Adjus ng the thigh a achment strap
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The thigh a achment strap is made up of:
A padded strap (A) with 2 buckles (B),
A mobile buckle (C),
An a achment strap (D).
Prepare the strap by bringing together both sec ons "A" and "D" to obtain the desired length
"consider the reference length to be W x 3.25, W being the width of the wheelchair)
Insert the strap between the frame and the rims, passing it under the seat.
The adjustment of the thigh a achment strap must be made with the athlete si ng in the wheelchair.
Posi on strap (A), making sure that the padding is on top of the thighs.
Insert the a achment strap (D) into one of the two upper buckles (B), taking into account the most
comfortable posi on for the user.
If the length isn't suitable, it can be adjusted by adap ng the connec on of the two straps with velcro
"A" and "D" which can be found underneath the seat.
Assembling the pelvic strap
The FW500 is designed to be fi ed with a pelvic strap a ached directly to the frame.The strap is a ached to
the back tube of the frame and threaded between the rim and the backrest as shown below.