4. Preparation for use
Lay the palette (3) into the case base with the
unprinted side towards the top (1).
• Slide the moistening strips (8) down through
the slot in the glass mixing palette until they
have even contact with the case base. The
strips should extend approx. 1 - 2 mm over
the side of the glass palette.
• Fill exclusively distilled water into the holes
at the side of the base. Tap water will have
a detrimental effect on the function and will
lead to calcification of the capillaries.
• The maximum fill level is approx. 2 mm below
the upper edge of the glass mixing palette.
When using for the first time, in order for the strip to become moist quicker, swipe
firmly over the upper edge of the strip after 5 minutes.
5. Use
Mixing with porcelain modelling liquid:
Lay the required amount of porcelain powder onto the glass surface. Mix the porcelain to
the desired consistency by adding the modelling liquid. Push part of the mixed porcelain
towards the moistening strips so that there is contact.
Mixing without modelling liquid:
Place the required amount of porcelain powder onto the glass surface. Push part of the
porcelain towards the moistening strips. Saturate the porcelain with distilled water. You
can control the saturation level by varying the size of the contact area between porcelain
and moistening strip.
Even a small contact area will guarantee an optimal level of moisture for several days.
The water level will decrease in time, it is therefore necessary to refill distilled wa-
ter into the case base occasionally.
The moistening strips can be re-used many times. These can also be cleaned
under running water. After cleaning, squeeze out any moisture thoroughly and
repeat point 4 to replace into the glass mixing palette. Depending on the amount
of use, the moistening strips should be replaced from time to time.
- 3 -
Fig. 5