R e p a i r s a n d M a j o r S e r v i c e
Tr i g g e r M e c h a n i s m
The trigger mechanism includes items 34, 40, 58 to 69. These parts are only available as a complete Trigger Mechanism Kit (part
number 71600-99606), unless a minimum order quantity is provided in the parts list.
Completely remove the main internal mechanism from the left and right mouldings 41, 43, as described on page 5.
Using the circlip pliers remove one circlip 67 from pin 66. Push the pin out allowing the trigger lever 34 and trigger button 40 to
be removed.
Using the circlip pliers carefully remove circlip 68 from the valve needle 61, followed by shim 69, trigger plate 65 and spring 60.
Discard the spring 60.
Using the threaded sleeve tool unscrew and remove the threaded sleeve 64 from the housing 24. Remove 'O' ring 62 from the
threaded sleeve and discard.
Remove the valve needle 61 from the housing 24, then remove and discard the spring 60 from the valve needle 61. Using a
scalpel cut 'O' ring 63 from the valve needle taking care not to damage the seal groove.
Using the valve seat tool unscrew the valve seat 59 and remove from the housing 24. Remove bonded seal 58 from valve seat
and discard.
Assemble in reverse order to dismantling noting the following points:
Clean all components before assembling.
Lubricate valve needle 61 shaft and seal groove with Molykote 111 grease and place the valve needle tool over the end of the
valve needle 61. Slide 'O' ring 63 over the valve needle sleeve and into the seal groove on valve needle. Remove the valve needle
sleeve from the valve needle.
Lubricate threaded sleeve 64 with Molykote 111 grease and place the threaded sleeve bullet over the end of the threaded sleeve.
Slide 'O' ring 62 over the threaded sleeve bullet and into the seal groove on threaded sleeve. Remove bullet from threaded sleeve.
DO NOT USE UNDUE FORCE when inserting the valve seat 59 into the housing 24.
When fitting threaded sleeve 64 into housing 24, ensure the component is screwed fully down until stopping against the valve seat
When fitting trigger plate 65, ensure correct orientation is achieved.
Using the trigger tool and pin 66 in place of the trigger lever 34, fully compress the trigger plate 65 into the threaded sleeve 64
against the spring 60. The end of the valve needle 61 will become exposed. Place the shim 69 over the valve needle and then
insert the circlip 68 into the groove using the circlip pliers. Release and remove the trigger tool.
H o u s i n g A s s e m b l y
The housing assembly consists of items 24 to 27, and 38, all of which are available as individual parts, subject to a minimum order
quantity. The assembly also contains items 39, 55, 56, 57, 70, 75 and 76. These parts are only available as a complete Housing
Hydraulic Kit (part number 71600-99607).
Completely remove the main internal mechanism from the left and right mouldings 41, 43, as described on page 5.
Do not remove screws 25, 38, from the housing 24.
Using medium screwdriver unscrew seal screw 75 from housing 24. Remove 'O' ring 76 from seal screw.
Using medium screwdriver unscrew inlet check valve 70 from housing 24.
In order to remove outlet check valve 55 the head assembly must be removed as described on page 7.
Using medium screwdriver unscrew outlet check valve 55 from housing 24. Remove 'O' ring 57 from outlet check valve and
Assemble in reverse order to dismantling.