The replacement of the membrane should be done when the user has appreciated that it has lost quality, either by use or by damage thereof. The steps
for this replacement are as follows:
1. Using your thumb pressure to remove the ring and the corresponding membrane. With no membrane, then clean the chestpiece of the stethoscope
2. Align the new membrane with the chestpiece.
3. Check that the position of the ring corresponds to the graph on the right, i.e., the thickest part should look inward and the finest one in contact with
the patient
4. Insert the ring laterally and guide with the fingers to make it enter completely.
5. Press with your thumb to finish locating it carefully not to bend and damage the membrane.
6. Check that the ring fixes completely the membrane and there are no exposed parts.
5.4 Technical service
Modifications to the product are not permitted. It must be repaired by authorised personnel. For repairs, send equipment to:
eKuore Technical Service
C/ Valencia 45 B. 46100
Burjasot, Valencia. España
Outside Spain, for information on the maintenance and repair of eKuore Pro® Series, contact an authorized distributor or send an email to: