The section shared by the BGSM-100 and BGSM-120 series includes the following pages.
Phonebook: Telephone contact list page.
Options: Options page.
GPRS: GPRS parameters page.
Status: Page used to check the status of the Communicator.
PTM: PTM function setup page.
The following pages only apply to the BGSM-120 Communicator series.
I/O: Communicator output/input parameter programming page.
Voice Dialer: Page used to set all parameters relating to the voice dialer.
SMS Dialer: Page is used to program all SMS dialer options.
Voice Message: Page used to manage voice messages.
To start the configuration of a new Customer, click on File->New.
To display the list of customers stored in the archive, select the menu command File->Open. This section will allow you
to delete or retrieve configuration data, as follows:
1. Using the right button on the mouse, click on the Customer's name.
2. Click Load
upload the respective data from the Hard-Disk, or Delete selected customer
You can load the configuration data by double clicking the respective name field.
You can list Customers in alphabetical or code order by clicking the heading of the column concerned.
The configuration data are grouped in the following pages. The (Status) page is for ―Supervisory and Control‖ purposes. All
the pages are described in detail in this section.
The Telephone Page phonebook holds 100 telephone numbers.
The remaining balance on the pre-paid SIM card is sent via SMS to phone number #1.
Description: Enter an alphanumeric string of up to 16 characters.
Telephone number: Enter a phone number including the country code in the format "+xxx" (e.g.: +39 for Italy). A
maximum of 16 digits is allowed (the plus sign "+" counts as a digit).
Activates Output: select the telephone numbers which can activate the outputs T1 (OC1), T2 (OC2) and T3 (OC3) when
the Communicator receives a call from them. This function does not depend on the White List or Black List options
(Options page->Dial options). The Calling Line Identifier service must be enabled before the output can be activated.
In the BGSM-100 series, it is possible to only activate the T3 output (OC3).
To activate the output in the BGSM-120 series, programme the T1 (OC1), T2 (OC2) and T3 (OC3) terminals as
"Output" and enable "Reserved Output" (see pages referring to I/O->Type and I/O->Reserved Output).
Ouput Activation Confirmation: this option is only available for the BGSM-120 series; tick this box to receive a
confirmation ring once the output has been activated.
— the ring will be received 1 minute after the output has been activated;
— if the transmitter is already in operation (for example: the GSM channel is busy with a voice communication),
the confirmation ring will not take place;
— the option ―Ouput Activation Confirmation‖ cancels the incoming call after approximately 5 s, even if the
"Black list" option is not enabled.
White List: Enable or disable the White List area would allow the Communicator to accept or refuse incoming
calls. The Communicator accepts incoming calls, forwarding them to the telephone devices connected to LI terminals
(such as a burglar alarm control panel); this is possible only if LI is active as a simulated line via GSM. The functioning
mode of the White List option is linked to the selection or non-selection of the Black List, area which is present
on the inside of the Options page->Dial options, as seen in the following table:
to delete the data configuration.
GSM/GPRS Alarm Communicators