Sikkerhedskategori ingen Måleområde Rækkevidde (radius) 50 m 8 009 810/OA87/13-09-04 Operating Instruction • PLS © SICK AG • Industrial Safety Systems • Germany • All rights reserved...
  • Página 53 RS 422 Ledningslændge RS 232 15 m RS 422 100 m Antallet af flervejsfortolkninger 8 009 810/OA87/13-09-04 Operating Instruction • PLS © SICK AG • Industrial Safety Systems • Germany • All rights reserved...
  • Página 54 Enkeltchock IEC 68, del 2-27, tabel 2, 15 g/11 ms Vedvarende chock (1000) IEC 68, del 2-29, 10 g/16 ms 8 009 810/OA87/13-09-04 Operating Instruction • PLS © SICK AG • Industrial Safety Systems • Germany • All rights reserved...
  • Página 55 Mål (B x H x D) 155 mm x 185 mm x 156 mm Farve frontdel gul RAL 1021 bagdel sort RAL 9005 8 009 810/OA87/13-09-04 Operating Instruction • PLS © SICK AG • Industrial Safety Systems • Germany • All rights reserved...
  • Página 56: Bilag: Forklaring Til Illustrationerne

    Alle mål er vist i mm. Stikområde 265 mm Illustration 3: Målskitse befæstelsessæt Alle mål er vist i mm. Sensorholdeskruer 8 009 810/OA87/13-09-04 Operating Instruction • PLS © SICK AG • Industrial Safety Systems • Germany • All rights reserved...
  • Página 57: Stikfordeling

    Udvendig kapsling fjernet afisoleret crimpet Afskærmning (snoet) Stiftliste Lus 7-8 til skift RS 232/RS 422 Forklaring til lederne: rød grøn blå Afskærmning 8 009 810/OA87/13-09-04 Operating Instruction • PLS © SICK AG • Industrial Safety Systems • Germany • All rights reserved...
  • Página 58 8 009 810/OA87/13-09-04 Operating Instruction • PLS © SICK AG • Industrial Safety Systems • Germany • All rights reserved...
  • Página 59 11. Apéndice: Leyendas para las figuras ........84 11.1 Factores de luminancia de los objetos ......84 11.2 Ilustraciones acotadas............84 11.3 Asignación de los conectores........... 85 8 009 810/AOA87/13-09-04 Operating Instruction • PLS © SICK AG • Industrial Safety Systems • Germany • All rights reserved...
  • Página 60: Generalidades

    Este dispositivo esta certificado para la protección para personas siempre y cuando se instale según las instrucciones y regulaciones y normas vigentes. 8 009 810/OA87/13-09-04 Operating Instruction • PLS © SICK AG • Industrial Safety Systems • Germany • All rights reserved...
  • Página 61: Descripción Del Sistema

    (protección contra choques en vehículos). El dimensionamiento del campo de protección debe efectuarse según las premisas de la descripción técnica del PLS. 8 009 810/AOA87/13-09-04 Operating Instruction • PLS © SICK AG • Industrial Safety Systems • Germany • All rights reserved...
  • Página 62: Prescripciones E Indicaciones De Seguridad

    5. En este documento se adjunta como anexo una lista de chequeo para la comprobación por parte del fabricante y del instalador. 8 009 810/OA87/13-09-04 Operating Instruction • PLS © SICK AG • Industrial Safety Systems • Germany • All rights reserved...
  • Página 63: Montaje

    (véase el capítulo Accesorios, en la descripción técnica). ¡Por favor, tenga en cuenta las indicaciones de la página siguiente! 8 009 810/AOA87/13-09-04 Operating Instruction • PLS © SICK AG • Industrial Safety Systems • Germany • All rights reserved...
  • Página 64 La carcasa cumplirá con el tipo de protección IP 65 solamente cuando ambas cajas de conexión con las juntas estén colocadas y fijadas de la forma descrita. 8 009 810/OA87/13-09-04 Operating Instruction • PLS © SICK AG • Industrial Safety Systems • Germany • All rights reserved...
  • Página 65: Indicación Sobre La Puesta En Marcha

    áreas de supervisión así como la para- metrización, sólo pueden ser efectuadas por personas autorizadas (expertos en la materia). 8 009 810/AOA87/13-09-04 Operating Instruction • PLS © SICK AG • Industrial Safety Systems • Germany • All rights reserved...
  • Página 66: Comprobaciones

    (declaración de conformidad CE). 8 009 810/OA87/13-09-04 Operating Instruction • PLS © SICK AG • Industrial Safety Systems • Germany • All rights reserved...
  • Página 67 - Usted comprueba su sistema PLS procediendo en base a la lista de chequeo impresa en el capítulo 6.2. 8 009 810/AOA87/13-09-04 Operating Instruction • PLS © SICK AG • Industrial Safety Systems • Germany • All rights reserved...
  • Página 68 Si se observara alguna diferencia, debe pararse 8 009 810/OA87/13-09-04 Operating Instruction • PLS © SICK AG • Industrial Safety Systems • Germany • All rights reserved...
  • Página 69: Lista De Chequeo

    4. ¿Es posible la entrada/acceso al área de peligro/al punto de peligro únicamente a través del campo de protección del Equipo optoectrónico? Sí 8 009 810/AOA87/13-09-04 Operating Instruction • PLS © SICK AG • Industrial Safety Systems • Germany • All rights reserved...
  • Página 70 11. ¿Está presente y reglamentariamente aplicado el dispositivo de mando para el rearme (reset) del equipo de protección o para el rearranque de la máquina? Sí 8 009 810/OA87/13-09-04 Operating Instruction • PLS © SICK AG • Industrial Safety Systems • Germany • All rights reserved...
  • Página 71 Esta lista de chequeo no sustituye a la primera puesta en servicio ni a la comprobación regular por parte de un experto. 8 009 810/AOA87/13-09-04 Operating Instruction • PLS © SICK AG • Industrial Safety Systems • Germany • All rights reserved...
  • Página 72: Diagnóstico

    (véase el capítulo Software de usuario, en la descripción técnica del PLS). 8 009 810/OA87/13-09-04 Operating Instruction • PLS © SICK AG • Industrial Safety Systems • Germany • All rights reserved...
  • Página 73: Mantenimiento

    Compruebe regularmente el funcionamiento correcto del equipo accediendo al campo de protección a lo largo de sus límites, para cumplir las prescripciones específicas de aplicación. 8 009 810/AOA87/13-09-04 Operating Instruction • PLS © SICK AG • Industrial Safety Systems • Germany • All rights reserved...
  • Página 74: Servicio

    Encontrará una relación de los accesorios en la descripción técnica del PLS. En ella se indican también las piezas de recambio suministrables. 8 009 810/OA87/13-09-04 Operating Instruction • PLS © SICK AG • Industrial Safety Systems • Germany • All rights reserved...
  • Página 75: Declaracion De Conformidad

    9. Declaración de conformidad PLS 10X-317 8 009 810/AOA87/13-09-04 Operating Instruction • PLS © SICK AG • Industrial Safety Systems • Germany • All rights reserved...
  • Página 76: Datos Técnicos Pls 10X-317

    2 x 40 ms dieciséis veces 16 x 40 ms Tiempos de conexión Con tensión conectada Consumo de potencia (Sin carga) 17 W 8 009 810/OA87/13-09-04 Operating Instruction • PLS © SICK AG • Industrial Safety Systems • Germany • All rights reserved...
  • Página 77 3 Hz Inductividad de carga Salidas de seguridad (OSSD) – dinámicas (HIGH-activo) Tensión de conmutación HIGH, activa (U - 2,5 V 8 009 810/AOA87/13-09-04 Operating Instruction • PLS © SICK AG • Industrial Safety Systems • Germany • All rights reserved...
  • Página 78 Inductividad de carga pura. Con secuencia de conmutación baja es mayor la inductividad de carga máx. admisible. Elemento supresor de chispas (combinación RC) 8 009 810/OA87/13-09-04 Operating Instruction • PLS © SICK AG • Industrial Safety Systems • Germany • All rights reserved...
  • Página 79 Especificaciónes del cable Longitud del cable 30 m Sección de los hilos del cable 0,5 mm Resistencia admisible del cable ohmios 8 009 810/AOA87/13-09-04 Operating Instruction • PLS © SICK AG • Industrial Safety Systems • Germany • All rights reserved...
  • Página 80 Categoría de seguridad ninguna Area de medición Alcance (radio) 50 m Luminancia Diagrama (véase pág. 67, descripción técnica del PLS) 8 009 810/OA87/13-09-04 Operating Instruction • PLS © SICK AG • Industrial Safety Systems • Germany • All rights reserved...
  • Página 81 únicamente con RS 422 Longitud de cable RS 232 15 m RS 422 100 m Cantidad de controles múltiples Clase de protección láser 8 009 810/AOA87/13-09-04 Operating Instruction • PLS © SICK AG • Industrial Safety Systems • Germany • All rights reserved...
  • Página 82 IEC 68, parte 2-29, 10 g/16 ms Resistencia a las interferencias (compatibilidad electromagnética) IEC 61496 - 1, EN 61000-6-4:2001-10, DIN 40839 - 1 y - 3 8 009 810/OA87/13-09-04 Operating Instruction • PLS © SICK AG • Industrial Safety Systems • Germany • All rights reserved...
  • Página 83 (ancho x alto x profundo) 155 mm x 185 mm x 156 mm Color Parte delantera amarilla RAL 1021 Parte trasera negra RAL 9005 8 009 810/AOA87/13-09-04 Operating Instruction • PLS © SICK AG • Industrial Safety Systems • Germany • All rights reserved...
  • Página 84: Apéndice: Leyendas Para Las Figuras

    Figura 3: Ilustración acotada de conjuntos de fijación Todas las medidas se indican en mm. Tornillos de seguridad del sensor 8 009 810/OA87/13-09-04 Operating Instruction • PLS © SICK AG • Industrial Safety Systems • Germany • All rights reserved...
  • Página 85: Asignación De Los Conectores

    Pantalla (retorcido) Regleta de clavijas Puente 7-8 para conmutación RS 232/RS 422 Leyendas para los hilos: rojo verde amarillo azul Pantalla 8 009 810/AOA87/13-09-04 Operating Instruction • PLS © SICK AG • Industrial Safety Systems • Germany • All rights reserved...
  • Página 86 8 009 810/AEO/07-06-02 Operating Instruction • PLS © SICK AG • Industrial Safety Systems • Germany • All rights reserved...
  • Página 87 11. Annexe : légende des figures ..........114 11.1 Réémission des objets ..........114 11.2 Plans cotés ..............114 11.3 Brochage des connecteurs......... 115 8 009 810/OA87/13-09-04 Operating Instruction • PLS © SICK AG • Industrial Safety Systems • Germany • All rights reserved...
  • Página 88: Généralités

    Ce composant est certifié pour la protection des personnes et répond aux exigences de la réglementation sous réserve du respect des instructions du manuel. 8 009 810/OA87/13-09-04 Operating Instruction • PLS © SICK AG • Industrial Safety Systems • Germany • All rights reserved...
  • Página 89: Description Du Système

    AGV). La dimension du champ de protection doit respecter les données et les instructions du manuel technique. 8 009 810/OA87/13-09-04 Operating Instruction • PLS © SICK AG • Industrial Safety Systems • Germany • All rights reserved...
  • Página 90: Consignes De Sécurité Et Mesures De Protection D'ordre Général

    3. Les tests doivent être exécutés par des personnes compétentes et/ou des personnes spécialement autorisées/mandatées; ils doivent être documentés et cette documentation doit être disponible à tout moment. 8 009 810/OA87/13-09-04 Operating Instruction • PLS © SICK AG • Industrial Safety Systems • Germany • All rights reserved...
  • Página 91 5. Cette brochure est accompagnée d'une liste de vérification annexe à l'adresse du fabricant et de l'intégrateur. 8 009 810/OA87/13-09-04 Operating Instruction • PLS © SICK AG • Industrial Safety Systems • Germany • All rights reserved...
  • Página 92: Montage

    La communication du PLS se fait à travers une liaison blindée (voir le chapitre accessoires dans le manuel technique). Consultez SVP les notes de la page suivante ! 8 009 810/OA87/13-09-04 Operating Instruction • PLS © SICK AG • Industrial Safety Systems • Germany • All rights reserved...
  • Página 93 C'est seulement lorsque les prises sont assemblées correctement avec les joints correctement placés que le boîtier peut atteindre la norme de protection IP 65. 8 009 810/OA87/13-09-04 Operating Instruction • PLS © SICK AG • Industrial Safety Systems • Germany • All rights reserved...
  • Página 94: Conseils De Mise En Service

