8.1.g - Alarms list (only for models
with integrated drive mecha-
nisms) (Fig. 15)
When a machine malfunction occurs, various
bars, which correspond to specific alarms,
will flash on the display (1). The alarms
which correspond to each bar are described
In order to restore the machine's proper func-
tionality, consult the list below and perform
the recommended procedures.
If the recommended actions should not re-
solve the problem, contact Technical Assist-
Fixed bars (not flashing), on the other hand,
indicate the battery charge status:
1 Bar: minimum charge;
10 Bars: maximum charge;
Alarms list:
The batteries need to be recharged.
Check the connection between the motor and the electronic card.
The drive motor has short circuited.
Contact technical assistance
The battery charge has dropped below the configured threshold. The elec-
tronic card has inhibited certain functions.
Recharge the batteries
No function assigned.
The electronic card has deactivated the drive motor. The battery charger is
probably connected.
Accelerator alarm (red levers on the handlebar unit).
Make sure that the accelerator is in its central position upon machine start
Fig. 15