3.2 Caution
1. The finger should be placed properly (see the attached illustration of
this manual, Figure 5), or else it may cause inaccurate measurement.
2. The SpO2 sensor and photoelectric receiving tube should be arranged
in a way with the subject's arteriole in a position there between.
3. The SpO2 sensor should not be used at a location or limb tied with arte-
rial canal or blood pressure cuff or receiving intravenous injection.
4. Make sure the optical path is free from any optical obstacles like rub-
berized fabric.
5. Excessive ambient light may affect the measuring result. It includes flu-
orescent lamp, dual ruby light, infrared heater, direct sunlight and etc.
6. Strenuous action of the subject or extreme electrosurgical interference
may also affect the accuracy.
7. Testee can not use enamel or other makeup.
3.3 Clinical Restrictions
1. As the measure is taken on the basis of arteriole pulse, substantial pul-
sating blood flow of subject is required. For a subject with weak pulse
due to shock, low ambient/body temperature, major bleeding, or use
Figure 1