These instructions for assembly and use relate to the assembly,
modification and dismantling of the Layher Uni Standard rolling tower
from Wilhelm Layher GmbH & Co. KG, of Gueglingen-Eibensbach,
Germany. These instructions cannot cover all possible applications.
If you have any questions about specific applications, please contact
your Layher partner.
Caution: Layher Uni Standard equipment may only be assembled,
modified and dismantled under the supervision of a qualified expert
and by technically trained employees.
The rolling tower may be used for the scaffolding group as specified
in DIN EN 1004.
The user of the rolling tower must comply with the following
1. The user must check the suitability of the selected rolling tower for
the work to be performed (Section 4 of BetrSichV – German Ordinance
on Industrial Safety and Health).
2. According to DIN EN 1004:2005-03 the maximum platform height is
• 12.0 m when inside buildings
• 8.0 m when outside buildings
The specifications governing ballasting and components on pages
8 – 10 and 18 – 19 must be observed. There is a risk of accident if this
is not done. Stability and load-bearing capacity are no longer assured.
Any variations in assembly that differ from the specifications may
require additional design measures. In such a case, the stability and
load-bearing capacity would have to be verified for the individual case.
3. The assembly, modification or dismantling of the rolling tower in
accordance with the present instructions for assembly and use may
only be performed under the supervision of a qualified expert and
by technically trained employees after special instruction. Only the
scaffolding types shown in these instructions for assembly and use
may be used. After assembly and before being put into service, the
equipment must be inspected by persons qualified to do so (Sections
4 and 10 of BetrSichV). The inspection must be documented (Section
11 of BetrSichV). During assembly, modification or dismantling, the
rolling tower must be provided with a prohibition sign indicating "No
access allowed" and be adequately safeguarded by means of barriers
preventing access to the danger zone (BetrSichV Annex 2, para. 5.2.5).
4. Before installation, all parts must be inspected to ensure they are in
perfect condition. Only undamaged original parts from Layher's mobile
working platform systems may be used. Scaffolding parts such as snap-
on claws and spigots must be cleaned of dirt after use. Scaffolding
components must be secured against slipping and impacts when trans-
ported by truck. Scaffolding components must be handled in such a way
that they are not damaged. See the tables on pages 8 – 10 of these
instructions for wall bracing and attachment of the ballast weights.
5. In order to assemble the upper sections of the rolling tower, the
individual parts must be handed up from one level to the next. Tools
and small amounts of materials can be carried up by the personnel,
otherwise hoisted up to the working level using transport ropes.
6. The ladder frame joints must always be secured with locking pins.
7. Suitable materials must be inserted underneath to ensure that
the scaffolding is perpendicular. The permitted deviation from the
perpendicular must not be more than 1 %.
8. Stability must be ensured at every phase of assembly.
9. Toe boards can be omitted from intermediate platforms that are only
used for ascent. Small towers in which the deck surface is more than
1.00 m high must include equipment that permits attachment of side
protection in accordance with DIN EN 1004:2005-03.
10. Access up to the working platform is generally only permitted on the
inside of the scaffolding. Scaffolding types with an assembly height of
less than 1 m are an exception to this rule.
11. Work must not take place on two or more working levels at the same
time. The manufacturer must be consulted regarding any variations. If
work is to take place on more than one level, they must be fully fitted
with 3-piece side protection.