MANUAL Pass-Through Cable Guides
Typical Installation
1. Place cable guide on top of ladder rung (see Fig. 4a).
2. Install U-bolt around underside of ladder rung and through holes
provided in cable guide.
3. Install washers and torque fasteners to 20 plus or minus 2 ft. lbs.
Typical Installation
90 Degree Installation
Note: High wind areas permit rotating the end of this cable
guide 90 degrees in either direction. When installation requires
this option, cable guides should be alternated from left to right
throughout the length of the system.
1. Remove fasteners from cable guide end.
2. Rotate end 90 degrees and reinsert fasteners (see Fig. 4b).
3. Torque fasteners to 20 plus or minus 2 ft. lbs.
4. To install cable guide with 90 degree end, follow above
procedure except insert U-bolt through the two holes
furthest from the cable end on the guide bracket.
5.4 Installation of Bottom
Bracket Assembly
WARNING: Inspect the bottom bracket assembly.
Do not use if there are any damaged or missing
components. Missing, damaged or omitted
components can result in the bracket slipping
under a load.
1. Place bottom bracket against the rungs of the
ladder at the desired location aligning the bracket
so that the ladder rung is centered between the two
vertically placed holes in the bottom of the bracket.
(see Fig. 5).
2. Install bolts through holes in bottom of bracket and
through plate on opposite side, including washers,
as shown. Torque fasteners to 20 plus or minus
2 ft. lbs.
3. Install U-bolts around ladder rung at top of bracket
and through mounting plate. Install washers and
torque fasteners to 20 plus or minus 2 ft. lbs.
Us er Instruct i o n s - E n g l i sh
90 Degree Installation
Fig. 4a
Fig. 4b
Fig. 5