Control-channel 6 - Rotating gobo-wheel, gobo shake
Decimal Hexad. Percentage S/F
0 9
00 09
0% 4%
10 19
0A 13
4% 7%
20 29
14 1D
8% 11%
30 39
1E 27
12% 15%
40 49
28 31
16% 19%
50 59
32 3B
20% 23%
60 69
3C 45
24% 27%
70 89
46 59
27% 35%
90 109
5A 6D
35% 43%
110 129
6E 81
43% 51%
130 149
82 95
51% 58%
150 169
96 A9
59% 66%
170 189 AA BD
67% 74%
190 255 BE FF
75% 100%
Control-channel 7 - Rotating gobo index, gobo rotation
Decimal Hexad. Percentage S/F
0 127
00 7F
0% 50%
128 187
80 BB
50% 73%
188 193 BC C1
74% 76%
194 255 C2 FF
76% 100%
Control-channel 8 - Rotating 3-facet-prism, macros
Decimal Hexad. Percentage S/F
0 3
00 03
0% 1%
4 63
04 3F
2% 25%
64 67
40 43
25% 26%
68 127
44 7F
27% 50%
128 135
80 87
50% 53%
136 143
88 8F
53% 56%
144 151
90 97
56% 59%
152 159
98 9F
60% 62%
160 167
A0 A7
63% 65%
168 175
66% 69%
176 183
B0 B7
69% 72%
184 191
72% 75%
192 199 C0 C7
75% 78%
200 207 C8 CF
78% 81%
208 215 D0 D7
82% 84%
216 223 D8 DF
85% 87%
224 231
E0 E7
88% 91%
232 239
91% 94%
240 247
F0 F7
94% 97%
248 255
97% 100%
Control-channel 9 - Focus
Decimal Hexad. Percentage S/F
0 255
00 FF
0% 100%
S Open
S Rot. gobo 1
S Rot. gobo 2
S Rot. gobo 3
S Rot. gobo 4
S Rot. gobo 5
S Rot. gobo 6
F Gobo 1 shake with increasing speed
F Gobo 2 shake with increasing speed
F Gobo 3 shake with increasing speed
F Gobo 4 shake with increasing speed
F Gobo 5 shake with increasing speed
F Gobo 6 shake with increasing speed
F Cont. gobo-wheel rotation with increasing speed
S Gobo indexing
F Forwards gobo rotation with decreasing speed
S No rotation
F Backwards gobo rotation with increasing speed
S Open
F Forwards rotation with decreasing speed
S No rotation
F Backwards rotation with increasing speed
S Macro 1
S Macro 2
S Macro 3
S Macro 4
S Macro 5
S Macro 6
S Macro 7
S Macro 8
S Macro 9
S Macro 10
S Macro 11
S Macro 12
S Macro 13
S Macro 14
S Macro 15
S Macro 16
F Continuous adjustment from near to far