Operation 5
Back to start position
The program is now back to the start position in SET mode with the program number
flashing. It is possible to go back to this position at any stage during programming in SET
mode by pressing EXIT or STOP. Note that the program is saved automatically when EXIT
is pressed.
Disabling the current check
See Section 5.4 if you want to use this feature.
Running a program
Connect the leads from the electrophoresis unit (red to red, and black or blue to blue).
Red is positive and black or blue negative. Up to two electrophoresis units can run at
the same voltage at one time. Please remember to double the maximum current and
power conditions if two units are to be run. Voltage will be the same regardless of how
many units are run. The current should also be doubled if two gels are run on the same
electrophoresis unit.
Choosing a program
Press SET and select the program you wish to run by pressing
until the value after
the "P" is correct. Confirm with ENTER.
(Omit this step if you have just programmed a method as described insection 5.2.)
Running a program is described schematically in Fig. 4.
Press RUN to start the electrophoresis. The display will show current values for voltage,
current, power and elapsed time or volthours. You can switch between showing the
elapsed time or volthours by
. The limiting parameter will attain the programmed
limit. The unit for that parameter is underlined. A light emitting diode shows when
voltage is applied (HV on). If no current is displayed, please check the electrical
connections to the electrophoresis equipment.
You can interrupt the electrophoresis for sample loading and/or changing parameter
values by pressing PAUSE CONTINUE. Voltage and current will no longer be supplied,
the HV on LED goes off, and you may safely load your samples. The display shows
the status of the run when PAUSE CONTINUE was pressed. Switch between time and
integrated voltage by pressing
. When sample loading is complete, press PAUSE
CONTINUE again or RUN and the run will continue from where it was interrupted.
When in the PAUSE mode you can also press SET to make changes in the program. This
mode is called the P-SET mode. When the P-SET mode is entered you can make changes
as described under programming. The P-SET mode is the same as the SET mode apart
from restrictions in setting the breakpoint. Naturally, it is not possible to enter a time or
volthour that is already passed.
Press EXIT or PAUSE CONTINUE to go back from P-SET to PAUSE. Press RUN or PAUSE
CONTINUE to proceed with the electrophoresis.
Electrophoresis Power Supply EPS 3501 User Manual 18-1130-21 Edition AD