Candy CDP 5742 Manual De Instrucciones página 15

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Bandeja Superior
La bandeja superior está diseñ ada para la parte menos
The u pper basket is designed to hold m ore delicate
pesada y má s delicada de la vajilla, como vasos, tazas,
and lighter dishware such as glasses, coffee and
salseras, platos, boles pequeñ os y cazuelitas (siempre y
tea cups and saucers, as well as pl ates, sm all bowls
cuando no esté n muy sucias). Coloque todo de forma
and shallow pans (as l ong as they are not too di rty).
Position the dishe s an d co okw are so that they w ill
que no se muevan durante el ciclo de lavado.
not get moved by the spray of w ate r.
The u pper basket i
are s uch as glasses, cof
and lighter dishw
ers, as well as pl ates, s
s an d co okw are s o that
by t
he spray of w ate r.
Recuerde que:
Pots, ser ving bowls, etc, must alw ays be placed to p down.
Cazuelas, bandejas, etc. tienen que colocarse siempre boca abajo.
D eep pots should be slan ted to allow water to flow out.
Th e u ppe r bas ket is design ed t o hold m ore delicate
Los botes han de colocarse de forma oblicua para que el agua circule
and lighte r d ishwa re s uch as glasses, coffe e a nd
The B otto m Basket featur es fo lding spikes so that larger or more pots and pans can be loade d.
te a cu ps a nd s au c ers, as well a s pl ates, sm all bowls
Los separadores de la Bandeja Inferior se pueden plegar para colocar ollas y sartenes grandes.
Adjusting the Upper Basket
and s hallow pans (as l ong as they are not too di rty).
Po siti on the d ishe s an d co okw are s o that they w ill
Ajuste de la Bandeja Superior
not get mo ve d by t he spray of w ate r.
The h eight of the upper ba sket can be adjusted in order to
La altura de la bandeja superior se puede ajustar para
create mo re space for larg e utensils both for the upp er
Please be reminded that:
/lower basket. The height of th e upper basket can b e
dejar má s espacio tanto en la parte superior como
Pots, ser ving bowls, etc, must alw ays be placed to p down.
adjusted by p lacing the wheels on different height of the
inferior. La altura de la bandeja superior se ajusta
rails. Long items, serving cutlery, salad servers and knives
D eep pots should be slan ted to allow water to flow out.
colocando las ruedas de la mismo en los railes que hay
should be placed on the shelf so th at they do not obstruct
The B otto m Basket features fo lding spikes so that larger or more pots and pans can be loade d.
the ro tation of the spray ar ms..
dispuestos a diferentes alturas. Los elementos grandes,
Adjusting the Upper Basket
la cuberterí a de servir, ensaladeras y cuchillos grandes
The h eight of the upper ba sket can be adjusted in order to
se pueden colocar en la bandeja para que no obstruyan la
create mo re space for larg e utensil s both for the upp er
rotació n del aspersor.
/lower basket. The height of th e upper basket can b e
Ple ase be r eminded that:
adjusted by p lacing the wheels on different height of the
Pots, ser vin g bowls, etc, mus t alw ays be place d to p d own .
rails. Long items, serving cutlery, s alad ser vers and knives
Posició n má s baja
D eep po ts sh ould be s lan ted to allow water to flow out.
should be placed on the shelf so th at they do not obstruct
The B otto m Bask et featur es fo ldin g sp ikes so tha t larg e r or mo re pots an d pans can be lo ade d.
the ro tation of the spray arms..
Adjusting the Upper Bask et
The h eigh t of the uppe r ba sket can be ad jus ted in o rd er to
create mo re space for larg e utensil s bo th for the upp er
/lower b asket. The hei ght o f th e up per ba sket c an b e
adjusted by p lacing th e wheels on differe nt he igh t of the
rails. Long items, serv ing cutle ry, s alad ser vers and knives
sho uld be placed on th e sh elf s o th at th ey d o no t o b stru ct
the ro tation of the spray ar ms..
C utlery should be pla ced in the cutlery rack separately from each other in the appropriate positions, a nd do
make sure th e utensils do not nest together, this may cause bad performanc e.
Cesta de Cuberterí a
La cuberterí a ha de colocarse en la parrilla de cuberterí a separando los elementos unos de otros para que no se apilen
en la cesta ya que podrí a dificultar su limpieza.
C utlery should be pla ced in the cutlery rack separately from each other in the appropriate positions, a nd do
Fo r a top quality cleaning, place the silverware in the basket making sure th at:
m ake sure th e utensil s do not nest together, this may cause bad perform anc e.
They do not nest together.
Silverware is placed with the male face up.
Do not let any item extend through the bottom.
C utle ry s houl d be pla ced in th e cu tlery rac k se p arately from ea c h o ther in th e ap prop riat e p ositio ns, a nd do
