Product Introduction
Charging electrodes
Laser radar
Edge IR sensor
Recharging button
Indicator light
Collision sensor
On-off button
Recharging sensor
On-off button
Press for 3s, power-on or power-off
Press for a short period of time, cleaning or pausing
Recharging button
In operation state, short press, pauses cleaning
In pause state, short press, start recharging
In charging state, short press, stop recharging
Instructions to the indicator light status of the vacuum-mop
White light is always on
White light breathes
White light flashes
Yellow light is always on
Yellow light flashes
The light of vacuum-mop is off
Vibration mop bracket
Left wheel/Right wheel
Main brush cover
Main brush
Side brush
Universal wheel
Ultrasonic sensor
Cliff sensor
The vacuum-mop is normal
In charging
In recharging / firmware upgrading
Vacuum-mop Wi-Fi is offline
The vacuum-mop is abnormal