Front & Rear Panel Descriptions –
1. Power Connector & Switch
Connect the supplied AC power cord
to this IEC jack. The power switch turns the mixer on and off.
2. 48V Phantom Power Switch
3. XLR Inputs
Connect a balanced mic or line-level signal using
an XLR connector.
4. USB I/O
A 4x2 interface allowing you to stream audio to and
from the mixer via computer.
5. Line Inputs
Connect a balanced or unbalanced line-level signal
using a 1/4" connector.
6. Insert
Connect a serial effects processor, such as a compressor
or gate, using a 1/4" Y cable.
7. Aux
Adjusts the level sent from the channel Aux to the Aux send.
8. Gain
Adjusts the input sensitivity.
9. Low Cut Switch
Cuts bass frequencies below 100 Hz at a slope
of 18 dB per octave.
10. Equalization
Boost or cut the level at certain frequencies
to enhance the sound.
11. Pan/Bal
Adjusts how much of the signal is sent to the left
and right outputs.
12. Mute and OL LED
Mutes the channel signal. The OL LED
illuminates when a signal is too high or if the mute switch
is engaged.
13. Channel Fader
Adjusts the level to the main mix.
14. PFL/AFL Solo Switch
Allows you to listen to individual channels
singly or in combination with other soloed signals. The rude
solo LED flashes when solo switches are engaged.
15. Assign and Solo Switches
channel's signal to the bus(es) or Solo(s).
16. Main Out L/R
Connect to the inputs of amplifiers, powered
speakers, or a serial effects processor.
17. Main Mix
Adjusts the level of the signal sent to the main
18. Phones
Connect stereo headphones here.
19. Preset Selector and Display, Int FX Mute Switch and LED
Turn the preset selector to choose an effect. The display shows
the number of the currently selected effects preset. Engage the
int FX mute to mute the internal effects processor and illuminate
the adjacent mute LED.
20. Phones
Controls the headphone output level.
21. Compressor
Reduces the dynamic range of input signals or
Provides 48V, affecting all XLR jacks
Determines the destination of the
22. Sub Assign Switches
Assign each subgroup to the main left
and/or right buses.
23. Sub 1-4 Faders
Control the levels of the signals sent to
the sub outs and or main mix.
24. Tape Inputs / Outputs
RCA inputs allow you to connect a line-
level source. RCA outputs allow you to record the main stereo mix.
25. 2-Track Return
Controls and source selection and level for the
2-Track Return.
26. Aux Master Control
Controls the level being sent from the Aux
27. Aux Send
1/4" outputs fed from the Aux Master controls.
28. Return Master Controls
Master level controls for the Stereo
Returns signal paths.
29. St/Return Inputs
Connect the stereo processed outputs
of an effects processor to these 1/4" TRS jacks.
30. Main Meters
Used to gauge the soloed input or output levels
to ensure that the signals are not clipping.
31. Stereo Line Inputs
Connect stereo balanced or unbalanced line-
level signals using 1/4" connectors.
32. Group Outs and Insert Connections
Subgroups. Insert a serial effects processor on the subgroups, such
as a compressor or gate, using a 1/4" Y cable.
33. Left/Right and Mono Outs
or to monitor soloed channels.
34. Aux Inserts
Connect a serial effects processor to the Aux, such
as a compressor or gate, using a 1/4" Y cable.
35. Talkback Mic Input
Connect an external talkback mic.
36. Pad Switch
When engaged, reduces input level by -20dB.
37. Pre Fader Switch
Determines if Aux sends 3/4 are Pre or Post
38. Int FX 1-2 / Aux Sends 5/6 Switch
are feeds to the internal FX or Aux 5/6 output.
39. FX Switch
When engaged, returns the FX to the stereo channel.
40. USB Switch
Routes stereo playback via the USB connection into
the channel (instead of the line inputs).
41. USB Out Switchs
Used to control the USB output routing.
42. Talkback Master Controls
Used to control the Talkback mic
routing and level.
1/4" outputs fed from the
Use for additional main mix outputs
Determines if Aux sends 5/6
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