MFL36546204en_2 12/31/07 2:05 PM Page 64
When 'Yes' is selected, the backup is cancelled and is
converted back to input mode. If more than two files are
transferred, the transferred file is stored, and the back-
up operations on the files in progress of transferring
and scheduled for backup are cancelled.
When 'No' is selected, returns to the backup process
C C a a n n c c e e l l : Close the Pop-up menu.
Repeatedly, press E E X X I I T T button to return to TV viewing or
press T T I I M M E E M M A A C C H H I I N N E E button to return to the H H o o m m e e
If the HDD has a problem performing a recording related
function, this message is displayed.
If the temperature is below zero (0°), a warning message is
displayed and you will not be able to use the TIME
MACHINE functions.
While backup is being
performed in the back-
ground, the status of
the copy progress can
be checked by pressing
the 'ENTER' button.
0%( 0/0 )
HDD initialization is in progress.
Cannot operate DVR at low temperature.