    être effectuées que par les personnes autorisées compéten- tes. 8 009 810/OA87/13-09-04 Operating Instruction • PLS © SICK AG • Industrial Safety Systems • Germany • All rights reserved...
  • Página 95: Essais De Qualification

    à celles concernant les exigences de sécu- 8 009 810/OA87/13-09-04 Operating Instruction • PLS © SICK AG • Industrial Safety Systems • Germany • All rights reserved...
  • Página 96 à la vitre, au câble de raccordement etc. Vous contrôlez votre système PLS lorsque vous procédez aux véri- fications de la liste de la section 6.2. 8 009 810/OA87/13-09-04 Operating Instruction • PLS © SICK AG • Industrial Safety Systems • Germany • All rights reserved...
  • Página 97 équipés et en mouvement s'arrêtent effectivement lors du fran- chissement du champ de protection en mémoire dans le PLS et 8 009 810/OA87/13-09-04 Operating Instruction • PLS © SICK AG • Industrial Safety Systems • Germany • All rights reserved...
  • Página 98 Si le test révèle le moindre défaut, la machine/installation et/ou le véhicule doivent être arrêtés immédiatement et vérifiés par une personne compé- tente. 8 009 810/OA87/13-09-04 Operating Instruction • PLS © SICK AG • Industrial Safety Systems • Germany • All rights reserved...
  • Página 99: Liste De Vérification

    6. Les dispositions complémentaires d'ordre mécanique interdisant l'accès par le dessus, le dessous et les côtés ont-elles été prises et sont-elles à l'épreuve des manipulations ? 8 009 810/OA87/13-09-04 Operating Instruction • PLS © SICK AG • Industrial Safety Systems • Germany • All rights reserved...
  • Página 100 14. Les fonctions de protection prévues sont-elles effectives pour chacune des positions du commutateur de mode de fonction- nement ? 8 009 810/OA87/13-09-04 Operating Instruction • PLS © SICK AG • Industrial Safety Systems • Germany • All rights reserved...
  • Página 101 Cette liste de vérification ne dispense en aucune façon de la pre- mière mise en service ni de la vérification régulière de l'ESPE par une personne compétente habilitée. 8 009 810/OA87/13-09-04 Operating Instruction • PLS © SICK AG • Industrial Safety Systems • Germany • All rights reserved...
  • Página 102: Diagnostics

    (voir le chapitre logiciel utilisateur dans le manuel technique du PLS). 8 009 810/OA87/13-09-04 Operating Instruction • PLS © SICK AG • Industrial Safety Systems • Germany • All rights reserved...
  • Página 103: Entretien

    8 009 810/OA87/13-09-04 Operating Instruction • PLS © SICK AG • Industrial Safety Systems • Germany • All rights reserved...
  • Página 104: Service

    Vous trouverez la liste des accessoires disponibles dans le manuel de description technique du PLS. Vous y trouverez également la liste des pièces de rechange. 8 009 810/OA87/13-09-04 Operating Instruction • PLS © SICK AG • Industrial Safety Systems • Germany • All rights reserved...
  • Página 105: Déclaration De Conformité

    9. Déclaration de conformité PLS 10X-317 8 009 810/OA87/13-09-04 Operating Instruction • PLS © SICK AG • Industrial Safety Systems • Germany • All rights reserved...
  • Página 106: Caractéristiques Techniques Pls 10X-317

    2 x 40 ms 16 balayages 16 x 40 ms Délais de commutation A la mise sous tension Consommation (hors charge) 17 W 8 009 810/OA87/13-09-04 Operating Instruction • PLS © SICK AG • Industrial Safety Systems • Germany • All rights reserved...
  • Página 107 Inductance de charge Sorties de sécurité (OSSD) – actives à l'état HAUT Tension de commutation Etat HAUT (U - 2,5 V 8 009 810/OA87/13-09-04 Operating Instruction • PLS © SICK AG • Industrial Safety Systems • Germany • All rights reserved...
  • Página 108 100 nF Fréquence de répétition 3 Hz Charge inductive pour une fréquence plus faible, la charge inductive maxi. est plus grande. 8 009 810/OA87/13-09-04 Operating Instruction • PLS © SICK AG • Industrial Safety Systems • Germany • All rights reserved...
  • Página 109 Périodicité de l'impulsion test Spécification du câble Longueur 30 m Section des fils 0,5 mm Résistance du câble permise 2,5 Ohm 8 009 810/OA87/13-09-04 Operating Instruction • PLS © SICK AG • Industrial Safety Systems • Germany • All rights reserved...
  • Página 110 Catégorie de sécurité aucune Zone de mesure Portée (rayon) 50 m Réémission voir graphique (cf.. p. 67 Descr. Tech. PLS) 8 009 810/OA87/13-09-04 Operating Instruction • PLS © SICK AG • Industrial Safety Systems • Germany • All rights reserved...
  • Página 111 RS 422 Longueur de câble RS 232 15 m RS 422 100 m Nombre de balayage Classe du laser 8 009 810/OA87/13-09-04 Operating Instruction • PLS © SICK AG • Industrial Safety Systems • Germany • All rights reserved...
  • Página 112 CEI 68, partie 2-29, 10 g/16 ms Immunité électromagnétique (CEM) CEI 61496 - 1, EN 61000-6-4:2001-10, DIN 40839 - 1 et - 3 8 009 810/OA87/13-09-04 Operating Instruction • PLS © SICK AG • Industrial Safety Systems • Germany • All rights reserved...
  • Página 113 Dimensions (L x H x P) 155 mm x 185 mm x 156mm Couleur Face avant jaune RAL 1021 Face arrière noire RAL 9005 8 009 810/OA87/13-09-04 Operating Instruction • PLS © SICK AG • Industrial Safety Systems • Germany • All rights reserved...
  • Página 114: Annexe : Légende Des Figures

    Cote d'enfichage 265 mm Figure 3 : plans cotés des systèmes de fixation Toutes dimensions en mm. Vis de fixation du capteur 8 009 810/OA87/13-09-04 Operating Instruction • PLS © SICK AG • Industrial Safety Systems • Germany • All rights reserved...
  • Página 115: Brochage Des Connecteurs

    (mâle) pont 7-8 de commutationr RS 232/RS 422 Légende des fils : rouge vert jaune bleu blindage 8 009 810/OA87/13-09-04 Operating Instruction • PLS © SICK AG • Industrial Safety Systems • Germany • All rights reserved...
  • Página 116 8 009 810/AEO/07-06-02 Operating Instruction • PLS © SICK AG • Industrial Safety Systems • Germany • All rights reserved...
  • Página 117 10. Tekniset tiedot PLS 10X-317..........134 11. Liite: Kuvien selitys ............142 11.1 Kohteiden heijastuskyky..........142 11.2 Mittapiirrokset ............. 142 11.3 Pistoliittimet ..............143 8 009 810/OA87/13-09-04 Operating Instruction • PLS © SICK AG • Industrial Safety Systems • Germany • All rights reserved...
  • Página 118: Yleistä

    PLS 10X-317 (til.nro 1 022 253) Tämä laite on hyväksytty henkilösuojalaitteeksi ja täyttää tarkoitusta vastaavat säännökset, kunhan käyttö on käyttöohjeen mukaista. 8 009 810/OA87/13-09-04 Operating Instruction • PLS © SICK AG • Industrial Safety Systems • Germany • All rights reserved...
  • Página 119: Järjestelmän Toiminta

    (vaaravyöhykkeiden valvonta tai vaaravyöhykkeelle pääsy) että myös liikkuvissa sovelluksissa (vaunujen/ajoneuvojen törmäyssuoja). Suojakentän on oltava suunniteltu PLS:n teknisessä esitteessä annettujen vaatimusten mukaisesti. 8 009 810/OA87/13-09-04 Operating Instruction • PLS © SICK AG • Industrial Safety Systems • Germany • All rights reserved...
  • Página 120: Turvallisuusmääräykset Ja -Ohjeet

    Käyttäjä on perehdyttettävä laitteen toimintaan asiantuntevan henkilön taholta. 5. Liitteenä tässä esitteessä on tarkastuslista valmistajalle ja laitteen ostajalle laitetarkastusta varten. 8 009 810/OA87/13-09-04 Operating Instruction • PLS © SICK AG • Industrial Safety Systems • Germany • All rights reserved...
  • Página 121: Asennus

    PLS:lle menevänä tiedonsiirtojohtona on käytettävä suojattua tiedonsiirtojohtoa (ks. kohta Lisävarusteet teknisestä esitteestä). Huomioi seuraavalla sivulla annetut ohjeet! 8 009 810/OA87/13-09-04 Operating Instruction • PLS © SICK AG • Industrial Safety Systems • Germany • All rights reserved...
  • Página 122 PLS-kotelo vastaa kotelointiluokkaa IP65 vain silloin kun, molempien liittimien suojakotelot ja niihin tarvittavat tiivisteet on asennettu ja kiinnitetty yllä kuvatulla tavalla. 8 009 810/OA87/13-09-04 Operating Instruction • PLS © SICK AG • Industrial Safety Systems • Germany • All rights reserved...
  • Página 123: Käyttöönottoa Koskeva Huomautus

    6 sekä teknisessä esitteessä annetut ohjeet. Laitteeseen on tehtaalla ohjelmoitu perusasetukset. Valvonta-alueita ja parametrejä saavat muuttaa vain valtuutetut (asiantuntevat) henkilöt. 8 009 810/OA87/13-09-04 Operating Instruction • PLS © SICK AG • Industrial Safety Systems • Germany • All rights reserved...
  • Página 124: Tarkastukset

    - erityisesti koneita ja työvälineiden käyttöä koskevissa direktiiveissä - edellytetyt turvallisuusvaatimukset on täytetty (EC-vaatimustenmukaisuusvakuus). 8 009 810/OA87/13-09-04 Operating Instruction • PLS © SICK AG • Industrial Safety Systems • Germany • All rights reserved...
  • Página 125 PLS-järjestelmän tarkastus suoritetaan kappaleessa 6.2 olevan tarkastuslistan perusteella. 8 009 810/OA87/13-09-04 Operating Instruction • PLS © SICK AG • Industrial Safety Systems • Germany • All rights reserved...
  • Página 126 Jos esiintyy poikkeamia, kone/laitteisto/ajoneuvo on pysäytettävä välittömästi ja annettava asiantuntijan tarkastaa se. 8 009 810/OA87/13-09-04 Operating Instruction • PLS © SICK AG • Industrial Safety Systems • Germany • All rights reserved...
  • Página 127: Tarkastuslista

    (mekaaninen suoja estämään pääsyn vyöhykkeelle), ja onko suojukset varmistettu siten, ettei niitä voida poistaa? Kyllä 6. Onko muut tarvittavat mekaaniset suojalaitteet asennettu 8 009 810/OA87/13-09-04 Operating Instruction • PLS © SICK AG • Industrial Safety Systems • Germany • All rights reserved...
  • Página 128 12. Ovatko turvalaitteen lähdöt (OSSD) vaaditun ohjausjärjestelmän luokituksen mukaisia ja vastaavatko ne kytkentäkaavioita? Kyllä 13. Onko suojatoiminto tarkastettu tässä doukumentissa esitettyjen tarkastusohjeiden mukaisesti? 8 009 810/OA87/13-09-04 Operating Instruction • PLS © SICK AG • Industrial Safety Systems • Germany • All rights reserved...
  • Página 129 18. Onko päivittäiseen tarkastukseen tarvittava ohjekilpi kiinnitetty hyvin näkyvään paikkaan? Kyllä Tämä tarkastuslista ei korvaa asiantuntijan taholta suoritettavaa ensimmäistä käyttöönottoa ja säännöllisiä tarkastuksia. 8 009 810/OA87/13-09-04 Operating Instruction • PLS © SICK AG • Industrial Safety Systems • Germany • All rights reserved...
  • Página 130: Vianetsintä

    LED-merkkivalojen tehtävänä on antaa ensidiagnoositietoja järjestelmän tilasta. Valtuutetun henkilöstön käytettävissä on yksityiskohtainen vianetsintäjärjestelmä laitteen mukana toimitetun ohjelmiston avulla (ks. kappale Ohjelmisto PLS:n teknisestä esiteestä). 8 009 810/OA87/13-09-04 Operating Instruction • PLS © SICK AG • Industrial Safety Systems • Germany • All rights reserved...
  • Página 131: Huolto

