Disconnect the connected handset device
This feature will disconnect the Bluetooth
remain paired with the system.
1 Activate the SETUP menu.
2 When prompted, say "DISCONNECT <DEVICE NAME>", where <device name> is the friendly
name for the handset device you want to disconnect. For example 'Disconnect Jenny's Phone'.
The hands-free system responds: Disconnecting <device name>.
Upon successful disconnection, the hands-free system responds: Disconnection complete.
Or use the UIM: A press and hold of the END button will disconnect the connected handset
Removing a paired handset device
This feature will remove the handset device from the device list. The handset device will no longer
be paired with the hands-free system. To reconnect the handset device the pairing procedure must
be redone.
1 Activate the SETUP menu.
2 When prompted, say "REMOVE <DEVICE NAME>", where <device name> is the friendly name
for the handset device you want to remove. For example 'Remove Jenny's Phone'.
The hands-free system responds: Removing <device name>. Are you sure?
4 Say "YES".
Upon successful removal, the hands-free system responds: Device Removed.
Removing all paired handset devices
1 Activate the SETUP menu.
2 When prompted, say "REMOVE ALL DEVICES".
The hands-free system responds: Are you sure you want to remove all devices?
4 Say "YES".
Upon successful removal, the hands-free system responds: All Devices Removed.
Using the device list
Alternatively the handset devices can be managed using the "LIST DEVICES" command.
Listing the handset devices in the device list.
1 Activate the SETUP menu.
2 When prompted, say "LIST DEVICES".
The hands-free system begins to list the devices paired: First device <device A>, next device
<device B>... , last device <device D>.
If a handset device is connected to the hands-free system: Connected will be played after that
device is listed.
Note: To move quickly through the device list, you can say "PREVIOUS DEVICE" or "NExT
link to the handset device. The handset device will