Cleaning And Maintenance - Whirlpool LR TDLR 6040S EU/N Manual De Instalación

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  • ES

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  • ESPAÑOL, página 35
packing and not in the machine bottom. This is
important, as otherwise the plastic part could
damage the washing machine during operation.
After installation of the device, wait a few hours
before starting it so that it acclimates to the
environmental conditions of the room.
Make sure that the ventilation openings in the
base of your washing machine (if available on your
model) are not obstructed by a carpet or other
Use only new hoses to connect the appliance to
the water supply. The old hose-sets should not be
The supply water pressure must be in the 0.1-
1 MPa range.
Do not repair or replace any part of the appliance
unless speci cally stated in the user manual. Use only
authorized After-sales Service. Self or non-
professional repair may lead to dangerous incident
resulting in live or health threatening and/or
signi cant property damage.
The spare parts for the household machine will be
available for 10 years after placing the last unit on the
market as dictated by the European Ecodesign
It must be possible to disconnect the appliance
from the power supply by unplugging it if plug is
accessible, or by a multi-pole switch installed
upstream of the socket in accordance with the wiring
rules and the appliance must be earthed in
conformity with national electrical safety standards.
Do not use extension leads, multiple sockets or
adapters. The electrical components must not be
accessible to the user after installation. Do not use
the appliance when you are wet or barefoot. Do not
operate this appliance if it has a damaged power
cable or plug, if it is not working properly, or if it has
Læs disse sikkerhedsanvisninger før apparatet tages i
brug. Opbevar dem i nærheden til senere reference.
Disse anvisninger og selve apparatet er forsynet med
vigtige oplysninger om sikkerhed, der altid skal læses
og overholdes. Fabrikanten frasiger sig ethvert ansvar
for manglende overholdelse af disse sikkerhedsregler,
for uhensigtsmæssig brug af apparatet eller forkerte
Meget små børn (0-3 år) skal holdes på afstand af
apparatet. Små børn (3-8 år) skal holdes på afstand af
apparatet med mindre de er under konstant opsyn.
Apparatet kan bruges af børn på 8 år og derover, og
personer med nedsatte fysiske, sensoriske eller
mentale evner eller med manglende erfaring og
viden, hvis disse er under opsyn eller er oplært i
brugen af apparatet på en sikker måde og, hvis de
forstår de involverede farer. Børn må aldrig lege med
apparatet. Rengøring og vedligeholdelse må ikke
been damaged or dropped.
If the supply cord is damaged, it must be replaced
with an identical one by the manufacturer, its service
agent or similarly quali ed persons in order to avoid
a hazard - risk of electric shock.


WARNING: Ensure that the appliance is switched
o and disconnected from the power supply before
performing any maintenance operation. To avoid risk
of personal injury use protective gloves (risk of
laceration) and safety shoes (risk of contusion); be
sure to handle by two persons (reduce load); never
use steam cleaning equipment (risk of electric shock).
Non-professional repairs not authorized by the
manufacturer could result in a risk to health and
safety, for which the manufacturer cannot be held
liable. Any defect or damage caused from non-
professional repairs or maintenance will not be
covered by the guarantee, the terms of which are
outlined in the document delivered with the unit.
The packaging material is 100% recyclable and is marked with the recycle
The various parts of the packaging must therefore be disposed of
responsibly and in full compliance with local authority regulations
governing waste disposal.
This appliance is manufactured with recyclable or reusable materials.
Dispose of it in accordance with local waste disposal regulations. For
further information on the treatment, recovery and recycling of household
electrical appliances, contact your local authority, the collection service
for household waste or the store where you purchased the appliance. This
appliance is marked in compliance with European Directive 2012/19/EU,
Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE).
By ensuring this product is disposed of correctly, you will help prevent
negative consequences for the environment and human health.
The symbol
on the product or on the accompanying documentation
indicates that it should not be treated as domestic waste but must be
taken to an appropriate collection center for the recycling of electrical and
electronic equipment.
foretages af børn, medmindre de er under opsyn.
Forsøg ikke at åbne låget med trykkraft.
GIV AGT: Apparatet er ikke beregnet til at blive
startet ved hjælp af et eksternt tændingssystem, som
f.eks. en timer, eller af et separat ernbetjent system.
Dette produkt er beregnet til husholdningsbrug
samt til brug: I køkkenet på arbejdspladser, kontorer
og/eller forretninger; På landbrugsejendomme; Af
kunder på hoteller, moteller, bed & breakfast og
andre beboelsesomgivelser; Fællesområder i
beboelsesejendomme eller møntvaskerier.
Fyld ikke maskinen til over den anførte maksimale
kapacitet (kg tørt tøj) i programoversigten.
Dette apparat er ikke beregnet til erhvervsbrug.
Apparatet må ikke anvendes udendørs.
Brug aldrig opløsningsmidler (f.eks. terpentin,
benzen), vaskemidler med opløsningsmidler,


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