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SICK RFU65 Serie Manual De Instrucciones
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Erwin-Sick-Straße 1
DE-79183 Waldkirch
Regulatory Compliance Information
The individual device types may only be operated in the countries/regions for
which they have been approved, see the following information.
[en] The RFU65x RFID read/write device is used for the automatic, stationary
identification of wireless-based ISO/IEC 18000-6C / EPCglobal UHF C1G2
compatible RFID data cards and their management. Observe the operating
Approved device types
RFU650-10102 (Part no. 1087587)
Further device data:
The device must have a minimum distance of 30 cm between the source of
radiation and your body in order to limit the exposure of the human body to
electromagnetic radiation.
[en] The RFU65x RFID read/write device is used for the automatic, stationary
identification of wireless-based ISO/IEC 18000-6C / EPCglobal UHF C1G2
compatible RFID data cards and their management. Observe the operating
Approved device types
RFU650-10101 (Part no. 1076522)
Further device data:
This Class A digital apparatus complies with Canadian ICES-003. This device
contains licence-exempt transmitter(s)/receiver(s) that comply with Innova‐
tion, Science and Economic Development Canada's licence-exempt RSS(s).
Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) This device may not
cause interference. (2) This device must accept any interference, including
interference that may cause undesired operation of the device.
This device complies with the limit values defined by IC for radio radiation in
an uncontrolled environment.
The device must have a minimum distance of 30 cm between the source of
radiation and your body in order to limit the exposure of the human body to
electromagnetic radiation.
[fr] Les appareils de lecture/écriture RFID RFU65x sont destinés à l'identifica‐
tion automatique et fixe de supports de données RFID radio compatibles
ISO/CEI 18000-6C / EPCglobal UHF C1G2 et à leur gestion. Respecter la
notice d'instructions !
Type d'appareil homologué
RFU650-10101 (Réf. 1076522)
Autres données d'appareil :
page 4
Cet appareil numérique de la classe A est conforme à la norme NMB-003
du Canada. L'émetteur/récepteur exempt de licence contenu dans le présent
appareil est conforme aux CNR d'Innovation, Sciences et Développement
économique Canada applicables aux appareils radio exempts de licence.
L'exploitation est autorisée aux deux conditions suivantes : 1) L'appareil ne
doit pas produire de brouillage; 2) L'appareil doit accepter tout brouillage
radioélectrique subi, même si le brouillage est susceptible d'en compromet‐
tre le fonctionnement.
Cet appareil est conforme aux valeurs limites définies par la CI pour le
rayonnement radioélectrique dans un environnement non contrôlé.
L'appareil doit avoir une distance minimale de 30 cm entre la source de
rayonnement et votre corps afin de limiter l'exposition du corps humain aux
rayonnements électromagnétiques.
无线射频识别读写器 RFU65x 用于对基于无线电的 ISO/IEC 18000-6C /
EPCglobal UHF C1G2 兼容的无线射频识别数据卡,进行自动、固定式
其他设备数据:参见 Device types, 第 4 页
该设备的位置必须确保辐射源与人员身体之间保持 30 cm 的最小距离,
European Union
All member states of the European Union, EEA-EFTA states (Liechtenstein, Ice‐
land, Norway), Switzerland, Turkey
see Device types, page 4
see Device types, page 4
voir Device types,
(订货号 1083559)
[en] The RFU65x RFID read/write device is used for the automatic, stationary
identification of wireless-based ISO/IEC 18000-6C / EPCglobal UHF C1G2
compatible RFID data cards and their management. Observe the operating
Approved device types
RFU650-10100 (Part no. 1073556)
Further device data:
Hereby, SICK AG declares that the radio equipment type RFU650-10100 is
in compliance with Directive 2014/53/EU. The full text of the EU declaration
of conformity is available at the following internet address:
When operating the device, the human exposure regulations in accordance
with EN 50364 must be observed.
The device must have a minimum distance of 30 cm between the source of
radiation and your body in order to limit the exposure of the human body to
electromagnetic radiation.
[de] Die RFID Schreib-/Lesegeräte RFU65x dienen zur automatischen, stationä‐
ren Identifikation von funkbasierten ISO/IEC 18000-6C / EPCglobal UHF
C1G2 kompatiblen RFID-Datenträgern und zu deren Management. Betriebs‐
anleitung beachten!
Zugelassener Gerätetyp
RFU650-10100 (Art.-Nr. 1073556)
Weitere Gerätedaten:
Seite 4
Hiermit erklärt die SICK AG, dass der Funkanlagentyp RFU650-10100 der
Richtlinie 2014/53/EU entspricht. Der vollständige Text der EU-Konformitäts‐
erklärung ist unter der folgenden Internet-Adresse verfügbar:
Beim Betrieb des Gerätes müssen die Human-Exposure-Vorschriften nach
EN 50364 beachtet werden.
