6.5 – "USER CONSOLE" Area
Note – The "User console" function is only present on the Softwa-
re version for PC (O-View Desktop).
This function is useful to control and monitor the operating status of the
automations in a specific system, displaying this in a single page.
To access this function, proceed as follows:
01. In the Home page (fig. 4) click on the icon "User console";
02. A blank page is displayed; to proceed, press and hold the right
mouse button and select "New" from the list displayed (fig. 17);
03. In the page displayed "User console – Device configuration" (fig.
18) a device can be configured, for example, to modify the name
to facilitate future consultation by the user or to activate a com-
mand other than the factory setting.
This page contains various items:
– "Select device": list of devices connected;
– "Name": space to modify the name of the selected device;
– "Icon": option to associate a device with a different icon;
– "Commands available": list of commands available, where
there is the option of which ones to activate;
– "Save": enables the user to save modifications applied;
– "Cancel": enables the user to cancel the current operation;
– "Back": used to return to the previous page.
04. After making the required modifications, to set up the program for
the user, proceed as follows:
a) select the arrow key at the bottom right of the screen with a drop
down menu (fig. 19) and select "Save to file" used to save the pa-
rameters of the selected device on a file/database.
b) then select "Load on next restart" used for direct access by the
user from the "Home page" to the page "User console" from which
the system can be controlled.
The drop-down menu (fig. 19), contains the items:
- "Load from file": used to import the parameters of a device al-
ready archived.
16 – English