ISE Technique
ISE Calibration
1 . Prepare the electrode and standards for use according to the electrode user's
guide or instruction manual .
until the arrow icon is pointing to the ISE measurement line .
2 . Press
3 . Press
4 . Rinse the electrode, shake any excess deionized water off and blot dry, and
place into the least concentrated standard .
5 . Wait for ISE to stop flashing . Press
the standard .
6 . Press
to proceed to the next lowest calibration standard and repeat steps
4-5, working from lowest concentration to highest, or press
calibration .
7 . The slope will be displayed before the meter returns to the measurement mode .
is displayed in the lower field and the actual electrode slope, in mV, is
displayed in the main field .
Note: For a 2 or more point calibration the meter will automatically proceed
to measurement mode after 3 seconds . For a 1 point calibration the meter will
allow you to edit the slope then proceed to measurement mode .
Note: If editing a negative number for slope:
until no digit is blinking and the arrow icon is blinking.
to change the sign of the slope .
to save.
to change the value of
Thermo Scientific Orion Star
to save the
Series Meter