Long utensils in the middle.
m ake sur e th e ute nsil s d o not nes t tog ether, th is ma y ca use bad pe rform anc e.
Always load sharp utensils with the sharp point down!
For a top quality cleaning, place the silver ware in the basket making sur e th at:
Para una limpieza de calidad coloque la cuberterí a comprobando que:
Fo r a top quality cle aning , p lace th e silver ware in the b aske t ma king sur e th at:
Th ey do not nest together.
No se amontonan en la cesta
Silverware is placed with the male face up.
Th ey d o not nes t to gether.
Silverware is placed with the male f ace up.
El mango está hacia abajo
Long utensils in the middle.
Lon g u tensils in the middle.
La cuberterí a má s grande está en el centro
El Mé todo para una Carga Normal de la Vajilla
s designed to hold m ore
fe e and
m all bowls
s (
too di rty).
as l ong as they are not
they w ill
D eep pots should be slan ted to allow water to flow out.
The B otto m Basket features fo lding spikes so that larger or more pots and pans can be loade d.
Posició n má s alta
Folding Spikes of Lower Basket
For better stacking of pots and pans,
the spikes can be folded do wn as
show in the picture righ t.
Do not let any item extend through the bottom.
Always load sharp utensils with the sharp point down!
Atenció n!
Ningú n componente puede sobresalir por abajo
Do not let any item extend through the bottom.
Coloque los objetos punzantes siempre hacia abajo
Always load sharp utensils with the sharp point down!
Do not let any item extend t hrough the botto m.
Alw ays lo ad sharp u tens ils with the shar p point do wn
We suggest that you place large items and the most
difficult to clea n ite ms are to be placed i nto t he lo wer
Bandeja Inferior
basket: su ch a s pots, pans, lids, se rving dishes and
Le recomendamos que coloque aquello má s pesado y
bowls, as show n in the figure below. It is pre ferable to
place serving dishes and lids on the side of the rack s
We suggest that you place large items and the most
difí cil de lavar en la parte inferior, como cazuelas,
di fficult to clea n ite ms are to be placed into the lo wer
in order to avoid bl ocki ng the ro tation of the top spray
sartenes, tapaderas, platos grandes y bandejas, tal y
basket: su ch a s pots, pans, lids, se rving dishes and
ar m.
como se observa en la imagen. Es preferible colocar los
bowls, as show n in the figure below. It is pre ferable to
pl ace serving dish es and lids on the side of the rack s
platos y las tapaderas la lado de las guí as para evitar que
in order to avoid bl ocki ng the ro tation of the top spray
bloqueen la rotació n del aspersor que hay encima.
ar m.
We suggest tha
di fficult to c lea n
ba sket: su ch a
bo wls, as show
pl ace serving di
in order to avoid
ar m.
aced to p down.
We su g ges t tha t yo u pla ce large items and t he
di fficu lt to clea n ite ms are to be placed i nto t he
ba s ke t: su ch a s p ots, pans , lids, se rving d ishes and
Folding back the cup shelives
bo wls, as s how n in the figu re b elow. It is pre fera b le t o
Folding back the cup shelives
pl ace serv ing dish e s an d lid s on the side of the rack s
Plegar las baldas para tazas
in ord er to a vo id bl ocki ng the ro tation of the top spray
For better stacking of pots and pans,
ar m.
Para acomodar mejor las ollas y las sartenes los
For better stacking of pots and pans,
the spikes can be folded down as
show in the picture right.
the spikes can be folded down as
separadores se pueden plegar, como se muestra en la
show in the picture right.
imagen de la derecha.
Folding back the cup shelives
For better stacking of pots and pans,
the spikes can be folded down as
show in the picture right.
Folding Spikes of Lower Basket
Folding back the cup shelives
For better stacking of pots and pans,
the spikes can be folded do wn as
For better stacking of pots and pans,
Plegado de los separadores de la
show in the picture righ t.
the spikes can be folded down as
show in the picture right.
Bandeja Inferior
Para acomodar
mejor las ollas y
Folding Spikes of Lower Basket
las sartenes los
separadores se
Fo r better stac king of pots and pans,
the spikes can be folded do wn as
pueden plegar,
show in the picture righ t.
como se muestra
en la imagen de la
Folding Spikes of Lower Basket
Fo r be tter stac king of p ots and pa ns,
the spikes c an b e f olde d do wn as
sho w in the p ic ture righ t.
t you place large items and the mo s
ite ms are to be placed into th
s pots, pans, lids, se rving dish
n in the figure below. It is pre f
shes and lids on the side of th
blocking the ro tation of the t


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Cdp 5742x

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