Adjusting Rinse Aid Dispenser - Candy CDP 5742 Manual De Instrucciones

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If th ere i s no rinse-aid warning ligh t in the c ontrol panel, you can estimate the am ount from the colour
of the op tical level indicator C loc ated ne xt to the cap. Whe n th e rinse-aid c ontainer is full, the whole
indicator will be dark .As the r inse -aid diminishes, the size of the dar k dot de creases. You should never let
the rinse aid leve l fall 1 / 4 full .
As the ri nse aid d iminishes, the size o f the black dot
Cuá ndo Rellenar el Dispensador de Abrillantador
When to Refill the Rinse Aid Dispenser
on the rinse aid level indicator changes, as illu stra ted b elow.
Si no hay indicador luminoso en el panel de control puede calcular la cantidad segú n el color del indicador de nivel
If th ere i s no rinse-aid warning ligh t in the c ontrol panel, you can est imate the am ount from the colour
―C‖ ubicado al lado de la tapa. Cuando el depó sito está lleno el indicador estará negro. A medida que disminuya, el
of the optical level indicator C located ne xt to the cap. Whe n th e rinse-aid c ontainer is full, the whole
3 / 4 full
indi cator wil l be dark .As the rinse -aid diminishes, the size of the dark dot de creases. You should never let
indicador se irá haciendo má s claro. No deje que el nivel llegue a ¼ de su capacidad.
1 / 2 full
the rinse aid leve l fall 1 / 4 full.
1 / 4 full - Should refill to eliminate spotting
A medida que disminuya, el punto negro se irá
haciendo má s claro tal y como se muestra a
As the rinse aid d iminishes, the size o f the black dot
on the rinse aid level indicator changes, as illustra ted b elow.
continuació n.
3 / 4 full
1 / 2 full
1 / 4 full - Should refill to eliminate spotting
¼ - Tiene que rellenarlo
Vací o
To open the dispenser, turn the cap to the "open" (left) arrow and lift it out.
To open the dispenser, turn the cap to the "open" (left) arrow and lift it out.
Pour the rinse aid into the dispenser, being careful not to overfill.
Pour the rinse aid into the dispenser, being careful not to overfill.
Replace the cap by inserting it aligned with "open" arrow and turning it to the closed (right) arrow.
1 Abra el dispensador, gire la tapa hacia el lado de ―abrir‖ (izquierda) y tire de ella.
Replace the cap by inserting it aligned with "open" arrow and turning it to the closed (right) arrow.
2 Coloque el lí quido en el dispensador con cuidado de no verterlo fuera.
C lean up any rinse aid spilled w hile during fillin g with an absorbent cloth to avoid excessive foaming
3 Vuelva a colocar la tapa y gire hacia donde pone ―cerrar‖ (derecha).
during the next wash. Don't forget to re pla ce the cap be fore you close dis hwa sher door.
C lean up any rinse aid spilled w hile dur ing fillin g with an absorbent cloth to avoid excessive foaming
En caso de que se vierta fuera, limpie los restos con una bayeta para evitar que se forme

Adjusting Rinse Aid Dispenser

during the next wash. Don't for get to re place the cap be fore you close dis hwa sher door.
demasiada espuma durante el siguiente lavado. No olvide volver a colocar la tapa antes de cerrar la puerta
del lavavajillas.
Adjusting Rinse Aid Dispenser
Ajuste del Dispensador del Abrillantador
Detergents with its chemical ingredients are necessary to remove dirt, c rush dirt an d transport it out of the dishwasher.
Most of th e co mmercial qu ality deterge nts are suitable for this purpose.
Proper Use of Detergent
D. Funció n del Detergente
Use only detergent specifically m ade for the use in dishwashers. Keep your detergent fr esh and dry.
Don't put powdered detergent into the dispenser u ntil you're re ady to wash dish es.
Para eliminar la suciedad de los platos, los restos só lidos y eliminarlos del lavavajillas hay que utilizar detergentes
con ingredientes quí micos. La mayorí a de los detergentes comerciales tienen la calidad adecuada para ello.
Detergents with its chemical ingredients are ne cessary to remove dirt, crush dirt and transport it out of the dishwasher.
¡ Atenció n!
Most of the commercial quality deterge nts are suitable for this p urpose.
Haga un uso adecuado del detergente
Utilice detergente especí fico para lavavajillas. Guarde el detergente en un lugar seco donde no se estropee.
No ponga detergente en polvo en el dispensador mientras no vaya a poner en funcionamiento el lavavajillas.
Proper Use of Detergent
Use o nly detergent specifically m ade for the use in dishwashers. Keep your detergent fresh and dry.
Don't put powdered detergent into the dispenser u ntil you're re ady to wash dish es.
The rinse aid dispenser has six or four settings. Always start with the dispenser
set on "4". If spots and poor drying are a p roblem, increase the amount of rinse
aid dispensed by removing the dispenser lid and rotating the dial to "5". If the
dishes still are not drying properly or are show spots, adjust the dial to the next
higher lever until your dishes are sp ot-free. The recommended setting is "4".
(Factory value is "4".)
Th e rinse aid dispenser has six or four settings. Always start with the dispenser
El dispensador tiene cuatro o seis configuraciones. Empiece
set on "4". If spots and poor drying are a p roblem, increase the amount of rinse
siempre colocándolo en ―4‖. Si deja restos o el secado es
Nivel de ajuste
aid dispensed by removing the dispenser lid and rotating the dial to "5". If the
deficiente aumente el nivel quitando la tapa del dispensador y
Increase the dose if there are drops of water o r lime spots on the dishes after washing.
dishes still are not drying properly o r are show spots, adjust the dial to the next
subiéndolo a ―5‖. Si sigue sin secar bien o siguen quedando
Reduce it if there are sticky whitish stains on your dishes or a bluish film on glassware or
knife blades.
higher lever until your dishes are spot-free. The recommended setting is "4".
marcas, ponga el nivel al má ximo. La configuració n recomendada
(Factory value is "4".)
(la que trae de fábrica) es ―4‖.
Aumente la dosis si el secado es deficiente o quedan marcas en
Increase the dose if there are drops of water or lime spots on the dishes after washing.
los platos despué s del lavado. Redú zcalo si quedan restos
Reduce it if there are sticky whitis h stains on your dish es o r a bluish film on glassware or
pegajosos en los platos, vasos o en los cubiertos.
knife blades.
C (indicador de Abrillantador)
C (Rinse-Aid indicator)
C (Rinse-Aid indicator)


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