You can cancel the blood pressure measurement at any time by pressing the START/STOP
again. Cancelled blood pressure measurements are not stored.
3. The results are displayed on the display as soon as the blood pressure measurement is complete.
4. To switch off the device, press the START/STOP button
switches off automatically.
Wait at least 5 minutes before taking another measurement!
5.4 Evaluating measurement results
The measured values can be classified and evaluated in accordance with the following table.
However, these standard values serve only as a general guideline, as the individual blood pressure
varies in different people and different age groups etc.
It is important to consult your doctor regularly for advice. Your doctor will tell you your individual val-
ues for normal blood pressure as well as the value above which your blood pressure is classified as
The bar chart on the display shows which category the recorded blood pressure values fall into. If the
values of systole and diastole fall into two different categories (e.g. systole in the 'High normal' cate-
gory and diastole in the 'Normal' category), the graphical classification on the device always shows
the higher category; for the example given this would be 'High normal'.
Blood pressure value cate-
Level 3: severe hypertension
Level 2: moderate hypertension 160 – 179
Level 1: mild hypertension
High normal
Source: WHO, 1999 (World Health Organization)
100029_MEDEL CONNECT CARDIO MB10_USER MANUAL_REV.00_20.06.2016.indd 69
(in mmHg)
(in mmHg)
100 – 109
140 – 159
90 – 99
130 – 139
85 – 89
120 – 129
80 – 84
or wait for 2 minutes until the device
seek medical attention
seek medical attention
regular monitoring by doctor
regular monitoring by doctor
23/06/2016 14:35:29