    Samoin on tarkastettava liittimien suojakoteloiden ruuviliitokset. Laitteen asianmukainen toiminta on tarkastettava säännöllisesti häiritsemällä suojakenttää kentän rajoja pitkin sovelluskohtaisten määräysten mukaisesti. 8 009 810/OA87/13-09-04 Operating Instruction • PLS © SICK AG • Industrial Safety Systems • Germany • All rights reserved...
  • Página 132: Huoltopalvelu

    (ks. PLS:n tekninen esite). Lisätietoja saa vastaavalta Sick-edustajalta. 8. Lisätarvikkeet PLS:n teknisessä esitteessä on luettelo saativissa olevista lisätarvikkeista sekä varaosista. 8 009 810/OA87/13-09-04 Operating Instruction • PLS © SICK AG • Industrial Safety Systems • Germany • All rights reserved...
  • Página 133: Vaatimustenmukaisuusselvitys

    9. Vaatimustenmukaisuusselvitys PLS 10X-317 8 009 810/OA87/13-09-04 Operating Instruction • PLS © SICK AG • Industrial Safety Systems • Germany • All rights reserved...
  • Página 134: Tekniset Tiedot Pls 10X-317

    Vasteaika (ohjelmoitavissa) kaksinkertainen 2 x 40 ms kuusitoistakertainen 16 x 40 Päällekytkentäaika jännite päällä Ottoteho (kuormittamaton) 17 W 8 009 810/OA87/13-09-04 Operating Instruction • PLS © SICK AG • Industrial Safety Systems • Germany • All rights reserved...
  • Página 135 Lähdön aktivointi varoituskentän ollessa vapaa 40 ms Oikosulkusuojaus kyllä Kytkentätaajuus 3 Hz Kuormitusinduktanassi Turvalähdöt (OSSD) – dynaamiset (HIGH-aktiiviset) Kytkentäjännite HIGH-aktiivinen (U - 2,5 V 8 009 810/OA87/13-09-04 Operating Instruction • PLS © SICK AG • Industrial Safety Systems • Germany • All rights reserved...
  • Página 136 Low-tilana. Kuormituskapasitanssi 100 nF Kytkentätaajuus 3 Hz Kuormitusinduktanssi Pienellä kytkentäjaksolla on suurin sallittu kuormitusinduktanssi suurempi. Kipinänsammutuspiirii (RC-yhdistelmä) ilman 8 009 810/OA87/13-09-04 Operating Instruction • PLS © SICK AG • Industrial Safety Systems • Germany • All rights reserved...
  • Página 137 OSSD 1 ja OSSD 2 Testipulssin leveys 55 ms Testipulssitaajuus Johdot Johdon pituus 30 m Johdon poikkipinta-ala 0,5 mm Sallittu johtovastus 2,5 Ohm 8 009 810/OA87/13-09-04 Operating Instruction • PLS © SICK AG • Industrial Safety Systems • Germany • All rights reserved...
  • Página 138 Toimintaetäisyys (säde) 50 m Heijastuskyky 15 mm 80 mm kohteesat 20 % Turvaluokitus ei ole Mittausalue Toimintaetäisyys (säde) 50 m 8 009 810/OA87/13-09-04 Operating Instruction • PLS © SICK AG • Industrial Safety Systems • Germany • All rights reserved...
  • Página 139 500 kBd jatkuvaan tietokoneliitäntään saa käyttää vain RS 422-liitäntää Johdon pituus RS 232 15 m RS 422 100 m Skannausnopeus Laserluokka 8 009 810/OA87/13-09-04 Operating Instruction • PLS © SICK AG • Industrial Safety Systems • Germany • All rights reserved...
  • Página 140 IEC 68, osa 2-29, 10 g/16 ms Häiriönkestävyys (EMV) IEC 61496 - 1, EN 61000-6-4:2001-10, DIN 40839 - 1 ja - 3 8 009 810/OA87/13-09-04 Operating Instruction • PLS © SICK AG • Industrial Safety Systems • Germany • All rights reserved...
  • Página 141 Mitat (L x K x S) 155 mm x 185 mm x 156 mm Väri etuosa keltainen RAL 1021 takaosa musta RAL 9005 8 009 810/OA87/13-09-04 Operating Instruction • PLS © SICK AG • Industrial Safety Systems • Germany • All rights reserved...
  • Página 142: Liite: Kuvien Selitys

    Kuva 2: PLS:n mittapiirros Kaikki mitat on annettu mm:nä. liitosalue 265 mm Kuva 3: kiinnitysjalkojen mittapiirros Kaikki mitat on annettu mm:nä. anturien kiinnitysruuvit 8 009 810/OA87/13-09-04 Operating Instruction • PLS © SICK AG • Industrial Safety Systems • Germany • All rights reserved...
  • Página 143: Pistoliittimet

    (kierretty) pinna silta 7-8, kytkentä RS 232/RS 422 varten Johtimien värit: punainen vihreä keltainen sininen suojajohdin 8 009 810/OA87/13-09-04 Operating Instruction • PLS © SICK AG • Industrial Safety Systems • Germany • All rights reserved...
  • Página 144 8 009 810/AEO/07-06-02 Operating Instruction • PLS © SICK AG • Industrial Safety Systems • Germany • All rights reserved...
  • Página 145 11. Appendix: Key to the diagrams........170 11.1 Diffuse reflectance of objects ........170 11.2 Dimensional drawings ..........170 11.3 Pin assignments ............171 8 009 810/OA87/13-09-04 Operating Instruction • PLS © SICK AG • Industrial Safety Systems • Germany • All rights reserved...
  • Página 146: General

    This device is certified for use as personal protection unit and fulfil, when operated according to the instructions, the appropriate regula- tions. 8 009 810/OA87/13-09-04 Operating Instruction • PLS © SICK AG • Industrial Safety Systems • Germany • All rights reserved...
  • Página 147: System Description

    (collision avoidance in vehicles). The protective field must be dimensioned according to the advice as laid down in the PLS technical description. 8 009 810/OA87/13-09-04 Operating Instruction • PLS © SICK AG • Industrial Safety Systems • Germany • All rights reserved...
  • Página 148: Regulations And Notes Regarding Safety

    The operator is to be instructed by specialists. 5. The appendix to this brochure includes a checklist for testing by the manufacturer and equipment provider. 8 009 810/OA87/13-09-04 Operating Instruction • PLS © SICK AG • Industrial Safety Systems • Germany • All rights reserved...
  • Página 149: Mounting

    The communication connection to the PLS is made using a screened data cable (see chapter Accessories in the technical description). Please read the notes on the following page! 8 009 810/OA87/13-09-04 Operating Instruction • PLS © SICK AG • Industrial Safety Systems • Germany • All rights reserved...
  • Página 150 Only when both connection housings with seals have been installed and secured as described does the housing comply with enclosure rating IP65. 8 009 810/OA87/13-09-04 Operating Instruction • PLS © SICK AG • Industrial Safety Systems • Germany • All rights reserved...
  • Página 151: Notes Regarding Commissioning

    The device is programmed with a basic configuration. Alterations to monitoring areas as well as to the parameter settings may only be carried out by authorized personnel (specialists). 8 009 810/OA87/13-09-04 Operating Instruction • PLS © SICK AG • Industrial Safety Systems • Germany • All rights reserved...
  • Página 152: Tests

    - The operating personnel of the machine protected by the safety device must receive instruction from specialists working for the 8 009 810/OA87/13-09-04 Operating Instruction • PLS © SICK AG • Industrial Safety Systems • Germany • All rights reserved...
  • Página 153 Check your PLS system by following the checklist printed in chapter 6.2. 8 009 810/OA87/13-09-04 Operating Instruction • PLS © SICK AG • Industrial Safety Systems • Germany • All rights reserved...
  • Página 154: Checklist

    The data for the points listed below must be present by the time of first commissioning at the latest – although this depends on 8 009 810/OA87/13-09-04 Operating Instruction • PLS © SICK AG • Industrial Safety Systems • Germany • All rights reserved...
  • Página 155 6. Are additional mechanical safety devices installed to prevent access above, beneath and around the protected area, and are these secure against manipulation? 8 009 810/OA87/13-09-04 Operating Instruction • PLS © SICK AG • Industrial Safety Systems • Germany • All rights reserved...
  • Página 156 14. Are the specified protective functions effective at all settings of the mode selector switch? 15. Are the switching elements (e.g. contactors, valves) actuated by the NCSD monitored? 8 009 810/OA87/13-09-04 Operating Instruction • PLS © SICK AG • Industrial Safety Systems • Germany • All rights reserved...
  • Página 157 This checklist is no substitute for first commissioning or regular test- ing by a specialist. 8 009 810/OA87/13-09-04 Operating Instruction • PLS © SICK AG • Industrial Safety Systems • Germany • All rights reserved...
  • Página 158: Diagnosis

    (see chapter User Software in the PLS technical description). 8 009 810/OA87/13-09-04 Operating Instruction • PLS © SICK AG • Industrial Safety Systems • Germany • All rights reserved...
  • Página 159: Maintenance

    Regularly check that the device is functioning correctly by reaching into the protective field along its edges, corresponding to the appro- priate application regulations. 8 009 810/OA87/13-09-04 Operating Instruction • PLS © SICK AG • Industrial Safety Systems • Germany • All rights reserved...
  • Página 160: Service

    A list of all available accessories can be found in the PLS technical description. The replacement parts available are also listed. 8 009 810/OA87/13-09-04 Operating Instruction • PLS © SICK AG • Industrial Safety Systems • Germany • All rights reserved...
  • Página 161: Declaration Of Conformity

    9. Declaration of Conformity PLS 10X-317 8 009 810/OA87/13-09-04 Operating Instruction • PLS © SICK AG • Industrial Safety Systems • Germany • All rights reserved...
  • Página 162: Technical Data Pls 10X-317

    2 x 40 ms sixteen-speed 16x40 ms Power-up times On voltage ON Power consumption (no load) 17 W 8 009 810/OA87/13-09-04 Operating Instruction • PLS © SICK AG • Industrial Safety Systems • Germany • All rights reserved...
  • Página 163 Switching frequency 3 Hz Load inductivity Safety outputs (OSSD) – dynamic (HIGH active) Switching voltage HIGH active (U - 2.5 V 8 009 810/OA87/13-09-04 Operating Instruction • PLS © SICK AG • Industrial Safety Systems • Germany • All rights reserved...
  • Página 164 100 nF Switching frequency 3 Hz Pure load inductivity At low switching frequencies the max. permissible load inductivity is higher. 8 009 810/OA87/13-09-04 Operating Instruction • PLS © SICK AG • Industrial Safety Systems • Germany • All rights reserved...
  • Página 165 Test pulse width Test pulse frequency Cable specifications Cable length 30 m Cable cross section 0.5 mm Permissible line resistance 2.5 Ohm 8 009 810/OA87/13-09-04 Operating Instruction • PLS © SICK AG • Industrial Safety Systems • Germany • All rights reserved...
  • Página 166 Reflectance at 15 m and 80 mm object diameter Safety category None Measuring range Range (radius) 50 m Reflectance Graph (see p. 67 of PLS TD) 8 009 810/OA87/13-09-04 Operating Instruction • PLS © SICK AG • Industrial Safety Systems • Germany • All rights reserved...
  • Página 167 RS 422 Cable length RS 232 15 m RS 422 100 m Scan rate Laser protection class 8 009 810/OA87/13-09-04 Operating Instruction • PLS © SICK AG • Industrial Safety Systems • Germany • All rights reserved...
  • Página 168 IEC 68, Part 2-29, 10 g/16 ms Interference strength (EMC) IEC 61496 - 1, EN 61000-6-4:2001-10, DIN 40839 - 1 and - 3 8 009 810/OA87/13-09-04 Operating Instruction • PLS © SICK AG • Industrial Safety Systems • Germany • All rights reserved...
  • Página 169 Dimensions (W x H x D) 155 mm x 185 mm x 156 mm Colour Frontpart yellow RAL 1021 Backpart black RAL 9005 8 009 810/OA87/13-09-04 Operating Instruction • PLS © SICK AG • Industrial Safety Systems • Germany • All rights reserved...
  • Página 170: Appendix: Key To The Diagrams

    All measurements are in mm Plug area 265 mm Figure 3: Dimensional drawing of mounting kits All measurements are in mm Sensor mounting screws 8 009 810/OA87/13-09-04 Operating Instruction • PLS © SICK AG • Industrial Safety Systems • Germany • All rights reserved...
  • Página 171: Pin Assignments

