Fingertip Testing
7. Lance fingertip.
8. With test strip
Allow blood drop to
in Meter, bring
form (see Obtaining
Tip of test strip
a Blood Sample,
to top of blood
pages 24-27).
drop after Drop
Symbol appears
in the Display.
Allow blood to
be drawn into
the test strip.
9. Remove test strip
10. After testing is
from drop when
finished, result
dashes appear
appears in the
across the meter
meter Display.
Display. Meter is
Record result in
log book.
11. Remove test strip from meter and discard
according to your Doctor or Heathcare
Professional's instructions. Meter turns off.
Result is stored in the Memory.
Used test strips and lancets may be considered
biohazardous. Please discard them carefully
according to your Doctor or Heathcare Profes-
sional's instructions.
~ If test strip is removed before testing is
finished, an error message appears. Discard
old test strip and retest using a new test strip.
~ Do not place blood drop on top of test strip.
~ Do not add blood drop to test strip and insert
that end into meter. Meter will be damaged.
~ Removing the test strip before result is
displayed cancels the test. An error message
appears. Result is not stored in Memory.
Retest with a new test strip. Do not remove
before result is displayed.