4.4.3 Gateway Connection Along with Bluetooth Sensors
The gateway connection with WEG Bluetooth sensors is essential for the application operation. Some care must
be taken to make the most of the product, since Bluetooth communication has limitations that must be respected.
In the next sections, some points that must be considered when installing and configuring the Cassia X1000
gateway and the WEG Bluetooth sensors will be discussed. Install the Gateway at a Point with a Clear View of the Sensors
The more obstacles between the Cassia X1000 gateway and the WEG Bluetooth sensors, the worse the
communication between them will be. Some materials are worse for the Bluetooth signal than others.
Figure 4.5: Order of bad materials for RF signals, from total signal blocking on the left to signal attenuation on the right Avoid Using Wireless Systems that Use the 2.4 GHz Frequency
The 2.4 GHz frequency is widely used in Wi-Fi networks and systems that communicate via Bluetooth or Zigbee
protocol. The more systems running on the 2.4 GHz frequency in the same physical space, the more interference
these systems will suffer from each other.
For better communication between the Cassia X1000 gateway and WEG Bluetooth sensors, it is recommended
not to use the 2.4 GHz frequency in other systems in the installed area. If possible, use an ethernet network to
connect the gateway to the internet, as the use of 2.4 GHz Wi-Fi can interfere with the speed at which the sensors
obtain data. Check the Bluetooth Signal Quality
Each installation of Bluetooth gateway and sensors has its own characteristics, making it impossible to guarantee
that the quality of the Bluetooth signal is the same for two different installations. As a rule of thumb, consider
that Bluetooth sensors can be up to 50 meters away from the gateway in the open for communication between
them to take place. However, it is worth of notice that sensors working at the limit of the distance may encounter
communication problems, since factors such as air humidity and people walking around can reduce this distance
limit between gateway and sensors.
To assist in signal quality analysis, it is recommended to use the cell phone with Bluetooth signal quality analysis
apps. Leave the cell phone close to the Cassia X1000 gateway to check the signal quality of the sensors at that
specific point. Once the RSSI (Received Signal Strength Indication) values have been obtained, check on the table
below if the signal is enough to operate properly.
Bluetooth RSSI
From 0 to -70
From -70 to -80
-80 or lower
15 | Gateway Cassia X1000
Blocks sinal
Table 4.3: RSSI reference table
Full communication
Connection interruptions may occur
Consider changing the sensor or gateway position or removing factors that may be interfering with
the signal (listed above)
Continuous interruptions. Change the sensor or gateway position or remove factors that may be
interfering with the signal (listed above)
Disrupt the signal