    Stripped Crimped Screen (twisted) Pin strip Jumper 7-8 for switching between RS 232/RS 422 Wire descriptions: green yellow blue screen 8 009 810/OA87/13-09-04 Operating Instruction • PLS © SICK AG • Industrial Safety Systems • Germany • All rights reserved...
  • Página 172 8 009 810/AEO/07-06-02 Operating Instruction • PLS © SICK AG • Industrial Safety Systems • Germany • All rights reserved...
  • Página 173 11. ÐáñÜñôçìá: Õðüìíçìá ãéá ôéò áðåéêïíßóåéò ....198 11.1 Âáèìüò áíÜêëáóçò áíôéêåéìÝíùí........ 198 11.2 Åéêüíåò äéáóôÜóåùí.............. 198 11.3 ÊáôÜëçøç óõíäÝóìïõ............199 8 009 810/OA87/13-09-04 Operating Instruction • PLS © SICK AG • Industrial Safety Systems • Germany • All rights reserved...
  • Página 174: Ãåíéêü

    PLS 10X - 317 (áñéèìüò ðáñáããåë. 1 022 253) Η συσκευή αυτή έχει πιστοποιηθεί ως διάταξη προστασίας ατόµων και ανταποκρίνεται στις σχετικές προδιαγραφές εφόσον γίνεται κανονική εφαρµογή της. 8 009 810/OA87/13-09-04 Operating Instruction • PLS © SICK AG • Industrial Safety Systems • Germany • All rights reserved...
  • Página 175: Ðåñéãñáöþ Óõóôþìáôïò

    (ðñïóôáóßá ï÷çìÜôùí áðü óõãêñïýóåéò). Ç äéáóôáóéïðïßçóç ôïõ ðñïóôáôåõôéêïý ðåäßïõ ðñÝðåé íá ðñáãìáôïðïéåßôáé óýìöùíá ìå ôéò ïäçãßåò ôçò Ôå÷íéêÞò ÐåñéãñáöÞò ôïõ PLS. 8 009 810/OA87/13-09-04 Operating Instruction • PLS © SICK AG • Industrial Safety Systems • Germany • All rights reserved...
  • Página 176: Êáíïíéóìïß Áóöáëåßáò Êáé Õðïäåßîåéò Áóöáëåßáò

    5. Áõôü ôï öõëëÜäéï óõíïäåýåôáé ìå ôç ìïñöÞ ðáñáñôÞìáôïò áðü Ýíáí óõíçììÝíï ðßíáêá åëÝã÷ïõ ãéá ôïí Ýëåã÷ï áðü ôïí êáôáóêåõáóôÞ Þ ôïí åöïäéáóôÞ. 8 009 810/OA87/13-09-04 Operating Instruction • PLS © SICK AG • Industrial Safety Systems • Germany • All rights reserved...
  • Página 177: Óõíáñìïëüãçóç

    Ï åðéêïéíùíéáêüò áãùãüò ðñïò ôï PLS ðñáãìáôïðïéåßôáé ìå Ýíá èùñáêéóìÝíï áãùãü äåäïìÝíùí (âëÝðå êåöÜëáéï åîáñôçìÜôùí ôçò Ôå÷íéêÞò ðåñéãñáöÞò). Ðáñáêáëïýìå íá ëÜâåôå õðüøç ôéò õðïäåßîåéò ôùí êÜôùèé óåëßäùí! 8 009 810/OA87/13-09-04 Operating Instruction • PLS © SICK AG • Industrial Safety Systems • Germany • All rights reserved...
  • Página 178 ðåñéâëÞìáôá óýíäåóçò ìáæß ìå ôéò öëÜíôæåò óýìöùíá ìå ôïí ôñüðï ðïõ ðåñéãñÜøáìå, ôüôå ìüíï áíôáðïêñßíåôáé ôï ðåñßâëçìá óôï åßäïò ðñïóôáóßáò ÉÑ 65. 8 009 810/OA87/13-09-04 Operating Instruction • PLS © SICK AG • Industrial Safety Systems • Germany • All rights reserved...
  • Página 179: Õðüäåéîç Ãéá Ôç Èýóç Óå Ëåéôïõñãßá

    Ç óõóêåõÞ Ý÷åé ðñïãñáììáôéóôåß ìå ìéá âáóéêÞ äéÜñèñùóç. ÁëëáãÝò óôïõò ôïìåßò åðéôÞñçóçò êáèþò åðßóçò êáé óå ðáñáìÝôñïõò, åðéôñÝðåôáé íá ãßíïíôáé ìüíï áðü åîïõóéïäïôçìÝíá Üôïìá (Ýìðåéñá). 8 009 810/OA87/13-09-04 Operating Instruction • PLS © SICK AG • Industrial Safety Systems • Germany • All rights reserved...
  • Página 180: Åëåã÷Ïé

    ðïõ åðéâÜëëïíôáé ùò áíáãêáßåò óôïõò Åèíéêïýò/Äéåèíåßò Êáíïíéóìïýò, éäéáßôåñá óôéò Ïäçãßåò ðåñß Ìç÷áíþí Þ Ïäçãßåò ×ñÞóåùò ÌÝóùí Åñãáóßáò (ÄÞëùóç Óõììüñöùóçò ÅÏÊ) 8 009 810/OA87/13-09-04 Operating Instruction • PLS © SICK AG • Industrial Safety Systems • Germany • All rights reserved...
  • Página 181 3. Êáèçìåñéíüò Ýëåã÷ïò ôçò åãêáôÜóôáóçò ðñïóôáóßáò áðü áñìüäéá êáé åîïõóéïäïôçìÝíá Üôïìá: ÊáôÜ ôïí åîÞò ôñüðï åëÝã÷åôå ôï äéêü óáò óýóôçìá PLS, óýìöùíá ìå ôïõò êáíïíéóìïýò: 8 009 810/OA87/13-09-04 Operating Instruction • PLS © SICK AG • Industrial Safety Systems • Germany • All rights reserved...
  • Página 182 äéÜóôçìá ðñïêýøåé êÜðïéá áðüêëéóç, ôüôå èá ðñÝðåé ç ìç÷áíÞ/ç åãêáôÜóôáóç/ôï ü÷çìá íá áêéíçôïðïéçèåß áìÝóùò êáé íá õðïâëçèåß óå Ýëåã÷ï áðü êÜðïéïí åéäéêü. 8 009 810/OA87/13-09-04 Operating Instruction • PLS © SICK AG • Industrial Safety Systems • Germany • All rights reserved...
  • Página 183: Ðßíáêáò Åëýã÷Ïõ

    4. Ç ðñüóâáóç/ç ðñïóðÝëáóç óôçí åðéêßíäõíç ðåñéï÷Þ/óôï åðéêßíäõíï óçìåßï åßíáé äõíáôÞ ìüíï äéá ìÝóïõ ôïõ ðñïóôáôåõôéêïý ðåäßïõ ôïõ BWS; Íáé ❏ Ï÷é ❏ 8 009 810/OA87/13-09-04 Operating Instruction • PLS © SICK AG • Industrial Safety Systems • Germany • All rights reserved...
  • Página 184 12. Åßíáé ïé Ýîïäïé ôùí BWS (OSSD) óõíäåäåìÝíåò óýìöùíá ìå ôçí áðáñáßôçôç êáôçãïñßá åëÝã÷ïõ êáé áêüìç áíôéóôïé÷ïýí óôá äéáãñÜììáôá óýíäåóçò; Íáé ❏ Ï÷é ❏ 8 009 810/OA87/13-09-04 Operating Instruction • PLS © SICK AG • Industrial Safety Systems • Germany • All rights reserved...
  • Página 185 Ï÷é ❏ Ï ðáñþí ðßíáêáò åëÝã÷ïõ äåí áíôéêáèéóôÜ ôçí ðñþôç èÝóç óå ëåéôïõñãßá, ïýôå êáé ôïõò ôáêôéêïýò åëÝã÷ïõò áðü êÜðïéïí åéäéêü. 8 009 810/OA87/13-09-04 Operating Instruction • PLS © SICK AG • Industrial Safety Systems • Germany • All rights reserved...
  • Página 186: Äéüãíùóç

    óôç äéÜèåóÞ ôïõ ðáñÜëëçëá ìå ôï âïçèçôéêü ëïãéóìéêü ðïõ óáò ðáñáäþóáìå, Ýíá ëåðôïìåñÝò óýóôçìá äéÜãíùóçò (âëÝðå êåöÜëáéï Ëïãéóìéêü ÷ñÞóôç óôçí Ôå÷íéêÞ ÐåñéãñáöÞ ôïõ PLS). 8 009 810/OA87/13-09-04 Operating Instruction • PLS © SICK AG • Industrial Safety Systems • Germany • All rights reserved...
  • Página 187: Óõíôþñçóç

    óõóêåõÞò ìå åðÝìâáóç óôï ðåäßï ðñïóôáóßáò êáôÜ ìÞêïò ôùí ïñßùí ôïõ ðåäßïõ ðñïóôáóßáò, ôçñþíôáò üìùò ðÜíôá ôïõò åéäéêïýò êáíïíéóìïýò åöáñìïãÞò. 8 009 810/OA87/13-09-04 Operating Instruction • PLS © SICK AG • Industrial Safety Systems • Germany • All rights reserved...
  • Página 188: Óýñâéò

    Óôçí Ôå÷íéêÞ ÐåñéãñáöÞ ôïõ PLS èá âñåßôå ìéá ëßóôá ôïõ åîïðëéóìïý ðïõ ìðïñåßôå íá ðñïìçèåõôåßôå. Åäþ áíáöÝñïíôáé åðßóçò êáé ôá áíôáëëáêôéêÜ ðïõ ìðïñåßôå íá ðáñáããåßëåôå. 8 009 810/OA87/13-09-04 Operating Instruction • PLS © SICK AG • Industrial Safety Systems • Germany • All rights reserved...
  • Página 189: Ήλωση Συµµόρφωσης

    9. ∆ήλωση Συµµόρφωσης PLS 10X—317 8 009 810/OA87/13-09-04 Operating Instruction • PLS © SICK AG • Industrial Safety Systems • Germany • All rights reserved...
  • Página 190: Ôå÷Íéêü Óôïé÷Åßá Pls 10X-317

    2 x 40 ms äåêáåîáðëÜóéïò 16 x 40 ×ñüíïé äéÜñêåéáò óýíäåóçò Ìå ôÜóç óå åíÝñãåéá ÊáôáíÜëùóç éó÷ýïò (÷ùñßò öïñôßï) 17 W 8 009 810/OA87/13-09-04 Operating Instruction • PLS © SICK AG • Industrial Safety Systems • Germany • All rights reserved...
  • Página 191 Áíèåêôéêüôçôá óå âñá÷õêýêëùìá íáé Áêïëïõèßá ìåôáãùãÞò 3 Hz ÅðáãùãÞ öïñôßïõ Åîïäïé áóöáëåßáò (OSSD) — (HIGH-åíåñãÝò) ÔÜóç ìåôáãùãÞò HIGH-åíåñãÝò (U - 2,5 V 8 009 810/OA87/13-09-04 Operating Instruction • PLS © SICK AG • Industrial Safety Systems • Germany • All rights reserved...
  • Página 192 100 nF Áêïëïõèßá ìåôáãùãÞò 3 Hz êáñáñÞ åðáãùãÞ öïñôßïõ ìå åëáôôùìÝíç áêïëïõèßá ìåôáãùãÞò ç ìÝã. åðéôñåðôÞ åðáãùãÞ öïñôßïõ åßíáé ìåãáëýôåñç 8 009 810/OA87/13-09-04 Operating Instruction • PLS © SICK AG • Industrial Safety Systems • Germany • All rights reserved...
  • Página 193 55 ìs Óõ÷íüôçôá äïêéìáóôéêþí ðáëìþí ÐñïäéáãñáöÞ áãùãïý ÌÞêïò áãùãïý 30 m ÄéáôïìÞ áãùãïý 0,5 mm ÅðéôñåðôÞ áíôßóôáóç áãùãïý 2,5 Ohm 8 009 810/OA87/13-09-04 Operating Instruction • PLS © SICK AG • Industrial Safety Systems • Germany • All rights reserved...
  • Página 194 Ðåñéï÷Þ ìÝôñçóçò ÊÜëõøç (áêôßíá) 50 ì ÄéÜ÷õôç áíÜêëáóç ÄéÜãñáììá (âë.ó. 67 Ô PLS) Åõêñßíåéá ôçò ìÝôñçóçò åìâÝëåéáò ± 50 mm 8 009 810/OA87/13-09-04 Operating Instruction • PLS © SICK AG • Industrial Safety Systems • Germany • All rights reserved...
  • Página 195 óõíå÷Þò åðéêïéíùíßá õðïëïãéóôþí ÌÞêïò áãùãïý RS 232 15 ì RS 422 100 ì Áñéèìüò ôùí ðïëëáðëþí áðïôéìÞóåùí ÔÜîç ðñïóôáóßáò ëÝéæåñ 8 009 810/OA87/13-09-04 Operating Instruction • PLS © SICK AG • Industrial Safety Systems • Germany • All rights reserved...
  • Página 196 IEC 68, ìÝñïò 2-29, 10 g/16 ms Áôñùóßá Ýíáíôé ðáñåìâïëþí (EMV) IEC, 61496 - 1, EN 61000-6-4:2001-10, DIN 40839 - 1 êáé - 3 8 009 810/OA87/13-09-04 Operating Instruction • PLS © SICK AG • Industrial Safety Systems • Germany • All rights reserved...
  • Página 197 ÄéáóôÜóåéò (Ð x Õ x Â) 15 mm x 185 mm x 156 mm ×ñþìá Πρόσθιο τµήµα κίτρινο RAL 1021 Πίσω τµήµα µαύρο RAL 9005 8 009 810/OA87/13-09-04 Operating Instruction • PLS © SICK AG • Industrial Safety Systems • Germany • All rights reserved...
  • Página 198: Ðáñüñôçìá: Õðüìíçìá Ãéá Ôéò Áðåéêïíßóåéò

