The burner does not need particular
maintenance, it will be otherwise better to
check periodically that the gas filter is
clean and the ionisation electrode efficient.
The cleaning of the combustion head may
result necessary.
For this reason it's necessary to
disassemble the head's components. The
reassembly operation must be done
carefully so as to avoid the or in short
circuit with following burner's lock."Check
the safety devices (thermostats, pressure
switches, etc.) to make sure they are in
perfect working order."
The burner operates fully automatically;
therefore it is non necessary to carry out
any kind at adjustment during its
operation. The "block" position is a safety
position reached by the burner
automatically when some of the
components of the burners or the plant
do not work properly. It is necessary to
check then whether the cause to the
problem is a dangerous one before
unblocking the burner. The causes to the
block may be temporary, for example
when air in inside the pipes. When it is
unblocked, the burner starts operating
properly. If the burner stops three or four
times at a stretch, it is necessary either to
look for the cause to the problem and
solve it or ask for the intervention of the
after sales service.
The burner can remain in the "block"
position without any limit in time. In
emergency cases it is advisable and to close the fuel valve, to disconnect the burner electrically.
It is normally advisable to avoid connecting a burner that operates on a water heating boiler with two flames. In this
case, the burner may operate even for long periods with just one flame. The boiler is thus insufficiently heated (i.e. low
fuel flow rate); as a result, the products of fumes combustion are given out at an extremely low temperature (less than
dew point), leading to the formation of condensate in the chimney. When the two-flame burner is installed on a boiler
for the production of heating water, it must be connected in such a way as to operate at normal speed, with both
flames stopping completely, without passing to the first flame, when the predefined temperature is reached. To obtain
this special type of functioning, the second flame thermostat must not be installed, and a direct connection (bridge)
must be made between the respective terminals of the appliance.