8. Gently squeeze
9. With test strip
a drop onto
still in meter,
a small piece
bring Tip of test
of unused
strip to top of
aluminum foil,
sample drop
clear plastic
after Drop
wrap, or waxed
Symbol appears
paper . Wipe off
in the Display.
bottle tip and
Allow drop to
discard tissue.
be drawn into
test strip.
10. Remove test
11. After testing is finished,
strip from drop
result appears in the meter
when dashes
Display with the Control
appear across
the meter
Display. Meter
is testing.
Control Solution
Bottle Label
Test Strip Vial Label
(Examples only and do not represent
actual Control Test ranges)
12. Compare result to Control
13. After result is
Test Range printed on the
shown, remove
test strip vial label for the
test strip from
level of control solution
meter and
you are testing. If result
discard. Meter
is in range, system can be
turns off. Recap
used for testing blood.
control solution
bottle tightly.
If result is not within
range, perform Control
Test again.
If Control Test result is still outside the range after a
second Control Test, do not use the system for test-
ing blood. Call 1-800-803-6025, Monday - Friday,
~ If test strip is removed before testing is finished,
an error message appears. Discard old test strip
and retest using a new test strip.
~ Do not put control solution drop on top of test
~ Do not add sample drop to test strip and insert
that end into the meter. Meter will be damaged.
~ If meter does not begin testing soon after
drawing up sample, discard test strip. Repeat
with a new test strip. If problem persists, see
~ Removing the test strip before result is displayed
cancels the test. An error message appears and
the result is not stored in Memory. Retest with
a new test strip and do not remove before result
is displayed.