    ÔïìÝáò åìâõóìÜôùóçò 265 mm Áðåéêüíéóç 3: Åéêüíá äéáóôÜóåùí ôùí óåô óôåñÝùóçò Ïëåò ïé äéáóôÜóåéò áíáãñÜöïíôáé óå mm Âßäåò óôåñÝùóçò ôïõ áéóèçôçñßïõ 8 009 810/OA87/13-09-04 Operating Instruction • PLS © SICK AG • Industrial Safety Systems • Germany • All rights reserved...
  • Página 199: Êáôüëçøç Óõíäýóìïõ

    ÐÞ÷õò áêßäùí ÃÝöõñá 7-8 ãéá ôç ìåôáãùãÞ ôïõ RS 232/RS 422 Õðüìíçìá ãéá ôïõò êëþíïõò: êüêêéíç ðñÜóéíç êßôñéíç ãáëÜæéï èùñÜêéóç 8 009 810/OA87/13-09-04 Operating Instruction • PLS © SICK AG • Industrial Safety Systems • Germany • All rights reserved...
  • Página 200 8 009 810/OA87/13-09-04 Operating Instruction • PLS © SICK AG • Industrial Safety Systems • Germany • All rights reserved...
  • Página 201 10. Dati tecnici PLS 10X-317............218 11. Appendice: Legenda dei disegni ..........226 11.1 Percentuale di riflessione degli oggetti......226 11.2 Disegni dimensionali............226 11.3 Connessioni elettriche ............227 8 009 810/OA87/13-09-04 Operating Instruction • PLS © SICK AG • Industrial Safety Systems • Germany • All rights reserved...
  • Página 202: C1. Informazioni Generali

    PLS 10X-317 (n° d'ordine 1 022 253) Questo apparecchio è stato certificato come dispositivo di protezione personale, se impiegato secondo destinazione, in adempimento delle direttive pertinenti. 8 009 810/OA87/13-09-04 Operating Instruction • PLS © SICK AG • Industrial Safety Systems • Germany • All rights reserved...
  • Página 203: Descrizione Del Sistema

    L'area di sicurezza deve essere dimensionata in base ai dati conte- nuti nella Descrizione tecnica del PLS. 8 009 810/OA87/13-09-04 Operating Instruction • PLS © SICK AG • Industrial Safety Systems • Germany • All rights reserved...
  • Página 204: Avvertimenti Inerenti La Sicurezza

    5. In appendice al presente manuale si trova una lista di controllo destinata al costruttore e all'equipaggiatore. 8 009 810/OA87/13-09-04 Operating Instruction • PLS © SICK AG • Industrial Safety Systems • Germany • All rights reserved...
  • Página 205: Montaggio

    La comunicazione con il PLS viene realizzata mediante cavo dati schermato (vedere capitolo Accessori nella Descrizione tecnica). Si prega di osservare le indicazioni riportate alla pagina seguente. 8 009 810/OA87/13-09-04 Operating Instruction • PLS © SICK AG • Industrial Safety Systems • Germany • All rights reserved...
  • Página 206 L'involucro risponde al grado di protezione IP65 solo se entrambi gli involucri di collegamento con le rispettive guarnizioni sono impiegati e fissati nel modo descritto nel presente manuale. 8 009 810/OA87/13-09-04 Operating Instruction • PLS © SICK AG • Industrial Safety Systems • Germany • All rights reserved...
  • Página 207: Indicazioni Inerenti La Messa In Funzione

    L'apparecchio è stato programmato con configurazione di base. Solo il personale autorizzato (qualificato) può eventualmente modificare i campi di controllo ed i parametri. 8 009 810/OA87/13-09-04 Operating Instruction • PLS © SICK AG • Industrial Safety Systems • Germany • All rights reserved...
  • Página 208: Verifiche

    Verifica dell'efficienza del dispositivo di sicurezza della macchina in tutti i possibili modi operativi, in base alla lista di controllo alle- gata. 8 009 810/OA87/13-09-04 Operating Instruction • PLS © SICK AG • Industrial Safety Systems • Germany • All rights reserved...
  • Página 209 L'utente verifica il proprio sistema PLS attenendosi alla lista di controllo contenuta nel capitolo 6.2. 8 009 810/OA87/13-09-04 Operating Instruction • PLS © SICK AG • Industrial Safety Systems • Germany • All rights reserved...
  • Página 210 Se si dovesse constatare una differenza, si dovrà fermare immediatamente la macchina o l'impianto che dovrà essere controllato da per- sona qualificata. 8 009 810/OA87/13-09-04 Operating Instruction • PLS © SICK AG • Industrial Safety Systems • Germany • All rights reserved...
  • Página 211: Lista Di Controllo

    4. L'accesso/l'intervento all'area di pericolo/al luogo pericoloso è possibile solo attraverso l'area di sicurezza del BWS? Sì ❏ No ❏ 8 009 810/OA87/13-09-04 Operating Instruction • PLS © SICK AG • Industrial Safety Systems • Germany • All rights reserved...
  • Página 212 11. Esiste il dispositivo di Restart del dispositivo di sicurezza BWS ovvero della macchina, e sono stati applicati in modo regolamentare? Sì ❏ No ❏ 8 009 810/OA87/13-09-04 Operating Instruction • PLS © SICK AG • Industrial Safety Systems • Germany • All rights reserved...
  • Página 213 La presente lista di controllo non sostituisce la prima messa in funzione ed il regolare controllo che dovrà essere effettuato da un esperto in materia. 8 009 810/OA87/13-09-04 Operating Instruction • PLS © SICK AG • Industrial Safety Systems • Germany • All rights reserved...
  • Página 214: Diagnosi

    Se opportunamente programmato da personale autorizzato, il sof- tware del PLS visualizza sia il leggero Imbrattamento del frontale ottico, tramite l'apposito indicatore, (l'apparecchio continua a funzio- 8 009 810/OA87/13-09-04 Operating Instruction • PLS © SICK AG • Industrial Safety Systems • Germany • All rights reserved...
  • Página 215 Tenere costantemente sotto controllo il regolare funzionamento del- l'apparecchio, intervenendo lungo la delimitazione dell'area di sicu- rezza attenendosi alle relative norme di applicazione. 8 009 810/OA87/13-09-04 Operating Instruction • PLS © SICK AG • Industrial Safety Systems • Germany • All rights reserved...
  • Página 216: Service

    La lista degli accessori disponibili è riportata nella Descrizione tecni- ca del PLS. Essa contiene anche i pezzi di ricambio disponibili. 8 009 810/OA87/13-09-04 Operating Instruction • PLS © SICK AG • Industrial Safety Systems • Germany • All rights reserved...
  • Página 217: Dichiarazione Di Conformità

    9. Dichiarazione di Conformità PLS 10X-317 8 009 810/OA87/13-09-04 Operating Instruction • PLS © SICK AG • Industrial Safety Systems • Germany • All rights reserved...
  • Página 218: Dati Tecnici Pls 10X-317

    2 x 40 ms 16 volte 16 x 40 Tempi di attivazione Con tensione on Potenza assorbita (senza carico) 17 W 8 009 810/OA87/13-09-04 Operating Instruction • PLS © SICK AG • Industrial Safety Systems • Germany • All rights reserved...
  • Página 219 127 ms Attivazione con area di preallarme (WF) libera 40 ms Resistente ai cortocircuiti sì Sequenza commutazioni 3 Hz Induttanza carico 8 009 810/OA87/13-09-04 Operating Instruction • PLS © SICK AG • Industrial Safety Systems • Germany • All rights reserved...
  • Página 220 L'elemento di controllo collegato in serie deve riconoscere questo stato come LOW. pura capacità carico 100 nF Sequenza commutazioni 3 Hz 8 009 810/OA87/13-09-04 Operating Instruction • PLS © SICK AG • Industrial Safety Systems • Germany • All rights reserved...
  • Página 221 Frequenza impulsi di Test alternativamente ogni 40 ms OSSD 1 e OSSD 2 Ampiezza impulsi di Test 55 µs Frequenza impulsi di Test 8 009 810/OA87/13-09-04 Operating Instruction • PLS © SICK AG • Industrial Safety Systems • Germany • All rights reserved...
  • Página 222 BIA che corrispondono in linea di massima all'attuale progetto di norma corrispondente dalla norma IEC 61496-3:1999 Tip 3 Tip 3 Tip 3 8 009 810/OA87/13-09-04 Operating Instruction • PLS © SICK AG • Industrial Safety Systems • Germany • All rights reserved...
  • Página 223 Lo schermo dovrebbe trovarsi sul lato calcolatore. Velocità di trasmissione RS 232 9600 Baud 56 kBaud 8 009 810/OA87/13-09-04 Operating Instruction • PLS © SICK AG • Industrial Safety Systems • Germany • All rights reserved...
  • Página 224 905 nm 935 nm Rilevatore Angolo di apertura ± 0,5° ± 1° Involucro Materiale alluminio pressofuso Frontale ottico Materiale policarbonato 8 009 810/OA87/13-09-04 Operating Instruction • PLS © SICK AG • Industrial Safety Systems • Germany • All rights reserved...
  • Página 225 Dimensioni (largh. x alt. x profond.) 155 mm x 185 mm x 156 mm Colore Parte anteriore gialla RAL 1021 Parte posteriore nera RAL 9005 8 009 810/OA87/13-09-04 Operating Instruction • PLS © SICK AG • Industrial Safety Systems • Germany • All rights reserved...
  • Página 226: Appendice: Legenda Dei Disegni

    Figura 3: Disegno dimensionale dei set di fissaggio Tutte le misure sono in mm. Viti per il fissaggio del sensore 8 009 810/OA87/13-09-04 Operating Instruction • PLS © SICK AG • Industrial Safety Systems • Germany • All rights reserved...
  • Página 227: Connessioni Elettriche

    Schermo (attorcigliato) Frutto per contatti maschi Ponte 7-8 per commutazione RS 232/RS 422 Legenda dei fili: rosso verde giallo schermo 8 009 810/OA87/13-09-04 Operating Instruction • PLS © SICK AG • Industrial Safety Systems • Germany • All rights reserved...
  • Página 228 8 009 810/AEO/07-06-02 Operating Instruction • PLS © SICK AG • Industrial Safety Systems • Germany • All rights reserved...
  • Página 229 10. Tekniske data for PLS 10X-317.......... 246 11. Vedlegg: Tegnforklaring til figurene........254 11.1 Remisjonsgrader til objekter........254 11.2 Målskisser..............254 11.3 Kontaktkonfigurasjon ..........255 8 009 810/OA87/13-09-04 Operating Instruction • PLS © SICK AG • Industrial Safety Systems • Germany • All rights reserved...
  • Página 230: Generelt

    PLS 10X-317 ( 1 022 253) Dette produktet er godkjent som personsikkerhet, når produktet blir brukt i henhold til manualen og gjeldende regelverk. 8 009 810/OA87/13-09-04 Operating Instruction • PLS © SICK AG • Industrial Safety Systems • Germany • All rights reserved...
  • Página 231: Systembeskrivelse

