6. Error Messages/Troubleshooing
lfan error occurs during a measurement, the measurement is diScontinued
the device off and take a new measurement making sure you allow time
L .
for relaxation (example: error no. 1 l.
ER 1
The tube may have loosened, or no pulse
was detected.
proper cuff placement. "See section (5.3):
ER '2'
Unnatural pressure impulses influence
arm was moved during the measurement
ER 13
Inflation of the cuff takes too long. The
connection is not sealed.
~ER,.51' '
The difference between systolic and
diastolic is excesive. Measure again
carefully following proper cuff proce-
dures and ensure measurement under
quiet conditions. Contact your doctor if
this message occurs frequently.
The cuff pressure is too high. Relax for :5:
minutes and repeat the measurement.*
Repeat the measurement.*