Insert the top rudder lift line through the hole in the top fitting of the rudder deployment control line (B6) and pull until all slack
rope is taught. Position the top control fitting of the rudder deployment control line (B6) so that it is 3 ½" behind the final round
deck fitting (B4) and tie an overhand knot. Pull knot into the fitting.
Raise the rudder (B) so the blade is resting in the rudder rest slot on the stern deck of the boat. Insert the bottom rudder lift
line through the hole in the bottom fitting of the rudder deployment control line (B6) and pull until all slack lift line rope is
taught. Position the bottom control fitting of the rudder deployment control line (B6) so that it is 3 ½" behind the final round
deck fitting (B4) and tie an overhand knot. Pull knot into the fitting.
Wilderness Systems, 575 Mauldin Road, Suite 200, Greenville, SC 29607
Wilderness Systems, 575 Mauldin Road, Suite 200, Greenville, SC 29607