    (påkjørselsbeskyttelse på kjøretøy). Dimensjoneringen av sensorområdet* må være i henhold til den tekniske beskrivelsen for PLS. 8 009 810/OA87/13-09-04 Operating Instruction • PLS © SICK AG • Industrial Safety Systems • Germany • All rights reserved...
  • Página 232: Sikkerhetsforskrifter Og -Anvisninger

    Arbeidstakeren skal settes inn i bruken av sakkyndige. 5. Denne bruksanvisningen har en sjekkliste for kontroll fra fabrikanten og montøren. 8 009 810/OA87/13-09-04 Operating Instruction • PLS © SICK AG • Industrial Safety Systems • Germany • All rights reserved...
  • Página 233: Montering

    Kommunikasjonsledningen til PLS lages med en skjermet dataledning (se kapittelet Tilbehør i den tekniske beskrivelsen). Følg anvisningene på neste side! 8 009 810/OA87/13-09-04 Operating Instruction • PLS © SICK AG • Industrial Safety Systems • Germany • All rights reserved...
  • Página 234 Først da skal kontakthuset festes med umbrakoskruene i siden. Huser tilfredsstiller IP-grad IP65 først når kontakthuset med tetninger er satt i og festet som beskrevet over. 8 009 810/OA87/13-09-04 Operating Instruction • PLS © SICK AG • Industrial Safety Systems • Germany • All rights reserved...
  • Página 235: Anvisning For Idriftsettelse

    Apparatet er programmert med en grunnkonfigurasjon. Endringer av overvåkingsområder og parametre må kun utføres av autoriserte personer (sakkyndige). 8 009 810/OA87/13-09-04 Operating Instruction • PLS © SICK AG • Industrial Safety Systems • Germany • All rights reserved...
  • Página 236: Kontroller

    - Brukerne som skal bruke maskinen sikret med verneinnretningen, må før arbeidet starter være satt inn i bruken av utstyret av 8 009 810/OA87/13-09-04 Operating Instruction • PLS © SICK AG • Industrial Safety Systems • Germany • All rights reserved...
  • Página 237 Kontroller PLS-systemet før du følger sjekklisten i kapittel 6.2. 8 009 810/OA87/13-09-04 Operating Instruction • PLS © SICK AG • Industrial Safety Systems • Germany • All rights reserved...
  • Página 238: Sjekkliste

    Angivelsene til punktene under må minst foreligge ved første gangs bruk - men alt etter applikasjon, hvis krav fabrikant/ utruster må kontrollere. 8 009 810/OA87/13-09-04 Operating Instruction • PLS © SICK AG • Industrial Safety Systems • Germany • All rights reserved...
  • Página 239 7. Er maskinens maks. stopptid eller etterløpstid kontrollmålt og angitt og dokumentert (på maskinen og/eller i maskinens dokumentasjon)? 8 009 810/OA87/13-09-04 Operating Instruction • PLS © SICK AG • Industrial Safety Systems • Germany • All rights reserved...
  • Página 240 14. Fungerer de angitte vernefunksjonene ved hver innstilling av driftsvelgeren? 15. Er bryterelementene PLS styrer, f.eks. vern, ventiler, overvåket? 16. Fungerer PLS i hele den fareskapende tilstanden? 8 009 810/OA87/13-09-04 Operating Instruction • PLS © SICK AG • Industrial Safety Systems • Germany • All rights reserved...
  • Página 241 18. Er anvisningsskiltet for daglig kontroll anbrakt godt synlig for brukeren? Denne sjekklisten erstatter ikke kontroll før første gangs bruk samt regelmessig kontroll av en sakkyndig. 8 009 810/OA87/13-09-04 Operating Instruction • PLS © SICK AG • Industrial Safety Systems • Germany • All rights reserved...
  • Página 242: Diagnose

    Ved tilsvarende forhåndsinnstilling med brukerprogramvaren utført av autoriserte personer indikerer PLS både en lett tilsmussing av frontglasset via tilsmussingsadvarsel (ved full apparatfunksjon) og 8 009 810/OA87/13-09-04 Operating Instruction • PLS © SICK AG • Industrial Safety Systems • Germany • All rights reserved...
  • Página 243 Kontroller også alle skrueforbindelser på terningstøpslene. Kontroller jevnlig at apparatet fungerer forskriftsmessig ved å gripe inn i sensorområdet langs grensene i samsvar med applikasjonsspesifikke forskrifter. 8 009 810/OA87/13-09-04 Operating Instruction • PLS © SICK AG • Industrial Safety Systems • Germany • All rights reserved...
  • Página 244: Service

    8. Tilbehør I den tekniske beskrivelsen for PLS er det en liste over tilbehøret. Tilgjengelige reservedeler er også oppført der. 8 009 810/OA87/13-09-04 Operating Instruction • PLS © SICK AG • Industrial Safety Systems • Germany • All rights reserved...
  • Página 245: Samsvarserklæring

    9. Samsvarserklæring PLS 10X-317 8 009 810/OA87/13-09-04 Operating Instruction • PLS © SICK AG • Industrial Safety Systems • Germany • All rights reserved...
  • Página 246: Tekniske Data For Pls 10X-317

    2 x 40 ms seksdobbelt 16x40 ms Innkoplingstider Ved spenning på Effektforbruk (uten last) 17 W 8 009 810/OA87/13-09-04 Operating Instruction • PLS © SICK AG • Industrial Safety Systems • Germany • All rights reserved...
  • Página 247 40 ms Kortslutningssikker Koplingsrekkefølge 3 Hz Lastinduktivitet Sikkerhetsutganger (OSSD) – dynamisk (HIGH-aktiv) Brytespenning HIGH aktiv (U - 2,5 V ueff 8 009 810/OA87/13-09-04 Operating Instruction • PLS © SICK AG • Industrial Safety Systems • Germany • All rights reserved...
  • Página 248 LOW. ren lastkapasitet 100 nF Koplingsrekkefølge 3 Hz ren lastinduktivitet Ved liten koplingsrekkefølge er maks. tillatt lastinduktivitet større. 8 009 810/OA87/13-09-04 Operating Instruction • PLS © SICK AG • Industrial Safety Systems • Germany • All rights reserved...
  • Página 249 OSSD 1 og OSSD 2 55 Os Testpulsbredde Testpulsfrekvens Ledningsspesifikasjon Ledningslengde 30 m Ledningstverrsnitt 0,5 mm tillatt ledningsmotstand 2,5 Ohm 8 009 810/OA87/13-09-04 Operating Instruction • PLS © SICK AG • Industrial Safety Systems • Germany • All rights reserved...
  • Página 250 20 % Sikkerhetskategori ingen Måleområde Rekkevidde (radius) 50 m remisjon Skjema (se s. 67 i teknisk beskrivelse for PLS) 8 009 810/OA87/13-09-04 Operating Instruction • PLS © SICK AG • Industrial Safety Systems • Germany • All rights reserved...
  • Página 251 RS 422 Ledningslengde RS 232 15 m RS 422 100 m Antall multivariable løsninger Laserbeskyttelsesklasse 8 009 810/OA87/13-09-04 Operating Instruction • PLS © SICK AG • Industrial Safety Systems • Germany • All rights reserved...
  • Página 252 IEC 68, del 2-29, 10 g/16 ms Sikkerhet mot forstyrrelser (EMV) IEC 61496 - 1, EN 61000-6-4:2001-10, DIN 40839 - 1 og - 3 8 009 810/OA87/13-09-04 Operating Instruction • PLS © SICK AG • Industrial Safety Systems • Germany • All rights reserved...
  • Página 253 Mål (B x H x D) 155 mm x 185 mm x 156 mm Farge Frontside gul RAL 1021 Bakside svart RAL 9005 8 009 810/OA87/13-09-04 Operating Instruction • PLS © SICK AG • Industrial Safety Systems • Germany • All rights reserved...
  • Página 254: Vedlegg: Tegnforklaring Til Figurene

    Alle mål er vist i mm. Pluggområde 265 mm Fig. 3: Målskisse festesett Alle mål er vist i mm. Sensorfesteskruer 8 009 810/OA87/13-09-04 Operating Instruction • PLS © SICK AG • Industrial Safety Systems • Germany • All rights reserved...
  • Página 255: Kontaktkonfigurasjon

    Avisolert Crimpet Skjerm (snodd) Stiftlist Bro 7-8 til omkopling av RS 232/RS 422 Tegnforklaring for ledere: rød grønn blå skjerm 8 009 810/OA87/13-09-04 Operating Instruction • PLS © SICK AG • Industrial Safety Systems • Germany • All rights reserved...
  • Página 256 8 009 810/AEO/07-06-02 Operating Instruction • PLS © SICK AG • Industrial Safety Systems • Germany • All rights reserved...
  • Página 257 11. Bijlage: legenda bij de afbeeldingen........282 11.1 Reflectiewaardes van objecten ........282 11.2 Maatschetsen ............. 282 11.3 Connectoraansluiting..........283 8 009 810/OA87/13-09-04 Operating Instruction • PLS © SICK AG • Industrial Safety Systems • Germany • All rights reserved...
  • Página 258: Algemeen

    PLS 10X-317 (bestelnummer 1 022 253) Dit apparaat is gecertificeerd voor gebruik als persoonsbeveiliging en voldoet, zoals gebruikt in de handleiding omschreven, de huidige voorschriften. 8 009 810/OA87/13-09-04 Operating Instruction • PLS © SICK AG • Industrial Safety Systems • Germany • All rights reserved...
  • Página 259: Systeembeschrijving

    De afmeting van het veiligheidsveld moet volgens de gegevens van de Technische Beschrijving van de PLS plaatsvinden. 8 009 810/OA87/13-09-04 Operating Instruction • PLS © SICK AG • Industrial Safety Systems • Germany • All rights reserved...
  • Página 260: Veiligheidsvoorschriften En -Instructies

    5. In deze brochure is als bijlage een checklist opgenomen voor de controle door de fabrikant en de inrichter. 8 009 810/OA87/13-09-04 Operating Instruction • PLS © SICK AG • Industrial Safety Systems • Germany • All rights reserved...
  • Página 261: Montage

    De communicatieleiding naar de PLS wordt met een afgeschermde dataleiding gemaakt (zie hoofdstuk accessoires in de technische beschrijving). Let a.u.b. op de aanwijzingen op de volgende pagina! 8 009 810/OA87/13-09-04 Operating Instruction • PLS © SICK AG • Industrial Safety Systems • Germany • All rights reserved...
  • Página 262 Alleen wanneer de beide kubusvormige connectoren met afdichtingen op de beschreven wijze ingezet en bevestigd worden, voldoet het huis aan de beschermklasse IP 65. 8 009 810/OA87/13-09-04 Operating Instruction • PLS © SICK AG • Industrial Safety Systems • Germany • All rights reserved...
  • Página 263: Aanwijzingen Voor De Inbedrijfstelling

    Het apparaat is voorgeprogrammeerd met een basisconfiguratie. Wijzigingen in de bewakingsgebieden alsmede de parameterring mogen alleen door geautoriseerde personen (specialisten) worden uitgevoerd. 8 009 810/OA87/13-09-04 Operating Instruction • PLS © SICK AG • Industrial Safety Systems • Germany • All rights reserved...
  • Página 264: Controles

    (EG-con- formiteitsverklaring) Controle van de werkzaamheid van de veiligheidsinrichting op de machine in alle op de machine instelbare functies overeen- 8 009 810/OA87/13-09-04 Operating Instruction • PLS © SICK AG • Industrial Safety Systems • Germany • All rights reserved...
  • Página 265 U kunt uw PLS-systeem controleren, door aan de hand van de in hoofdstuk 6.2 afgedrukte checklist te werk te gaan. 8 009 810/OA87/13-09-04 Operating Instruction • PLS © SICK AG • Industrial Safety Systems • Germany • All rights reserved...
  • Página 266 Wanneer er hier een afwijking wordt vastgesteld moet de machine/ installatie/het voertuig onmiddellijk gestopt en door een specialist gecontroleerd worden. 8 009 810/OA87/13-09-04 Operating Instruction • PLS © SICK AG • Industrial Safety Systems • Germany • All rights reserved...
  • Página 267: Checklist

