6.1 USING 20mm OR 50mm DOLLIES
Hold the gauge steady with one hand and turn the crank handle
clockwise slowly and evenly to apply an increasing force to the
dolly and hence stress to the coating
Note: The rate at which the force is applied (the speed of rotation of the crank
handle) should be in accordance with the relevant Standard.
Continue until either;
the coating fails and the dolly is removed from the surface
(destructive testing) or;
the minimum specified pressure value is reached
(non-destructive testing)
Record the pressure indicated by the position of the red drag indicator (a), using either the 20mm
or 50mm scale as appropriate and unwind the crank handle and coarse adjustment screw
Do not exceed the maximum pressure as overloading could damage the gauge.
6.2 USING 14.2mm DOLLIES
Follow the procedure outlined in Section 6.1 then multiply the 20mm scale pressure reading by 2.
10MPa on 20mm Scale = 20MPa for a 14.2mm dolly
1000psi on 20mm Scale = 2000psi for a 14.2mm dolly
Note: Dollies can be reused after cleaning until either the top of the dolly where it is held in position by the quick connect
coupling is severely deformed or the dolly surface is no longer flat. Additional dollies are available from Elcometer or your
local supplier - see Section 8 on page 7 for details