4. Touch
street key to dispay street
The street screen is displayed.
5. Choose desired street by typing on the
keyboard. The list of streets under this
letter will be displayed. Press up or down
button to go thru the list. Select your street.
button to return to the street
mode screen.
6. Touch the
postal code button to
dispay postal code.
Press the select key to dispaly the list
of the postal code. Select the desired code
and press return key.
Point of Interest Mode
1. Use Point of Interest option when you
are going to a public place or are looking
for some type of facility such as a gasoline
station. After selecting the Point of Interest
option, you must select the State/Province
where the destination is located.
NOTE: The system remembers the last State/
Province selected, so this step is not
necessary every time.
2. Point of Interest may be searched by
Category, City or Name.
• Use Category mode, if you are lookig for a
certain service or business, like nearest gas
• City mode - select the city by spelling it's
• Name mode - select the name by typing it.