    3. Voldoet de veiligheidsinrichting aan de vereiste besturingscategorie? 4. Is de toegang tot de gevarenzone/gevaarlijke plaats alleen via het veiligheidsveld van de contactloos werkende veiligheidsinrichting mogelijk? 8 009 810/OA87/13-09-04 Operating Instruction • PLS © SICK AG • Industrial Safety Systems • Germany • All rights reserved...
  • Página 268 11. Is het commandotoestel voor de reset van de (BWS) veiligheidsinrichting c.q. voor de herstart van de machine aanwezig en reglementair aangebracht? 8 009 810/OA87/13-09-04 Operating Instruction • PLS © SICK AG • Industrial Safety Systems • Germany • All rights reserved...
  • Página 269 18. Is het aanwijzingsbord voor de dagelijkse controle goed zichtbaar voor de operator aangebracht? Deze checklist vervangt niet de eerste inbedrijfstelling en de regelmatige controle door een specialist. 8 009 810/OA87/13-09-04 Operating Instruction • PLS © SICK AG • Industrial Safety Systems • Germany • All rights reserved...
  • Página 270: Diagnose

    Voor geautoriseerd personeel staat met behulp van de bijgevoegde gebruikerssoftware een uitvoerig diagnosesysteem beschikbaar (zie hoofdstuk gebruikerssoftware in de technische beschrijving van de PLS). 8 009 810/OA87/13-09-04 Operating Instruction • PLS © SICK AG • Industrial Safety Systems • Germany • All rights reserved...
  • Página 271: Onderhoud

    Controleer de reglementaire functie van het apparaat regelmatig door langs de grenzen in het veiligheidsveld te grijpen volgens de toepassingsspecifieke voorschriften. 8 009 810/OA87/13-09-04 Operating Instruction • PLS © SICK AG • Industrial Safety Systems • Germany • All rights reserved...
  • Página 272: Service

    U vindt een lijst met verkrijgbare accessoires in de technische beschrijving van de PLS. Ook de verkrijgbare reserveonderdelen staan daar vermeld. 8 009 810/OA87/13-09-04 Operating Instruction • PLS © SICK AG • Industrial Safety Systems • Germany • All rights reserved...
  • Página 273: Conformiteitsverklaring

    9. Conformiteitsverklaring PLS 10X-317 8 009 810/OA87/13-09-04 Operating Instruction • PLS © SICK AG • Industrial Safety Systems • Germany • All rights reserved...
  • Página 274: Technische Gegevens Pls 10X-317

    2 x 40 zestienvoudig 16 x 40 Inschakeltijden Bij spanning aan Vermogensopname (zonder last) 17 W 8 009 810/OA87/13-09-04 Operating Instruction • PLS © SICK AG • Industrial Safety Systems • Germany • All rights reserved...
  • Página 275 (WF) vrij 40 ms Korsluitbestendig Schakelvolgorde 3 Hz Lastinductiviteit Veiligheidsuitgangen (OSSD) – dynamisch (HIGH-actief) Schakelspanning HIGH actief (U - 2,5 V 8 009 810/OA87/13-09-04 Operating Instruction • PLS © SICK AG • Industrial Safety Systems • Germany • All rights reserved...
  • Página 276 LOW herkennen. zuivere lastcapaciteit 100 nF Schakelvolgorde 3 Hz zuivere lastinductiviteit Bij geringe schakelvolgorde is de max. toegelaten lastinductiviteit groter. 8 009 810/OA87/13-09-04 Operating Instruction • PLS © SICK AG • Industrial Safety Systems • Germany • All rights reserved...
  • Página 277 55 Ps Testimpulsbreedte Testimpulsfrequentie Leidingsspecificatie Leidingslengte 30 m Leidingsdoorsnede 0,5 mm toegelaten leidingsweerstand 2,5 Ohm Kenmerke Gegevens min. type max. 8 009 810/OA87/13-09-04 Operating Instruction • PLS © SICK AG • Industrial Safety Systems • Germany • All rights reserved...
  • Página 278 Reflectie bij 15 m en 80 mm objectdiameter Veiligheidscategorie geen Meetbereik Reikwijdte (radius) 50 m Reflectie Diagram (z.p. 67 TB PLS) 8 009 810/OA87/13-09-04 Operating Instruction • PLS © SICK AG • Industrial Safety Systems • Germany • All rights reserved...
  • Página 279 RS 422 toegestaan Leidingslengte RS 232 15 m RS 422 100 m Aantal meervoudige evaluaties Laserbeschermklasse 8 009 810/OA87/13-09-04 Operating Instruction • PLS © SICK AG • Industrial Safety Systems • Germany • All rights reserved...
  • Página 280 IEC 68, deel 2-29, 10 g/16 ms Storingsbestendigheid (EMC) IEC 61496 - 1, EN 61000-6-4:2001-10, DIN 40839 - 1 en - 3 8 009 810/OA87/13-09-04 Operating Instruction • PLS © SICK AG • Industrial Safety Systems • Germany • All rights reserved...
  • Página 281 Afmetingen (B x H x T) 155 mm x 185 mm x 156 mm Kleur Voorzijde geel RAL 1021 Achterzijde zwart RAL 9005 8 009 810/OA87/13-09-04 Operating Instruction • PLS © SICK AG • Industrial Safety Systems • Germany • All rights reserved...
  • Página 282: Bijlage: Legenda Bij De Afbeeldingen

    Alle maten zijn in mm weergegeven. Steek 265 mm Afbeelding 3: Maatschets bevestigingssets Alle maten zijn in mm weergegeven. Sensor bevestigingsschroeven 8 009 810/OA87/13-09-04 Operating Instruction • PLS © SICK AG • Industrial Safety Systems • Germany • All rights reserved...
  • Página 283: Connectoraansluiting

    Afscherming (gevlochten) Stiftlijst Brug 7-8 voor eht omschakelen van RS 232/RS 422 Legenda bij de aders: rood groen geel blauw scherm 8 009 810/OA87/13-09-04 Operating Instruction • PLS © SICK AG • Industrial Safety Systems • Germany • All rights reserved...
  • Página 284 8 009 810/AEO/07-06-02 Operating Instruction • PLS © SICK AG • Industrial Safety Systems • Germany • All rights reserved...
  • Página 285 11. Anexo: Legendas das figuras ..........310 11.1 Factores de luminância dos objectos ......310 11.2 Desenhos cotados............310 11.3 Atribuição dos pinos das fichas........311 8 009 810/OA87/13-09-04 Operating Instruction • PLS © SICK AG • Industrial Safety Systems • Germany • All rights reserved...
  • Página 286: Generalidades

    O presente aparelho está certificado como dispositivo de protecção de pessoas e cumpre, em caso de utilização conforme a sua finalidade, as disposições legais em vigor. 8 009 810/OA87/13-09-04 Operating Instruction • PLS © SICK AG • Industrial Safety Systems • Germany • All rights reserved...
  • Página 287: Descrição Do Sistema

    O dimensionamento do campo de protecção deve ser efectuado de acordo com as prescrições descritas na Descrição Técnica do PLS. 8 009 810/OA87/13-09-04 Operating Instruction • PLS © SICK AG • Industrial Safety Systems • Germany • All rights reserved...
  • Página 288: Disposições E Instruções De Segurança

    O operador deve ser instruído por um profissional especializado. 5. O presente manual inclui em anexo uma lista de verificação destinada ao fabricante ou fornecedor. 8 009 810/OA87/13-09-04 Operating Instruction • PLS © SICK AG • Industrial Safety Systems • Germany • All rights reserved...
  • Página 289: Montagem

    O cabo de comunicação ao PLS é constituído por um cabo de dados blindado (vide o capítulo Acessórios da Descrição Técnica). Por favor, observe as instruções da página seguinte! 8 009 810/OA87/13-09-04 Operating Instruction • PLS © SICK AG • Industrial Safety Systems • Germany • All rights reserved...
  • Página 290 IP 65. 8 009 810/OA87/13-09-04 Operating Instruction • PLS © SICK AG • Industrial Safety Systems • Germany • All rights reserved...
  • Página 291: Notas Sobre A Colocação Em Serviço

    O aparelho encontra-se programado com uma configuração base. Alterações no campo monitorizado, bem como na parametrização devem ser realizadas apenas por pessoas devidamente autorizadas (especialista). 8 009 810/OA87/13-09-04 Operating Instruction • PLS © SICK AG • Industrial Safety Systems • Germany • All rights reserved...
  • Página 292: Inspecções

    (Declaração de conformidade da CE). Verificação da eficácia do dispositivo de segrurança na máquina, considerando todos os modos operacionais disponíveis na 8 009 810/OA87/13-09-04 Operating Instruction • PLS © SICK AG • Industrial Safety Systems • Germany • All rights reserved...
  • Página 293 A inspecção do sistema PLS é efectuada segundo a lista de verificação constante no capítulo 6.2. 8 009 810/OA87/13-09-04 Operating Instruction • PLS © SICK AG • Industrial Safety Systems • Germany • All rights reserved...
  • Página 294 Se, por ventura, verficar uma discrepância nesta funcionalidade, a máquina/instalação/veículo deve ser imediatamente desactivado e sujeito a uma inspecção por um profissional especializado. 8 009 810/OA87/13-09-04 Operating Instruction • PLS © SICK AG • Industrial Safety Systems • Germany • All rights reserved...
  • Página 295: Lista De Verificação

    4. O acesso à zona/ao local de perigo apenas pode ser feito passando pelo campo de protecção do DPT? Não 8 009 810/OA87/13-09-04 Operating Instruction • PLS © SICK AG • Industrial Safety Systems • Germany • All rights reserved...
  • Página 296 (DPT) dispositivo de segurança ou para reiniciar a máquina encontra-se instalado e montado em conformidade? Não 12. As saídas do DPT (OSSD) foram conectadas de acordo com 8 009 810/OA87/13-09-04 Operating Instruction • PLS © SICK AG • Industrial Safety Systems • Germany • All rights reserved...
  • Página 297 Não Esta lista de verificação não substitui a primeira colocação em serviço, nem a inspecção regular por um profissional especializado. 8 009 810/OA87/13-09-04 Operating Instruction • PLS © SICK AG • Industrial Safety Systems • Germany • All rights reserved...
  • Página 298: Diagnóstico

    PLS indica, através do aviso de sujidade, tanto uma sujidade ligeira do vidro frontal 8 009 810/OA87/13-09-04 Operating Instruction • PLS © SICK AG • Industrial Safety Systems • Germany • All rights reserved...
  • Página 299 8 009 810/OA87/13-09-04 Operating Instruction • PLS © SICK AG • Industrial Safety Systems • Germany • All rights reserved...
  • Página 300: Assistência

    8. Acessórios A lista de acessórios disponíveis encontra-se na Descrição Técnica do PLS. Nesta lista também constam as peças sobressalentes disponíveis. 8 009 810/OA87/13-09-04 Operating Instruction • PLS © SICK AG • Industrial Safety Systems • Germany • All rights reserved...
  • Página 301: Declaração De Conformidade

    9. Declaração de conformidade PLS 10X-317 8 009 810/OA87/13-09-04 Operating Instruction • PLS © SICK AG • Industrial Safety Systems • Germany • All rights reserved...
  • Página 302: Características Técnicas Pls 10X-317

    2 x 40 ms 16 vezes 16 x 40 Tempo de activação Sob Tensão Ligada Potência absorvida (sem carga) 17 W 8 009 810/OA87/13-09-04 Operating Instruction • PLS © SICK AG • Industrial Safety Systems • Germany • All rights reserved...
  • Página 303 Indutância sob carga Saídas de segurança (OSSD) – dinâmicas (activas com HIGH) Tensão de comutação activa com HIGH (U - 2,5 V 8 009 810/OA87/13-09-04 Operating Instruction • PLS © SICK AG • Industrial Safety Systems • Germany • All rights reserved...
  • Página 304 3 Hz Indutância efectiva sob carga Com uma sequência de comutação mais reduzida a indutância máxima admissível sob carga é maior. 8 009 810/OA87/13-09-04 Operating Instruction • PLS © SICK AG • Industrial Safety Systems • Germany • All rights reserved...
  • Página 305 Frequência dos impulsos de teste Especificações dos cabos Comprimento do cabo 30 m Secção do cabo 0,5 mm Resistência admissível do cabo 2,5 Ohm 8 009 810/OA87/13-09-04 Operating Instruction • PLS © SICK AG • Industrial Safety Systems • Germany • All rights reserved...
  • Página 306 Luminância com 15 m e um diâmetro do objecto de 80 mm 20 % Categoria de segurança nenhuma Área de medição Alcançe (raio) 50 m 8 009 810/OA87/13-09-04 Operating Instruction • PLS © SICK AG • Industrial Safety Systems • Germany • All rights reserved...
  • Página 307 RS 422 Comprimento do cabo RS 232 15 m RS 422 100 m Número de análises múltiplas 8 009 810/OA87/13-09-04 Operating Instruction • PLS © SICK AG • Industrial Safety Systems • Germany • All rights reserved...
  • Página 308 IEC 68, parte 2-29, 10 g/16 ms Resistência electromagnética (EMV) IEC 61496 - 1, EN 61000-6-4:2001-10, DIN 40839 - 1 e - 3 8 009 810/OA87/13-09-04 Operating Instruction • PLS © SICK AG • Industrial Safety Systems • Germany • All rights reserved...
  • Página 309 155 mm x 185 mm x 156 mm Parte da frente amarela RAL 1021 Parte de trás preta RAL 9005 8 009 810/OA87/13-09-04 Operating Instruction • PLS © SICK AG • Industrial Safety Systems • Germany • All rights reserved...
  • Página 310: Anexo: Legendas Das Figuras

