This paragraph lists uncommon terms or terms having a meaning other than the common one as well as the
abbreviations contained in the manual.
The uncommon terms are::
INTERVENTION ZONE zone circumscribing the area of installation where the presence of an exposed person
may result in risks for the safety and the health of this person (Annex I, 1.1.1 Directive 89/392/EEC);
EXPOSED PERSON any person standing completely or partially within a dangerous area (Annex I, 1.1.1
Directive 89/392/EEC);
INSTALLER person charged with the installation, operation, adjustment, maintenance and transport of the
device (Annex I, 1.1.1 Directive 89/392/EEC);
RESIDUAL RISK danger that could not be eliminated or sufficiently minimized during the designing phase.
The abbreviations are:
Cap. = Chapter
Par. = Paragraph
Pag. = Page
Tab. = Table
Min. = Minimum
Max. = Maximum
Fig. = Figure
1.2 Safety notices
The notices preceded by this symbol provide information, provisions or procedures that, when not strictly
observed, may result in injury, death or long-term risks for people or the environment.
The notices preceded by this symbol provide procedures or practical advice that, when not strictly observed,
may result in serious damage to the machine or the product.
The notices preceded by this symbol provide important information: the non-compliance with such
instructions voids the manufacturer's guarantee.
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