13. Health and Safety
In order to carry out maintenance, repairs or cleaning, first disconnect the unit from the network.
Never point the unit towards yourself, others or animals. The thinners and dilution
media used can cause serious injury.
We recommend using this unit in premises with forced ventilation and in accordance with the
current standards and provisions on the matter.
Near the unit, only keep the amount of product and thinner required for the work being done at
that time. After work has been completed, thinners and the product to be applied must be retur-
ned to their corresponding storage location.
Keep the working area clean and free of potentially dangerous waste (thinners, rags, etc...).
While work is in progress, there must not be any source of ignition (naked
flames, lighted cigarettes, etc.) in the working area as these might generate
easily flammable gases. Likewise, the approved protective means must be
used (breathing, hearing, etc.) in accordance with the regulations establi-
shed in this regard.
If the unit is used in an inadequate manner or its components are altered in any way severe ma-
terial damage may occur and bodily harm may be caused to the operator, other personnel and/or
animals and may even cause death. SAGOLA S.A.U. accepts no responsibility in for any damage
caused through the incorrect use of the unit.
Never exceed the maximum air inlet pressure (12 Bar).
As a general, preventive measure we advise you to wear goggles in accordance with
the specific environmental regulations and characteristics for the work centre.
Wear gloves when handling the product (see the manufacturer's recommendations)
and clean the gun.
If, when the gun is in use, the ambient noise level exceeds 85 dB (A) the use of appro-
ved ear protectors is required.
The unit in itself does not propitiate any mechanical risk of perforations, impact or pinching,
except those deriving from incorrect installations and handling.
While work is in progress, no vibrations are transmitted from the unit to any part of the body of
the operator and reaction forces are minimal.
Pay adequate attention when handling the unit in order to prevent any damage that might lead
to dangerous situations for the user or personnel standing near the unit, as a consequence of
leaks, breakages, etc. Do not use it if your mental capacity, perceptions and reactions are altered
due to substances such as alcohol, drugs, medicines, etc., or by tiredness or for any other reason.