    Área de encaixe 265 mm Figura 3: Desenho cotado Conjuntos de fixação Todas as medidas representadas em mm. Parafusos de fixação do sensor 8 009 810/OA87/13-09-04 Operating Instruction • PLS © SICK AG • Industrial Safety Systems • Germany • All rights reserved...
  • Página 311: Atribuição Dos Pinos Das Fichas

    Blindagem (torcida) Régua dos pinos Jumper 7-8 para comutar entre RS 232/RS 422 Legenda dos condutores: vermelha verde amarela azul Blindagem 8 009 810/OA87/13-09-04 Operating Instruction • PLS © SICK AG • Industrial Safety Systems • Germany • All rights reserved...
  • Página 312 8 009 810/AEO/07-06-02 Operating Instruction • PLS © SICK AG • Industrial Safety Systems • Germany • All rights reserved...
  • Página 313 10. Tekniska data PLS 10X-317..........330 11. Bilaga: Förklaring till bilderna ..........338 11.1 Föremåls remissionsgrad ........... 338 11.2 Måttbilder ..............338 11.3 Stiftbeläggning............339 8 009 810/OA87/13-09-04 Operating Instruction • PLS © SICK AG • Industrial Safety Systems • Germany • All rights reserved...
  • Página 314: Allmänt

    PLS 10X-317 (Best.Nr. 1 022 253) Denna utrustningar är certificerad för användning som personskyddssanordning och uppfyller vid ändamålsenlig användning gällande föreskrifter. 8 009 810/OA87/13-09-04 Operating Instruction • PLS © SICK AG • Industrial Safety Systems • Germany • All rights reserved...
  • Página 315: Systembeskrivning

    (övervakning av faroområden resp.tillträde till faroområden) som i mobila applikationer (påkörningsskydd för fordon). Skyddsområdesdimensioneringen måste göras enligt bestämmelserna i Teknisk beskrivning PLS. 8 009 810/OA87/13-09-04 Operating Instruction • PLS © SICK AG • Industrial Safety Systems • Germany • All rights reserved...
  • Página 316: Säkerhetsbestämmelser Och Anvisningar

    5. Denna broschyr bifogas en checklista för kontroller, som skall utföras av tillverkare och leverantör. 8 009 810/OA87/13-09-04 Operating Instruction • PLS © SICK AG • Industrial Safety Systems • Germany • All rights reserved...
  • Página 317: Montage

    Kommunikationen med PLS sker medelst en avskärmad dataledning (se kapitlet Tillbehör i Teknisk beskrivning). Var god observera anvisningarna på nästa sida! 8 009 810/OA87/13-09-04 Operating Instruction • PLS © SICK AG • Industrial Safety Systems • Germany • All rights reserved...
  • Página 318 Nu kan anslutningschassit fästas med hjälp av insexskruvarna på sidan. Endast när båda kubkontakterna med tätningar sätts in och fästa enligt beskrivningen ovan, innehar chassit skyddsklass IP 65. 8 009 810/OA87/13-09-04 Operating Instruction • PLS © SICK AG • Industrial Safety Systems • Germany • All rights reserved...
  • Página 319: Anvisningar För Idrifttagande

    Utrustningen har programmerats med en grundkonfiguration. Ändringar av övervakningsområden liksom parameterbestämning får endast utföras av auktoriserad (sakkunniga) personer. 8 009 810/OA87/13-09-04 Operating Instruction • PLS © SICK AG • Industrial Safety Systems • Germany • All rights reserved...
  • Página 320: Kontroller

    (EU-konformitetsdeklaration). Kontroll av skyddsanordningens funktion under alla driftssätt, som kan ställas in på maskinen enligt bifogad checklista. 8 009 810/OA87/13-09-04 Operating Instruction • PLS © SICK AG • Industrial Safety Systems • Germany • All rights reserved...
  • Página 321 PLS-System kontrolleras genom att man går igenom checklistan i Kapitel 6.2. 8 009 810/OA87/13-09-04 Operating Instruction • PLS © SICK AG • Industrial Safety Systems • Germany • All rights reserved...
  • Página 322 överens. Inställningarna återfinns även på typskylt i fordonet. Förekommer vid denna kontroll avvikelser, skall maskinen/ anläggningen/fordonet omedelbart stängas av och kontrolleras av sakkunnig personal. 8 009 810/OA87/13-09-04 Operating Instruction • PLS © SICK AG • Industrial Safety Systems • Germany • All rights reserved...
  • Página 323: Checklista

    1. Baserar säkerhetsföreskrifterna på maskinens gällande riktlinjer resp. normer? 2. Återfinns gällande riktlinjer och normer i konformitetsdeklarationen? 3. Motsvarar skyddsanordningen krävd styrkategori? 8 009 810/OA87/13-09-04 Operating Instruction • PLS © SICK AG • Industrial Safety Systems • Germany • All rights reserved...
  • Página 324 8. Är BVS:s säkerhetsavstånd till närmast liggande faroområde korrekt? 9. Är alla BVS-komponenter korrekt fästa och säkrade mot förskjutning? 10. Finns nödvändiga skyddsåtgärder mot elektrisk stöt (skyddsklass)? 8 009 810/OA87/13-09-04 Operating Instruction • PLS © SICK AG • Industrial Safety Systems • Germany • All rights reserved...
  • Página 325 18. Är informationsskylten för den dagliga kontrollen synligt uppsatt för användaren? Denna checklista ersätter inte kontroll vid första idrifttagande, heller inte regelbunden kontroll av sakkunnig personal. 8 009 810/OA87/13-09-04 Operating Instruction • PLS © SICK AG • Industrial Safety Systems • Germany • All rights reserved...
  • Página 326: Diagnos

    (se kapitlet Användarmjukvara i Teknisk beskrivning). 8 009 810/OA87/13-09-04 Operating Instruction • PLS © SICK AG • Industrial Safety Systems • Germany • All rights reserved...
  • Página 327: Underhåll

    Kontrollera också alla skruvelement vid kubkontakterna. Kontrollera också regelbundet utrustningens funktion genom att inkräkta på skyddsområdet längs dess gränser, i enlighet med specifikation. 8 009 810/OA87/13-09-04 Operating Instruction • PLS © SICK AG • Industrial Safety Systems • Germany • All rights reserved...
  • Página 328: Service

    återförsäljare. 8. Tillbehör En lista över tillgängliga tillbehör finns i Teknisk beskrivning. Där finns även en lista över befintliga reservdelar. 8 009 810/OA87/13-09-04 Operating Instruction • PLS © SICK AG • Industrial Safety Systems • Germany • All rights reserved...
  • Página 329: Eg-Försäkran Om Överensstämmelse

    9. EG-försäkran om överensstämmelse PLS 10X-317 8 009 810/OA87/13-09-04 Operating Instruction • PLS © SICK AG • Industrial Safety Systems • Germany • All rights reserved...
  • Página 330: Tekniska Data Pls 10X-317

    Dubbel 2 x 40 ms 16 gånger 16 x 40 ms Inkopplingstider Spänning PÅ Effektförbrukning (utan last) 17 W 8 009 810/OA87/13-09-04 Operating Instruction • PLS © SICK AG • Industrial Safety Systems • Germany • All rights reserved...
  • Página 331 Aktivering vid fritt varningsområde 40 ms Kortslutningssäker Kopplingsföljd 3 Hz Lastinduktivitet Säkerhetsutgångar (OSSD) – dynamisk (HIGH-aktiv) Kopplingsspänning HIGH aktiv (U - 2,5 V 8 009 810/OA87/13-09-04 Operating Instruction • PLS © SICK AG • Industrial Safety Systems • Germany • All rights reserved...
  • Página 332 Low. Ren lastkapacitet 100 nF Kopplingsföljd 3 Hz Ren lastinduktivitet Vid lägre kopplingsföljd är den maximalt tillåtna lastinduktiviteten större. 8 009 810/OA87/13-09-04 Operating Instruction • PLS © SICK AG • Industrial Safety Systems • Germany • All rights reserved...
  • Página 333 OSSD 1 och OSSD 2 55 Rs Testpulsbredd Testpulsintervall Kabelspecifikation Kabellängd 30 m Kabelgenomsnitt 0,5 mm Tillåtet kabelmotstånd 2,5 Ohm 8 009 810/OA87/13-09-04 Operating Instruction • PLS © SICK AG • Industrial Safety Systems • Germany • All rights reserved...
  • Página 334 Typ 3 Typ 3 Varningsområde Räckvidd (Radie) 50 m Remission vid 15 m och 80 mm Föremålsdiameter 20 % Säkerhetskategori Ingen 8 009 810/OA87/13-09-04 Operating Instruction • PLS © SICK AG • Industrial Safety Systems • Germany • All rights reserved...
  • Página 335 Överföringshastighet RS 232 9600 baud 56 kbaud RS 422 9600 baud 500 kbaud ständig datorförbindelse endast tillåten med RS 422 8 009 810/OA87/13-09-04 Operating Instruction • PLS © SICK AG • Industrial Safety Systems • Germany • All rights reserved...
  • Página 336 905 nm 935 nm Mottagare Öppningsvinkel ± 0,5° ± 1° Chassi Material Aluminiumgjutgods Frontruta Material Polykarbonat Frontyta med repskyddande beläggning 8 009 810/OA87/13-09-04 Operating Instruction • PLS © SICK AG • Industrial Safety Systems • Germany • All rights reserved...
  • Página 337 Mått (B x H x D) 155 mm x 185 mm x 156 mm Färg Frontparti gul RAL 1021 Bakparti suart RAL 9005 8 009 810/OA87/13-09-04 Operating Instruction • PLS © SICK AG • Industrial Safety Systems • Germany • All rights reserved...
  • Página 338: Bilaga: Förklaring Till Bilderna

    Bild 2: Måttbild PLS Alla mått i mm. Kontaktområde 265 mm Bild 3: Måttbild, fästelement Alla mått i mm. Fästskruvar för sensor 8 009 810/OA87/13-09-04 Operating Instruction • PLS © SICK AG • Industrial Safety Systems • Germany • All rights reserved...
  • Página 339: Stiftbeläggning

    Avlägsnad yttermantel Avisolerad Crimpad Skärm (tvinnad) Stiftlist Brygga 7-8 för omkoppling RS 232/RS 422 Förklaring, ledare: röd grön blå skärm 8 009 810/OA87/13-09-04 Operating Instruction • PLS © SICK AG • Industrial Safety Systems • Germany • All rights reserved...
  • Página 341 E (%) 0,1 0,2 D (m) 8 009 810/OA87/13-09-04 Operating Instruction • PLS © SICK AG • Industrial Safety Systems • Germany • All rights reserved...
  • Página 342 P = 265 M8x9 M6x8 78,5 53,2 18,5 M6x8 31,7 8 009 810/OA87/13-09-04 Operating Instruction • PLS © SICK AG • Industrial Safety Systems • Germany • All rights reserved...
  • Página 343 ø9 DIN74 Am 6 ø9 ø9 8 009 810/OA87/13-09-04 Operating Instruction • PLS © SICK AG • Industrial Safety Systems • Germany • All rights reserved...
  • Página 344 2 = bl 7 = - 3 = rt 8 = tk 4 = - 9 = or 5 = gr 8 009 810/OA87/13-09-04 Operating Instruction • PLS © SICK AG • Industrial Safety Systems • Germany • All rights reserved...
  • Página 345 1 = rt 6 = - 2 = gr 3 = ge 4 = bl 9 = - 5 = xx 8 009 810/OA87/13-09-04 Operating Instruction • PLS © SICK AG • Industrial Safety Systems • Germany • All rights reserved...
  • Página 346 Phone +81 (0)3 3358 1341 E-Mail K o r e a More representatives and agencies Phone +82-2 786 6321/4 in all major industrial nations at E-Mail SICK AG • Industrial Safety Systems • Waldkirch • Germany •

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