The L7 generates more sound pressure than an equivalently-sized round speaker and excels when used in the recommended sealed boxes. These sealed enclosure
designs give the smoothest response with increased energy at the lowest frequencies, 20Hz–30Hz. These designs deliver massive amounts of highly-accurate bass
and can be driven with punishing levels of amplifi er power. The high performance suspension system can operate in a larger sealed enclosure. This maximum enclosure
volume application is ideal for ultra sound quality installations. The maximum enclosure generates a very fl at response curve and superbly extends the sub-bass
L7 woofers perform well in any size sealed enclosure between the minimum and maximum volume recommendations. These systems will exhibit benefi ts of both designs:
Minimum produces high-impact bass, and maximum generates low bass frequency protraction. Overall, the system will sound more like the recommended enclosure
design it is closest to in enclosure volume. These enclosure recommendations have been calculated with the airspace inside the enclosure and include the displacement
of the woofer. All sealed-enclosure airspace should be fi lled to 50% loose poly-fi l (polyester fi berfi ll) stuffi ng. Do not make the airspace greater than the maximum
enclosure volume recommendation.
Minimum Sealed
Volume ft
.4 (11.33)
.8 (22.65)
1 (28.32)
1.75 (49.56)
Panel Dimensions for Minimum Sealed Enclosures using 3/4" (1.9cm) thick MDF