Transfer with IR-RS232 adapter
Transfer with IR-USB adapter
a) Open LabX direct pH, Hyperterminal or BalanceLink.
b) Adjust the settings for data transfer as follows:
Baud rate: 9600
Data bits: 8
Parity: none
Stop bits: 1
Handshake: none
c) Connect the *adapter to the PC and point the IR window of the meter to the IR receiver.
d) Select the item in the data menu to start the transfer.
* If the computer has a built-in IR window, no adapter is needed.
4.12 Temperature compensation
We recommend the use of either a built-in or a separate temperature probe. If a temperature probe is
used, ATC and the sample temperature are displayed. If no temperature sensor is used, MTC is dis-
played and the sample temperature should be entered manually. The meter accepts only an NTC 30 kΩ
tem per a ture sensor.
In the pH and ion mode, the meter calculates the temperature-adjusted electrode slope using this tem per-
a ture and shows the temperature-compensated pH/ion value in the measurement display.
In the conductivity mode, the meter uses this temperature to calculate with the entered alpha-coefficient
(or with non-linear correction) the conductivity value back to the chosen reference temperature.
pH/ORP/Ion/Conductivity meter SG78
Operating the pH/ORP/Ion/Conductivity meter SG78