Tabla de contenido


effet, certains éléments extérieurs (usure
générale, certains chocs...) pourraient nuire
aux caractéristiques de sécurité de cet
élément de protection essentiel.
SHarK se réserve la possibilité d'effec-
tuer des opérations au titre de la garantie
avec des pièces de remplacement dans la
dernière version adaptable sur le modèle
concerné et ne peut garantir une par-
faite adaptation des peintures ou décors,
lié à des productions spécifiques et/ou des
séries limitées. De plus, l'altération naturelle
des couleurs dans le temps peut également
provoquer une distorsion dans l'adaptation
de celles des pièces de rechange.
Si SHarK n'est pas en mesure d'assurer
la réparation pour une raison technique
ou une disponibilité de composant, SHarK
s'engage à proposer, à des conditions avan-
tageuses pour le client et en tenant compte
de la vétusté de son casque, soit un casque
neuf identique, soit un modèle équivalent
produit au moment de la demande, si celui-
ci n'est plus disponible.
You have recently purchased a SHarK
helmet for your safety and pleasure. It has
been designed with the greatest care to
satisfy your every requirement.
For your safety, and that of your passenger,
you must respect all the rules of prudence
when using your two-wheeled vehicle. The
SHarK 5-Year warranty guarantees the
initial purchaser that any possible manu-
facturing fault or material defect will be
covered by the SHarK warranty.
If during the warranty period (5 years as
from the date of purchase), a problem
covered by the warranty were to arise,
SHarK, through the intermediary of its
sales network, undertakes to repair or
ManuelS600-final110110.indd 33

5 year Warranty

replace any defective components, up to
a maximum limit which is the purchase
value of the helmet. Any labour costs are
normally paid by the SHarK network, but
are submitted for approval prior to the work
being carried out. If the repair requires
components to be dispatched incurring
transportation costs, the SHarK network
shall cover these costs up to a limit which is
the cost of transport by the national postal
service at the normal rate.
This warranty only covers problems related
to materials or manufacturing.SHarK cannot
be held liable with regard to the product in the
following cases:
Any damage following
1) a fall or accident
2) a technical modification made by the
user or a third party (glue, adhesives, paint,
screws, etc.)
3) use of or contact with: harmful chemical
products (including methylated spirits on
the visor treatments), or an intense heat
4) incorrect use: abnormal conditions
(e.g. underwater), lack of maintenance or
5) ageing due to normal wear of the inner
fabrics or foams, the appearance of the
external parts, or the visor (scratches,
marks, etc.)
6) abnormal and prolonged exposure to
ultra-violet light, in particular for the deco-
rative colours. in addition, SHarK cannot
consider subjective considerations related
to use of the helmet as defects covered by
the warranty: problems with comfort, size,
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Tabla de contenido

Tabla de contenido