Das Gerät muss einen Mindestabstand von 30 cm zwischen der Strahlungs‐
quelle und Ihrem Körper haben, um die Exposition durch elektromagnetische
Strahlung zum menschlichen Körper zu begrenzen.
[bg] RFU65x RFID устройствата за четене/запис се използват за автоматична,
стационарна идентификация на радио-базирани ISO/IEC 18000-6C/
EPCglobal UHF C1G2 съвместими носители на RFID данни и за тяхното
управление. Вижте за справка инструкциите за експлоатация!
Одобрен тип устройство
RFU650-10100 (Кат.№ 1073556)
Допълнителни данни за устройството:
types, страница 4
С настоящото SICK AG декларира, че радиосистемата тип RFU650-10100
отговаря на Директива 2014/53/ЕС. Пълният текст на декларацията за
съответствие на ЕС е достъпен на следния интернет адрес:
При работа с устройството трябва да се спазват правилата за излагане на
хора съгласно EN 50364.
Устройството трябва да има минимално разстояние от 30 cm между източ‐
ника на радиация и вашето тяло, за да ограничи излагането на електро‐
магнитно излъчване на човешкото тяло.
[cs] RFID čtecí a zapisovací jednotky RFU65x slouží k automatické, sta‐
cionární identifikaci rádiových RFID datových nosičů kompatibilních
s ISO/IEC 18000-6C / EPCglobal UHF C1G2 a k jejich řízení. Respektujte
provozní návod!
Schválený typ přístroje
RFU650-10100 (Obj. č. 1073556)
Další data přístroje:
Společnost SICK AG tímto prohlašuje, že typ rádiového zařízení
RFU650-10100 splňuje směrnici 2014/53/EU. Úplný text prohlášení
o shodě EU je k dispozici na následující internetové adrese:
Při provozu přístroje musí být dodrženy předpisy pro expozici osob dle normy
ČSN EN 50364.
Přístroj musí mít minimální vzdálenost 30 cm mezi zdrojem záření a vaším
tělem, aby byla omezena expozice lidského těla elektromagnetickému záření.
[da] RFID-skrive-/læseenhederne RFU65x er beregnet til automatisk, stationær
identifikation af radiobaserede ISO/IEC 18000-6C / EPCglobale UHF C1G2-
kompatible RFID-hukommelseskort og til management af dem. Betjeningsvej‐
ledningen skal overholdes!
Tilladt enhedstype
RFU650-10100 (Artikelnummer 1073556)
Yderligere enhedsdata:
SICK AG erklærer hertil, at radioanlægstyperne RFU650-10100 svarer til
direktiv 2014/53/EU. EU-overensstemmelseserklæringens komplette ordlyd
findes på følgende internet-adresse:
Ved driften af enheden skal de for mennesker gældende eksponeringbe‐
stemmelser i henhold til EN 50364 overholdes.
Enheden skal have en mindsteafstand på 30 cm mellem strålekilden og kop‐
pen for at begrænse menneskets eksponering for elektromagnetisk stråling.
see Device types, page 4
siehe Device types,
виж Device
viz Device types, stránka 4
se Device types, Side 4



Resumen de contenidos para SICK RFU65 Serie

  • Página 1 Further device data: see Device types, page 4 Hereby, SICK AG declares that the radio equipment type RFU650-10100 is RFU65x in compliance with Directive 2014/53/EU. The full text of the EU declaration of conformity is available at the following internet address:
  • Página 2 Täiendavad seadmeandmed: vt Device types, lk 4 Con il presente documento SICK AG dichiara che il tipo di impianto radio RFU650-10100 è conforme alla direttiva 2014/53/UE. Il testo completo Käesolevaga annab SICK AG teada, et raadiosüsteemi tüübid della dichiarazione di conformità UE è disponibile al seguente indirizzo Inter‐...
  • Página 3 4 SICK AG, RFU650-10100 telsiz tesis tipleri 2014/53/AB yönetmeliklerine uyduğuna beyan eder. EU uygunluk beyanının tam metni şu adreste buluna‐ Pelo presente, a SICK AG declara que os tipos de sistema de rádio bilir: RFU650-10100 correspondem à diretriz 2014/53/UE. O texto completo da Cihazın çalışmasında EN 50364 uyarınca Human-Exposure yönetmeliklerine...
  • Página 4 Further device data: see Device types, page 4 Hereby, SICK AG declares that the radio equipment type RFU650-10100 is in compliance with Radio Equipment Regulations 2017. The full text of the UK declaration of conformity is available at the following internet address: