• In this user manual, the term "press Start" means to simultaneously press both green buttons on
the MMI console (see buttons marked 2 and 3 in the figure below).
• The MMI is equipped with a screensaver that is displayed after 5 minutes of idle time. Press the
POOL and HOME buttons (see buttons marked 5 and 6 in Figure 1) to exit the screensaver mode.
• Some options in the MMI (pool profile setup) menus are blocked with a code to prevent erred
setting changes. The code sequence for unblocking these options is: 3, 2, and 1.
The WAVE 200 XL has the following alert LEDs:
• FILTER CHAMBER: This LED lights up when the filter is full and needs to be cleaned at the end
of the cleaning cycle. If this LED lights up mid-cycle, you do not need to immediately stop the
operation, and can wait until the cycle is completed. This LED indicator will automatically reset
when the robot starts a new cycle with a clean filter.
• ALERT: This LED lights up to indicate an error that stops the robot from functioning. In such cases,
inspect the robot to locate the problem and if it can be fixed, start the robot again. If the error
repeats itself, then details of the specific error will be displayed on the MMI screen. If this occurs,
contact your Maytronics dealer immediately.
User Instructions
Figure 1: Maytronics Machine Interactive (MMI) console