Read all instructions before assembling and using the soft carrier. Keep instructions for future use.
Failure to follow the manufacturer's instructions can result in death or serious injury. Only use this
carrier with children weighing between 8 and 35 pounds.
• Babies younger than 4 months can suffocate in this product if face is pressed tightly against
your body. Babies at greatest risk of suffocation include those born prematurely and those with
respiratory problems. •Check often to make sure the baby's face is uncovered, clearly visible, and
away from from the caregiver's body at all times. • Make sure the baby does not curl into a position
with the chin resting on or near the baby's chest. This position can interfere with breathing, even
when nothing is covering nose or mouth. • If you nurse your baby in carrier, always reposition after
feeding so baby's face is not pressed against your body. • Never use this carrier with babies smaller
than 8 pounds without seeking the advice of a health care professional.
• Leaning, bending over, or tripping can cause baby to fall. Keep one hand on baby while moving.
• Check to assure all buckles, snaps, straps, and adjustements are secure before each use. •
Check for ripped seams, torn straps or fabric and damaged fasteners before each use. • Ensure
proper placement of child in product including leg placement. • Premature infants, infants with
respiratory problems, and infants under 4 months are at greater risk of suffocation. • Never use
a soft carrier when balance or mobility is impaired because of exercise, drowsiness, or medical
conditions. • Never use a soft carrier while engaging in activities suck as cooking and cleaning
which involve a heat source or exposure to chemicals.
• Never wear a soft carrrier while driving or being a passenger in a motor vehicle.
• Antes de cada uso, comprueba si hay costuras rotas, correas o telas torcidas y elementos
fijos dañados. Si fuera el caso, no utilices el portabebés. • Siempre comprueba que todos los
nudos, hebillas, cierres, correas y ajustes estén seguros. • Asegúrate de que el bebé esté en una
posición segura de acuerdo a las instrucciones de uso del fabricante. • Nunca dejes un bebé en
un portabebés que nadie lleva puesto. • Comprueba a menudo si el bebé está bien colocado, y
asegúrate de volver a accomodarlo en la posición adecueda con frecuencia. • Nunca utilices un
portabebés cuando tu equilibrio o movilidad están limitados porque estás haciendo ejercicio,
padeces somnolencia o afecciones médicas. • Nunca coloques a más de un bebé en el portabebés.
• Nunca utilices/ lleves más de un portabebés a la vez. • Nunca lleves portabebés cuando
actividades como cocinar o limpiar implican la exposición a und fuente de calor o productos
químicos. • Nunco lleves un portabebés cuando estás conduciendo o vas como pasajero en un
Carrier should hold
baby in the same
position as you would
hold him in your arms
Correct: Baby is high on wearer's
chest, chin up, face visible, nose &
mouth free
Incorrect: Baby is too low, face is
pressed into wearer's body with
nose & mouth obstructed