The appliance is factory set on a standard value (hardness 1).
The setting should be adjusted according to the level of hardness of the water
supply, which can be measured using the strip provided with the machine.
Briefly dip (1 second) the strip provided in water and shake it gently.
After one minute the test results can be read on the strip.
Hardness 4
Hardness 3
Hardness 2
Hardness 1
HARDNESS 4 (hard)
HARDNESS 3 (medium)
HARDNESS 2 (soft)
HARDNESS 1 (very soft)
HARDNESS 0 (descale control disabled)
After completing the test, set the corresponding value on the machine.
All the operations described in section 10 must be performed
exclusively by your service provider or a specialised technician,
who must organise all the operating sequences and use suitable
means to ensure strict compliance with current safety regulations.
The specialised technician or service provider can change some machine
operating parameters according to the personal needs of users.
There are two menus that can be used:
1 Programming menu;
2 Service menu.
Programming menu
To access the programming menu, proceed as follows:
1 Turn off the machine by pressing the ON/OFF switch,
2 Press the "large coffee" button and simultaneously turn the machine back
on by pressing the ON/OFF switch.
Section 10.4 lists all the functions available in this menu.
The menu must be PASSWORD protected.
The PASSWORD must be set during the machine initialisation pha-
se to prevent access of unauthorised personnel.
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Service menu
To access the service menu, proceed as follows:
1 Turn off the machine by pressing the ON/OFF switch,
2 Press the "STOP" button and simultaneously turn the machine back on by
pressing the ON/OFF switch.
Section 10.5 lists all the functions available in this menu.
The menu must be PASSWORD protected.
The PASSWORD must be set during the machine initialisation pha-
se to prevent access of unauthorised personnel.
Programming commands
When you access the machine programming or service menu, the keys take
on different functions.
"Page up/edit"
This key enables you to:
1 browse the pages of a menu;
2 change parameters once they
have been made editable with
the ENTER key.
"Page down/edit"
This key enables you to:
1 browse the pages of a menu;
2 change parameters once they
have been made editable with
the ENTER key.
"Select/confirm" (ENTER)
This key enables you to:
1 select the function displayed;
2 make
3 confirm a parameter/value once
it has been made editable.
This key can be pressed to exit
without saving changes to the edited
or selected parameter.