5.6 Air leaks
· They can be caused by a seal defect of a coupling; check all couplings by wetting with
soapy water.
5.7 Leak from the valve placed under the pressure switch
· a) If the leak happens while the compressor runs, the valve is damaged. Refer to your
dealer for replacing it.
· b) if the leak happens while teh compressor is switched off, the leak is caused by a
seal failure of the non return valve (See point 5.4.b).
5.8 The compressor starts and stops more frequently than usual
· a) Large amount of condensate in air tank. Remove condensate.
· b) Air leak (See point 5.6).
5.9 The compressor does not switch on when pressure is under the minimum level
and/or does not switch off at max pressure
· Wrong adjustment or defective pressure switch. Refer to your dealer for a new adjust-
ment or for the component replacing.