- Adjust the current value to the diameter of the electrode (Fig.1 - 2), according to the
following table, to adjust the machines according to the electrode to be used and start
Electrode diameter (mm)
Adjusting current scope (Amp)
- Make the necessary connections to mains and earth as described in "Installation".
- Connect earth cable to positive plug by turning it firmly to right to assure a perfect electric
- Connect TIG torch power cable to negative plug by turning it to right to assure a perfect
electric contact.
- Connect gas tube to gas bottle. Check the content of gas bottle, and replace it, if necessary.
- Adjust gas flow 6 l/min and 12 l/min according to the value of the current.
- Apply a tungsten electrode on TIG torch. The electrode must be sharpening according the
welding method: TIG DC (tip sharpen).
- Turn the main switch on rear panel to ON position.
- The Power ON indicator lights, indicating that machine is under voltage.
- Select LIFTIG* (TIG welding with contact ignition). There is the PULSED welding mode
available (both indicators are lit respectively).
1-open gas
LIFTIG ignition (by contact) should be used when the high frequency radiations could disturb
the functioning of electronic devices near the welding zone (computers, pace-makers, medical
tools, etc).
Æ 2,0
Æ 2,5
50 - 70
60 - 100
3- arc ignition
Æ 3,2
Æ 4,0
80 - 150
130 - 200
4-w elding
Æ 5,0
Æ 6,0
150 - 260
200 - 360
6-close gas