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Important; Care & Maintenance - DuraMax Apex Pro 40216 Manual Del Propietário

Jardín de vinilo cubierto


For your own safety, please read and follow these instructions during the shed assembly.
1 . C h eck your local building codes regarding f ootings, location, etc.
2 . S elect a site th at allow s enough w ork ing space around th e sh ed.
3 . D etermine building f oundation and anch or system.
4 . R ead and understand th e O w ner' s manual enclosed in th e pack age.
5 . F ollow all directions and dimensions th orough ly.
6 . F ollow th e steps given in th e manual caref ully f or correct assembly.
7 . M ak e sure all parts are present bef ore you start assembling.
8 . BE SAFE : F ollow saf ety instructions and avoid injury. (S ee inside page).
9 . GROUND MUST BE EVEN : Make sure the foundation frame lies flat on the ground. If the earth bed is uneven, remove
1 0 . S eparate contents of th e carton by th e part number and review th e list. B e sure you h ave all th e necessary parts f or your sh ed.
R ef er to O w ner' s manual f or part list
1 . Alw ays w ear w ork gloves, long sleeves and eye protection during assembly of th e sh ed. S ome
pieces of th e sh ed contain sh arp edges and can cause injury.
2 . B e cautious w ith th e tools used f or th e assembly of th e sh ed.
F amiliariz e yourself w ith th e operation of all th e pow er tools.
3 .C h ildren and pets sh ould be k ept aw ay f rom th e assembly site to avoid any
distractions and accidents.
4 . W h en using a step ladder, mak e sure it is on even ground and
f ully open w ith th e saf ety latch in place. N ever concentrate your f ull
w eigh t on th e roof or any part of th e sh ed.
5 . D o not attempt to assemble th e sh ed on a w indy day.
S h ed panels can be w h ipped across by th e w ind mak ing th e
worksite difficult and dangerous.
W ear eye protection w h en using any f orm of pow er tools. D o not use voltage pow er tools in a w et or damp
environment to avoid electric sh ock .
D o not use any part of th e sh ed as a means of personal support w h ile attach ing components during assembly.
The shed must be constructed on a solid base foundation. A concrete pad or large siz e concrete patio
stone squares is recommended for suitable floor base. Make sure it is firm and level and will allow drainage
aw ay f rom th e site. T h e base f oundation sh ould be at least 4 inch es (1 0 0 mm) larger th an th e sh ed dimensions.
P lease ref er to th e f ront page of your ow ner' s manual f or th e exterior dimensions of th e sh ed. Manufacturer is
not responsible for the choice and construction of the foundation.
For a concrete pad base, prepare a level bed for a firm footing layer of crushed stone. The concrete pad
sh ould th en be poured to a th ick ness of 4 inch es (1 0 0 mm) to 5 inch es (1 2 5 mm). Allow to dry th orough ly
f or at least 4 8 h ours.
our shed must be firmly anchored to the concrete pad or large concrete patio stone squares, to help protect
against damage in h igh w inds.
Although this unit does not req uire any maintenance, care should be taken to prolong the life of your shed.It is for
one time assembling and set up, no purpose of re-using.
ROOF : K eep roof clean of leaves and snow w ith long h andled, sof t bristled broom. H eavy amounts
of snow on th e roof can damage th e sh ed mak ing it unsaf e. " Do not walk on roof surfaces! Risk of falling! " .
WALLS : D o not rest any object against th e w all panels of th e sh ed.
DOORS : K eep doors closed to prevent w ind damage.
FASTENERS : R egularly ch eck your sh ed f or loose screw s, bolts, nuts, etc. and retigh ten th em as necessary.
MOISTURE : W ith ch anging temperatures, condensation w ill accumulate inside th e sh ed. G ood
ventilation w ill h elp in regulating and avoid moisture.
TIP : A noncorrosive caulk ing is h elpf ul to seal th e sh ed
Before You Begin...
sod and other debris and level it with a flat shoval.
Care & Maintenance
DO NOT store Inflammable,Hazardous and Swimming pool chemicals in your
building.Combustibles and corrosives must be stored in air tight containers.
Safety First !



