Top-down/bottom-up setup with Pull (middle rail)
Top-down/bottom-up blinds are powered by two motors: one for the bottom rail (right motor)
and one for the middle rail (left motor). The motors need to be programmed individually: first
the middle rail motor and then the bottom rail motor.
To set the end limits for the top-down/bottom-up first lower the bottom rail and the middle rail
to the bottom position. And start to setup the end limits of the middle rail (left motor) with the
app or with the pull cord.
When setting up the positions with the pull function make sure the USB-C cable is connected and
powered (see page3). When your blind is positioned at your bottom position hold the end position
button until the blind moves up and down to save your bottom position.
Pull and hold the chain until the blind has reached the top position.
WARNING: risk of damage. Slowly approach the top position. If the blind moves in the opposite
direction, release the chain and pull and hold again.
Adjust until the desired top position has been reached.
When your blind is positioned at your top position hold the end position button until the blind
moves up and down to save your top position.