The servodrive is equipped with several self-diagnosis functions and messages on
it display to help the user to identify abnormalities and problems with the servodrive
or it installation.
The Safe Torque Off function, in special, is equipped with a very accurate self-diagnosis
circuit, which guarantees that even under a fault, the safety is not affected. Faults
in the safety installation are reported as "F0160". This includes also some external
misconnections of the safety signals.
Examples of external faults that may cause the Fault "F0160":
Discrepancy time between STO inputs higher than 1 s.
One of the STO inputs is not operating, i.e., closing or opening when commanded.
One of the STO signals has a Stuck-at fault.
The STO signals are short-circuited.
There is a misconnection at the connector X7. See
Figure 3.5 on page
If the Fault "F0160" is shown at the servodrive's display and no external faults can be
identified, than is possible that there is an internal fault on the Safety Board. In this
case, the servodrive must be submitted to Service. Contact your local WEG supplier
to get information on how to proceed.
If a fault on the servodrive is identified, it shall be submitted only to a
WEG Service center. Never try to fix or allow a person non authorized
by WEG to fix the servodrive. In the same way, do not use spare parts
to repair the product. The safety of the product depends not only on
values of components but also on type and quality of the components
used. The safety guarantee of the product is automatically lost if any
violation of the product occurs.
The Functional Safety circuits of the SCA06 were designed in such a
way that no maintenance or regular tests are necessary. The circuit
checks itself at determined intervals and the servodrive informs if any
problem is detected. Additionally, if a malfunction occurs, the safety
circuits are designed in such a way that it fails in a safe way.
Figure 3.4 on page 16
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